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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 14 Sep 2007 15:58:58 -0500
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April Stahl <[log in to unmask]>
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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A Word To The Women Of God

By Francis Frangipane

Before I begin this message, let me provide a short disclaimer: 
although I do encourage women to move freely within the order 
provided by God in their local churches, my goal is to exalt and 
release a primary grace that God has placed specifically within 
women, which the Lord Himself has used in past times to release revival.

The Genesis Distinctions

When the Lord created humankind, He placed unique graces in man and 
separate, but unique, graces in woman. He told Adam to name the 
species of life upon earth "and whatever the man called a living 
creature, that was its name" (Gen. 2:19). This "naming" was much more 
than calling the dog, "Spot." Adam was created with an 
organizational, administrative capacity which enabled him  to 
identify and define the world around him. By naming the living 
things, Adam not only brought them into his consciousness, but 
he  introduced order and structure to the human experience. In 
effect, he defined reality.

Within the genetics of this original man, there also existed the 
powerful, but dormant, qualities of the woman. While Adam slept the 
Spirit took from the man a rib. Fashioning it into a woman, the Lord 
created for Adam a companion who was not only suitable for him, but 
one who powerfully expanded man's creative capacities. Indeed, the 
woman brought many new graces into Adam's world  that did not 
formerly exist: the foremost of which was the power to conceive and give birth.

It is important to remember: God created male and female in His 
image, according to His likeness (Gen 1:26). Of course, in certain 
ways, both Adam and Eve as individuals possessed reflections of the 
divine nature. They each could think, speak, dream and create. 
However, it was in the union of Adam and Eve, in their mutual respect 
of one another's strengths and graces, that mankind would possess a 
more perfect expression of the fuller nature of God.

As Adam beheld this first female, he said, "This is now bone of my 
bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman,  because she 
was taken out of Man" (Gen 2:23). The term "woman" was a delineation 
used by Adam, identifying her as a unique variation in the species of 
man. My wife says, "Think of her as the upgrade." In some ways, she 
is right, for the nature of the woman was twice refined. Adam was 
created of earth; the woman, emerged not from the earth, but from the 
man. She is both more complex  and emotionally sophisticated.

Soon Adam began to understand the greatest power of his counterpart, 
her ability to conceive and bring life into the world. Recognizing 
this quality, Adam named her "Eve," which meant "life." Eve would 
play an integral part in the unfolding of life's new beginnings. "She 
was the mother of all the living" (Gen. 3:20).

We Need Revival

The Lord gave Adam a primary ability to name and establish reality; 
He gave to woman the unique capacity to conceive and then   birth 
reality. The primary strength of each gender is that man establishes, 
woman births. Remember, these qualities were not merely "human": they 
were reflections of the divine. Man's ability to bring order to one's 
world, to take what was random and give it definition and structure 
is a divine facility; woman's ability to conceive and incubate life, 
and then deliver life through birth is also an aspect of the divine nature.

Note also that Adam named the woman "Eve" (or "Life") before they had 
children. God gave the woman an ability not just to have  babies, but 
to release life in a variety of its expressions. In fact, one 
translation says that Eve means to "enliven." Alone, Adam had  been 
downcast; it was not good that Adam was alone. Eve enlivened Adam in 
ways no other creature on earth could. Adam could  build a house; Eve 
made it a home. When Adam named Eve "Life," he was not only speaking 
prophetically of the first mother, but he  spoke out of his own 
experience: Eve brought life into the structure of Adam's world.

While we are speaking in generalities, when we come into the 
spiritual realm, we see this same divine encoding replicated in the 
ministries of men and women. Jesus laid the foundation of the church 
with twelve men, whom He called to be apostles. This didn't mean 
there would never be women in leadership, but that one of the better 
skills given man from God was, as stated, the ability to bring order 
and structure. At the same time, prior to Christ's birth we find 
Anna, a prophetess, engaged in much prayer and fasting.  In my 
opinion, it is quite possible that this woman was not alone in her 
intercession, but the leader of a prophetic prayer ministry that 
lived in anticipation of her times. Women excel in intercession, in 
spiritual sensitivity and the release of new beginnings. Again, this 
doesn't excuse men from prayer! For some of the Bible's best examples 
of intercessors are, indeed, men! We are speaking in  generalities in 
reference to the spiritual tendencies of both genders. Neither 
distinction is more important than the other. Both are absolutely 
vital for the unfolding of God's will upon the earth.

