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Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 May 2007 00:47:05 -0500
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Sharon, Amen, Amen, and Amen!

Praise God for you, Sweetie!

Reeva Parry.

On Sunday 5/13/2007 11:08 PM, Sharon Hooley said:

>Perhaps the answer is that God takes note of our faith, when we speak in
>union with His Word.  I have a thought to add, though it's probably part of
>the thought about His Word:  In the first chapter of John, it says, "In the
>beginning was the Word, and The Word Was with God, and The Word was God.
>the Same was in the beginning with God."  so, since Jesus is the same as His
>Word, there is no escape from declaring that He Himself is our Faith!  And
>here is another that He showed me:  If we speak in union with Jesus, (His
>Word), we have the same creative power that He has that created the world,
>and that also raised Him from the Dead!  We might think this is a dangerous
>thought, but, if we speak in this union, whatever is spoken will always be
>His Will.  There is no way that we can abuse this power!  Want some evidence
>of the availability of this ResurrectionPower?  Read Ephesians 1:15 to end
>of Chapter!  And yet another piece of this picture:  Jesus said, "And you
>shall know The Truth, and The Truth shall make you free.  When Christ
>reveals His Word, (Himself), to us, and we see and accept Him, which
>includes what He says, then our faith is "activated," because we speak as
>one, each of us in Him, and He in us!  this must be the meaning of the
>concept expressed in Romans 10:17!  Something to sleep on tonight.