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Kendall David Corbett <[log in to unmask]>
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:52:53 -0600
text/plain (229 lines)
There's gonna be a major "Housecleaning" this year!  Stupidity is
apparently not restricted to one faith.


An unreasonable man (but my wife says that's redundant!)

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.

-George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950

-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Walker [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 7:21 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [C-PALSY] Mormon US Rep Cannon foot in mouth on Foley and when
he attempts to retract sticks it deeper DUMB.

Cannon sounds exactly like the Bishops we sue for 
not reporting child abuse. He just doesn't get it 
even when he tries to make a retraction. This is 
why they will continue to be sued.

Cannon jumps into Foley mess
'Precocious kids' comment triggers outburst
<mailto:[log in to unmask]:%20Cannon%20jumps
Thomas Burr
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated:10/07/2006 02:00:03 AM MDT
photo to enlarge<http://www.sltrib.com/contentlist/ci_4456550#>>
WASHINGTON - Rep. Chris Cannon on Friday 
attempted to clarify public comments he made a 
day earlier seeming to blame teenage 
congressional pages in the unfolding scandal of 
former Rep. Mark Foley of Florida.
    "These kids are actually precocious kids," 
Cannon, R-Utah, told KSL Radio's "Nightside" 
program. "It looks like, uh, maybe this one 
e-mail is a prank where you had a bunch of kids 
sitting [around] egging this guy on."
    Cannon, who has defended House Speaker Dennis 
Hastert's handling of the scandal, also said 
Thursday that there is not much to do other than 
educate kids to the dangers of going online.
    "Frankly, this is the responsibility of the 
parents," Cannon said. "If you get online, you 
may find people who are creepy. There are creepy 
people out there who will do and say creepy 
things. Avoid them. That's what you have to do. 
And maybe we can say that a little more to the pages."
    Democrats reacted to the comments with disgust.
    "It's outrageous and irresponsible," said 
Christian Burridge, a Democrat challenging Cannon 
in the 3rd Congressional District. "You have a 
district here with the most children in the 
United States in a congressional district and 
we've got a congressman blaming absolutely 
irresponsibly outrageous conduct that needs to be 
investigated on the victims. That sends a 
horrible message to the victims of sex crimes."
    Cannon said Friday morning he was not trying 
to blame the pages whatsoever in the scandal 
where Foley is alleged to have had several 
sexually explicit electronic conversations with 
teenage boys. Foley resigned a week ago after ABC 
News first reported the instant messages between Foley and a former
    "The point of what I said is that 
institutions can't protect kids in a day when you 
have instant messaging and cell phones that do 
texting but also take pictures," Cannon said in 
an interview Friday. "Parents need to take some 
responsibility and teach their kids what to do."
    Cannon's statement about a "prank" echoed a 
comment from conservative radio host Rush 
Limbaugh, who said this week that maybe it was the


kids "engaged in some kind of chicanery."
    "Maybe they were laughing at Foley in the 
page room," Limbaugh said. "Maybe Foley's making 
advances and maybe you know [they said], 'Let's egg this guy on.' ''
    Matt Drudge, conservative muckraker of the 
Drudge Report, cited anonymous sources close to 
one former page calling an initial e-mail a 
"prank" and saying, "he goaded an unwitting Foley 
to type embarrassing comments that were then 
shared with a small group of young Hill 
politicos." The outed page's attorney told the 
Daily Oklahoman that the e-mail was not a prank.
    Cannon, who again repeated in an interview 
that "all kids" are precocious, said he doesn't 
see his comments as blaming the victims.
    "This is not about minimizing Mark Foley, who 
really is creepy," Cannon said. This is "not 
about blaming kids. It's about warning parents 
and kids that they need to take responsibility in 
a world full - or with an increasing number - of predators."
    Cannon, later appearing on CNN's "Situation 
Room," more squarely laid the blame on Foley. 
"Foley is the guy who was the predator, and he's 
who to blame here," Cannon said.
    He didn't back off his ''precocious'' 
statement, adding that because of their 
technological savvy, pages "may put themselves in more danger."
     Steve Olsen, a Democratic candidate in 
Utah's 1st Congressional District, said he was troubled by Cannon's
    "Minors do dumb things, it's almost to be 
expected. But you expect adults to be responsible 
- at the very least, not take advantage of a minor's lack of judgment."
    State Democratic Party spokesman Jeff Bell 
posted on his blog that Republicans have been 
trying to blame Democrats for making the scandal political.
    "Fine. Do it. I don't care," Bell wrote. 
"And, you want to know why? Because one of Utah's 
politicians said the most disgusting, 
irresponsible and overwhelmingly partisan thing 
about the Foley scandal: Chris Cannon blamed the pages, the children. .
. ."
    [log in to unmask]