Today, we are fighting the advance of Satan in many arenas: whether 
in wars and terrorist attacks or with the ever increasing  expansion 
of iniquity in our world. We need revival. To possess a national 
awakening, the power God has placed in women must be  released. All 
the efforts of man to establish laws and govern righteously will not 
truly transform our culture; we need the presence of  God poured out. 
I am talking about something that is greater than government and 
righteous laws. I am saying that God is raising up  and anointing a 
prayer army of women, who are about to be given even greater power as 
they intercede before God for their nations.

My Mother's Prayers

I personally know the power of this prayer. In the late sixties, I 
was a very lost young man living in sin and rebellion. Judging from 
my appearance, I looked hopeless. Yet, in spite of my outward 
condition, my dear Catholic mother stood before God for me. Resist as 
I  did, divine power, uniquely born of her prayers, began to hunt me 
down. Her cries were relentless and unceasing; often she would  pray 
through the night for me. She was pregnant with prayer for her son. 
In 1970 God finally answered and during the Jesus  Movement revival, 
I came to Christ.

Years later I asked the Lord about this revival. As you may know, it 
has been part of my assignment to help engender citywide unity  and 
establish prayer, things which precede revival. Yet, to my knowledge, 
no citywide unity or organized prayer fueled the Jesus  Movement. So, 
I asked the Lord how could a revival occur without a prayer movement 
at its source? The Lord quickly corrected me saying that there was a 
great prayer movement: He had heard the prayers of a million praying 
mothers, each crying to Him for their  children.

 From all denominations, in a "unity of desperation," God heard the 
cries of believing mothers. His heart was touched and, as a  result, 
multitudes of sinful kids found repentance and salvation in Jesus 
Christ. This is the army God desires to release again today,  but now 
with more vision, more power from the Holy Spirit, and with the 
support of men as well!

Women of God, the fact is, heaven needs you! You have been created by 
the Almighty to birth breakthroughs on planet earth! God  has 
uniquely designed you with a latent ability to release life through 
your intercession. Together with you, we men can build 
and  establish, and we are learning to pray, but you have a special 
grace to release new spiritual beginnings. Whether your prayer 
focus  is for your husband or church leadership, whether you are 
interceding for your children, city or nation, you possess in your 
spirit the seed-realities that, through prayer, can release God's 
life into the world.

Yes, indeed, there is a battle; there still exists "enmity between 
[the serpent] and the woman" (Gen. 3:15). Satan especially hates  you 
because it was your seed that bruised the serpent's head. It is 
amazing to me that God chose to bring His Son into the world,  not 
through the heavens nor even through a woman impregnated by man, but 
through a woman made pregnant by God! God Himself came to earth 
through the woman's power to give birth!

Today the Lord is giving women a new grace, a new confidence against 
the powers of hell. They are not rebelling against men, but  praying 
for them. Through their intercession, these godly women will 
prayer-birth powerful ministries on earth, both male and female. They 
will release new beginnings to the body of Christ.

I also want to commend and thank ministries such as Women's Aglow, 
Lydia Fellowship and other women's prayer groups. There  have been 
many, many times that I have suddenly been divinely protected or 
spiritual breakthroughs have unexpectedly been  released to me. As I 
questioned the Lord, He's said, "I'm answering the prayers of Women's 
Aglow" (or, the women from such and  such ministry). To each of you, 
I say a special thank you. May the Lord multiply His grace toward you 
and give you the desires of your hearts!

Revelation 12 speaks of a "woman clothed with the sun." This word is 
not only talking about Israel or the church. It also reveals how God 
sees spiritual women: they are honored and crowned with distinction; 
pure and clothed with the glory of God. With confidence,  they tread 
upon the powers of night. Dear army of praying women, it is your 
inherent destiny to birth that which shall rule the  nations.

Heavenly Father, we come in the name of Jesus. Lord, release the 
women of God. Release the power of prayer, the burden and travail of 
prayer, to its next levels. Father, Islamic terrorists from without 
and moral decadence from within seek to destroy our  homeland. We 
need the prayer army to arise. Help us, O God, to pray until Your 
heavenly purpose is birthed on earth as it is in heaven! Amen!