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VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 22 Dec 2006 22:36:53 -0500
text/plain (91 lines)
I don't think you are a bad parent at all.  You are a lady who is struggling 
with a lot of things and loving your son and wanting to give him guidance 
along the way.  Your prayer requests are not stupid and it is never a bother 
to pray for you and your son.  Jesus considers our requests and works to 
help us resolve them.
I am saddened to know that any member is made to feel like they can't bring 
their problems and prayer requests to this list.  As Christians we do not 
have the right to judge each other and if we can't say things in a kind 
manner then perhaps we shouldn't say them at all.
I am disappointed that some people on the list feel the need to criticise 
the way they do.
In my humble opinionit is fine to offer advice if it is done in a kind and 
loving way.  Words of comfort were needed instead of scorn and criticism.
Angel, I will continue to pray for you and for every list member on this 
list.  This is what I think our Lord wants us to do.
Angel please reconsider and make your prayer requests to this list.  I do 
hope you understand that your requests are important to us and to Jesus.  As 
you know the devil puts stumbling blocks in every Christians way and he 
loves it when he can cause desension amoung Christians.
Angel, stay strong, keep the faith, and know that you are God's child and He 
hears your prayers.
Huggs and blessings.
Love in Christ,
Virgie and Hoshi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Angel" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: Another prayer request

Perhaps you are rite and I am a bad parent.  I really don't deserve to have 
children in the first place.  I won't bother you any longer with my stupid 
requests.  Sorry again.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kathy Du Bois
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 2:43 PM
  Subject: Re: Another prayer request

  I'm sorry, you are probably really going to hate me after I"m done with 
this post and for that I"m sorry, but right now, I am really frustrated with 
you for continuing to give your son so much of  a pass.  How will he ever 
grow into a responsible, mature young man if he never has to suffer the 
consequences of his actions.  I'm sorry and I do sympathize with you wanting 
to love your son, but  what you are doing is not love, it is bad parenting. 
He is only learning to take advantage of situations.  He is not learning 
compassion for others, but how to abuse others, and stealing from a blind 
woman, mother though she may be, is abuse.  If your friend came to you with 
a son like this, would you advise her to just let it slide?  Even God 
doesn't parent this way.  Sometimes love must be tough.  Believe me, your 
boy won't die from it, he'll learn and begin to grow up and respect you much 
more in the end.  He is to honor you as his parent.  That is the fifth 
commandment, but he has to learn that from you.  Please stop spoiling your 
son.  It isn't good for him and he will be better in the long run if you 
develop a backbone.
  In Christs love,

  At 09:02 AM 12/21/2006, you wrote:

    I am sorry to bother you, but I have a request.  Last year I was rather 
foolish.  it was at this time when I decided to purchase a bose acoustic 
wave system.  These radios are extremely sturdy , strong and sound. So good 
for a radio it's size it is amazing to hear.  The model I got could also 
play mp3 cd's for which I was grateful when my computer was down for a time. 
This was the only radio I had as my son stole and sold all the cheaper ones 
I had along with the small cheap televisions.  We shared the radio as it was 
the only one I had.  The upshot is he either stole it, or as he said, left 
the back door unlocked and one of his unsavory acquaintances took it. 
Either way, I haven't it any longer.  I had just finished paying for it.  I 
purchased it when Russell was alive and I had more disposable cash than have 
I now.  I suppose I could by another, but I have other things I could be 
purchasing.  It hurts to think my son allowed it to be taken.  As I pondered 
this, I thought how selfish and spoiled I was.  After all, all we have on 
earth will be gone from us when we leave this world.  There are those who 
will never see another physical sunrise, and I am grieving over the loss of 
an earthly treasure.  How foolish can I be.  Please pray my priorities can 
be more properly aligned.  Also please pray my son learns somehow to be a 
person with better character.  If he fails to become such I will have failed 
as a parent and that will be the worst thing which can happen.  After all, 
it is God who gives us these precious children, and he provides some way for 
their salvage else he wouldn't have given them to us in the first place. 
So, I suppose, it is that you should pray for most of all.