SATURDAY, October 7, 2006

Cannon: Teens "egging on" Foley in online sex scandal
<mailto:[log in to unmask]:%20Cannon:%20Teen
Thomas Burr
The Salt Lake Tribune
Article Last Updated:10/06/2006 11:20:32 AM MDT
Posted: 11:01 AM- WASHINGTON - Rep. Chris Cannon 
today attempted to clarify public comments he 
made last night seeming to blame teen-age 
congressional pages in the unfolding scandal with 
disgraced ex-Rep. Mark Foley.
     "These kids are actually precocious kids," 
Cannon, R-Utah, told KSL Radio's Nightside. "It 
looks like uh, maybe this one email is a prank 
where you had a bunch of kids sitting [around] egging this guy on."
     Cannon, who has defended House Speaker 
Dennis Hastert's handling of the scandal, also 
said Thursday that there's not much to do other 
than educate kids to the dangers of going online.
     "Frankly, this is the responsibility of the 
parents," Cannon said. "If you get online you may 
find people who are creepy. There are creepy 
people out there who will do and say creepy 
things. Avoid them. That's what you have to do. 
And maybe we can say that a little more to the pages."
     Democrats reacted to the comments with disgust.
     "It's outrageous and irresponsible," said 
Christian Burridge, a Democrat challenging Cannon 
in the 3rd Congressional District. "You have a 
district here with the most children in the 
United States in a congressional district and 
we've got a congressman blaming an absolutely 
irresponsibly outrageous conduct that needs to be 
investigated on the victims. That sends a


horrible message to the victims of sex crimes."
     Cannon said Friday morning he was not trying 
to blame the pages whatsoever in the scandal 
where Foley is alleged to have had several 
sexually explicit electronic conversations with 
teen-age boys. Foley resigned a week ago after 
ABC News first reported the instant messages between Foley and a former
     "The point of what I said is that 
institutions can't protect kids in a day when you 
have instant messaging and cell phones that do 
texting but also take pictures.," Cannon said in 
an interview Friday. "Parents need to take some 
responsibility and teach their kids what to do."
     Cannon's remark about kids "egging on" Foley 
refers to an unsubstantiated report by the online 
Drudge Report that said an initial email cited in 
the scandal was a "prank." No other news media 
has confirmed that report, and since then three 
other pages have come forward to say they received lurid messages from
     Cannon, who again repeated in an interview 
that "all kids" are precocious, said he doesn't 
see his comments as blaming the victims, but that 
parents need to be aware their children are 
technologically advanced, and need to be warned 
and trained in how to deal with online predators.
     "This is not about minimizing Mark Foley, 
who really is creepy," Cannon said. This is "not 
about blaming kids. It's about warning parents 
and kids that they need to take responsibility in 
a world full or with an increasing number of predators."
     State Democratic Party spokesman Jeff Bell 
posted on his blog that Republicans have been 
trying to blame Democrats for making the scandal political.
     "Fine. Do it. I don't care," Bell wrote. 
"And, you want to know why? Because one of Utah's 
politicians said the most disgusting, 
irresponsible and overwhelmingly partisan thing 
about the Foley Scandal: Chris Cannon blamed the pages, the children..."
     <mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]


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