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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 22 Jun 2007 23:02:49 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
You don't know this most likely but Vicki is a very unusual intercessor.  I
don't know how many times, but it has been a bunch of times, that Vicki has
told me she has been awake, very late at night, or all night, and during
that time, she felt led to pray for me.  Many, many, many times, it has been
a time which has been very difficult for me.  This does not mean Vicki is
perfect or even your perfect Christian.  See, she needs prayer just like
everybody else but Vicki is self sacrificing.  It also does not mean it is
easy for Vicki when she prays for others  which the Lord lays on her heart
but I, for one, an thankful for her tenderness of spirit and I rely upon her
in many ways due to the gifting the Lord has given her.  She has, what might
be called visions, too, and I have learned to believed them because,
normally, by the time she speaks up, she has waited a long time to try and
decide if it is truly of the Lord or not.  This is, you see, the nature of
an intercessor.  So, I am suggesting you not forget to pray for her, too.
She won't like it that I brought this up but I listen to the leading of the
Holy Spirit, too.  She is not the only spiritually sensitive person on this
list.  Lelia and Todd have unusual spiritual gifts, too, and a pastor should
be very thankful for such people in his church, which I am.  Everybody has a
gift so don't start feeling sorry for yourself.  Some people don't know what
that gift is so they should ask their pastor.  Don't be surprised if he
doesn't know, however, because such is often the case.  Why?  Because many
pastors have know idea who they are in Christ other than what they have been
taught.  I have a burden for people as an intercessor.  I have learned in
recent years that I don't have to shoulder those burdens but I once did
believe I had to do so and it became extremely difficult spiritually
speaking.  The Lord has taught me how to shift the burden on to him.  Some
will find this impossible to believe but I am an easy crier.  I think I
mentioned this lately.  Regardless, I was praying with someone recently and
cried, they didn't know it, because of the holy place they entered during a
healing experiences and a renewing of the mind experience.  I figure, as I
always say, if it was good enough for Jeremiah, the old thumb sucker
himself, it is ok for me.  Some of you are wondering why you have to suffer
so much.  It is mostly due to your spiritual sensitivity of which you are
unawares.  Being renewed in the mind and emotions sets us free to ministry
with our gift and to minister to others.

