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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Oct 2007 13:11:42 -0600
text/plain (114 lines)
                     SPIRITUAL IDENTITY

I am a new creation.  2 Cor. 5:17
I am a saint.  1 Cor. 1:2
I am a servant of righteousness.  Rom. 6:18
I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in light. 
Col. 1:12
I am a chosen generation.  1 Peter 2:9
I am a fellow citizen of the saints.  Eph. 2:19
I am a joint-heir with Christ.  Rom. 8:17
I am a royal priesthood.  1 Peter 2:9
I am a child of God.  Rom. 8:16
I am a king unto God.  Rev. 1:6
I am a priest unto God.  Rev. 1:6
I am a partaker of the heavenly calling.  Heb. 3:1
I am a partaker of God's divine nature.  2 Peter 1:3
I am accepted in Christ.  Eph. 1:6
I am alive in Christ.  Rom. 6:8
I am an overcomer.  1 John 5:4
I am an heir of God.  Gal. 4:7
I am anointed of God.  1 John 2:27
I am baptized into Christ.  Rom. 6:3
I am blameless before God.  Eph. 1:4
I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. 
Eph. 1:3
I am blessed because my sins are covered.  Rom. 4:7
I am born again by the Word of God.  1 Peter 1:23
I am bought with the blood of Christ.  1 Cor. 6:20
I am brought near to God by the blood of Christ.  Eph. 2:13
I am built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. 
Eph. 2:20
I am called of God.  Rom. 8:30
I am chosen in Christ.  Eph. 1:4
I am Christ's.  1 Cor. 3:23
I am cleansed from all sin.  1 John 1:7
I am complete in Christ.  Col. 2:10
I am confirmed to the end.  1 Cor. 1:8
I am conformed to Christ's image.  Rom. 8:29
I am created in Christ to good works.  Eph. 2:10
I am crucified With Christ.  Gal. 2:20
I am dead to sin.  Rom. 6:11
I am delivered from the power of darkness.  Col. 1:13
I am dwelling In God.  1 John 4:15
I am dwelling In Christ.  1 John 4:13
I am enriched in Christ.  1 Cor. 1:5
I am established by God  2 Thes. 3:3
I am foreknown by God.  Rom. 8:29
I am forgiven of all sin.  Col. 1:14
I am free.  John 8:36
I am freed from sin.  Rom. 6:18
I am full in Christ. 1 Cor. 4:8
I am full of power by the Holy Spirit.  Acts 1:8
I am glorified in Christ.  Rom. 8:30
I am God's workmanship.  Eph. 2:10
I am God's laborer.  1 Cor. 3:9

I am God's building.  1 Cor. 3:9
I am God's adopted child.  Eph. 1:5
I am God's husbandry.  1 Cor. 3:9
I am God's righteousness 1 Cor. 5:21
I am healed by His stripes.  1 Peter 2:25
I am hid with Christ in God.  Col. 3:3
I am presented holy before God.  Col. 1:22
I am in the Holy Spirit.  Rom. 8:9
I am joined to the Lord.  1 Cor. 6:17
I am justified.  Rom. 5:9
I am kept from evil by God.  2 Thes. 3:3
I am kept from falling.  Jude 1:24
I am known of God.  Gal. 4:9
I am led of the Holy Spirit.  Rom. 8:14
I am light in the Lord.  Eph. 5:8
I am loved of God.  Rev. 1:5
I am married to Christ.  Rom. 7:4
I am more than a conqueror.  Rom. 8:37
I am never alone.  Heb. 13:5
I am not tempted beyond my ability.  1 Cor. 10:13
I am not subject to bondage.  Heb. 2:15
I am not in the flesh.  Rom. 8:9
I am not guilty before God.  Rom. 8:33
I am not condemned.  Rom. 8:1
I am not a stranger or a foreigner.  Eph. 2:19
I am of the household of God.  Eph. 2:19
I am one with Christ.  John 17:22
I am predestinated in Christ.  Rom. 8:30
I am preserved by Christ.  Jude 1:1
I am purified.  1 Peter 1;22
I am reconciled to God.  Rom. 5:10
I am redeemed from the curse.  Gal. 3:13
I am redeemed by the blood of Christ.  Col. 1:14
I am rich in Christ.  1 Cor. 4:8
I am risen with Christ.  Col. 3:1
I am sanctified with the blood of Christ.  Heb. 13:12
I am saved from God's wrath.  Rom. 5:9
I am saved by the life of Christ.  Rom. 5:10
I am saved by grace.  Eph. 2:8
I am sealed by the Holy Spirit.  Eph. 1:13
I am seated with Christ in heavenly places.  Eph. 2:6
I am the temple of God.  1 Cor. 3:16
I am the Lord's.  Rom. 14:8
I am the Body of Christ.  1 Cor. 12:27
I am translated into the kingdom of light.  Col. 1:13
I am unblamable.  Col.  1:22
I am unreproveable in His sight.  Col.  1:22
I am walking in newness of life.  Rom. 6:4
I am washed in the name of the Lord Jesus.  1 Cor. 6:11
I am written in the Lamb's book of life.  Rev. 21:27

End of file.

It Sounds Like God To Me.