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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:46:49 -0400
text/plain (139 lines)
A lot of the senators went home between 1:00 am & 5:00 pm.  There is 
an article out today that says that the cots weren't even used.
What drives me nuts is when I here Harry Reed say that we've lost the 
war.  Well, if we've lost, does that mean that Alkayta won?  I'm just 
climbing the walls with all this nonsense  and my two senators are 
two of the worst!  I'll admit that!    I'm tired of the stunts and 
grand standing when our boys are over there fighting for them to have 
the right to make fools of themselves.  In the mean time, our borders 
go unprotected and nothing of real substance is done to keep our 
country safe and secure.  To me, it's like Nero fiddling while Rome 
burned.  That's all that is being accomplished here and that idiocy 
isn't worth one drop of our soldiers' blood.

At 02:33 PM 7/19/2007, you wrote:
>Oh boy. Don't get me started on this one Kathy lol. I only heard 
>about the political lock in bit from my employee so far and find the 
>stomach   nauseated with  hype. Are you saying they didn't even stay 
>after the hoop-a-la? I like the jester bit :). Let's start seeing 
>term limits, no re-elects, publically funded campaigns with no lobby 
>money and a impartial audit of the books.
>At 07:22 PM 7/18/2007, you wrote:
>>Oh Phil,
>>I love this one!  At least, a new forward with a very true 
>>message.  Thank you.This is up there with the Noah's Ark one.
>>  You know, I hate to say it, and I'll probably get in deep water 
>> for this one, but I have to admit that, last night, during that 
>> all night drama session, put on by our senators, who, evidently 
>> didn't even really stay there, I couldn't help but entertain 
>> thoughts of, well, shall we say, thoughts of proof that terrorism 
>> is alive and well in our world.  Don't worry, I've repented, but I 
>> am just so frustrated with the crowd  of jesters who claim to be 
>> running our country right now, who's main concern is getting 
>> re-elected, not preserving or protecting our nation, that I could scream!
>>Kathy  Who had better not say anything more for fear that the 
>>monitoring police will take her away and convict her of, conspiracy?
>>At 02:56 PM 7/18/2007, you wrote:
>>>Little Red Hen
>>>      Once upon a time, on a farm in Texas, there was a little red
>>>hen who scratched about the barnyard until she uncovered quite a
>>>few grains of wheat.  She called all of her neighbors together and
>>>said, "If we  plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat.  Who
>>>will help me plant it?"
>>>      "Not I," said the cow.
>>>      "Not I," said the duck.
>>>      "Not I," said the pig.
>>>      "Not I," said the goose.
>>>      "Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen And so
>>>she did and The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden
>>>grain.  "Who will  help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red
>>>      "Not I," said the duck.
>>>      "Out of my classification," said the pig.
>>>      "I'd lose my seniority," said the cow.
>>>      "I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.
>>>      "Then I shall do it by myself," said the little red hen, and
>>>so she  did.
>>>      At last it came time to bake the bread.  "Who will help me
>>>bake the bread?" asked the little red hen.
>>>      "That would be overtime for me," said the cow.
>>>      "I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck.
>>>      "I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig.
>>>      "If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination," said
>>>the goose.
>>>      "Then I shall do it by myself," said the little red hen.
>>>      She baked  five loaves and held them up for all of her
>>>neighbors to see.  They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a
>>>share.  But the little red hen said,  "No, I shall eat all five
>>>      "Excess profits!" cried the cow.  (Pelosi)
>>>      "Capitalist leech!" screamed the duck.  (Boxer)
>>>      "I demand equal rights!" yelled the goose.  (Jesse Jackson)
>>>      The pig just grunted in disdain.  (Hoffa)
>>>      They all painted "Unfair!" picket signs and marched around
>>>and  around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.
>>>      Then a government agent came, he said to the little red hen,
>>>"You must not be so greedy."
>>>      "But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.
>>>      "Exactly," said the agent.  "That is what makes our free
>>>enterprise system so wonderful.  Anyone in the barnyard can earn
>>>as much as he wants.  But under our modern government
>>>regulations, the productive workers must divide the fruits of
>>>their labor with those who are lazy  and idle.)
>>>      Then they all lived happily ever after, including the little
>>>red hen,  who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, for now I truly
>>>understand,"  But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her.
>>>She never again baked bread because she joined the "party" and got
>>>her bread free.  And all the Democrats smiled.  Fairness had been
>>>established.  Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed;
>>>perhaps no one cared as long as there was free bread that "the
>>>rich" were paying for.
>>>      Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs.  Hillary
>>>got $8 million for hers.  That's $20 million for memories from two
>>>people, who for eight years, repeatedly testified, under oath,
>>>that they couldn't remember  anything.