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Lelia Struve <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 20:03:08 -0600
text/plain (64 lines)
Kathy, $125 a piece? ouch!!! 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:16 PM
Subject: Where America is going, food and fuel

> Hi Guys,
> I've been following with interest the discussion about where America 
> is going.  If Hillery becomes president all bets are off, that's for 
> sure.  So, for the fun of it, I thought that I'd throw another stick 
> on the fire just to see where the flames go.
> I wanted to bring up a comment that I heard last week  on a talk 
> radio show having to do with food and fuel.  The conversation was 
> about ethanol and how we are using our food to make a less sufficient 
> form of fuel for our gas tanks while people around the world are 
> starving even more because the cost of the food that is left is going 
> up.  They're now talking about making fuel out of fruit, not just 
> corn and, because the cost of corn has gone up, that explains why the 
> cost of dairy products are just sky rocketing.  Out here, we can pay 
> almost $4 for a gallon of skim milk at times and that's from a dairy 
> here in Maine.
> Anyway, the conversation that I was listening too also included a 
> comment, would you rather import your food or your fuel?  We've 
> already had massive pet food recalls because of contamination.  Other 
> countries don't have the strict guide lines that we do and just think 
> of what would happen to us if we start to become dependent on other 
> countries for our food like we have our fuel.  It's all so 
> unnecessary too.  If the government would let us build more 
> refineries the costs of fuel would go down, or if we followed through 
> on the research to convert coal into fuel the cost would go down, 
> but, instead, we are dependent on foreign oil, which funds terrorism 
> and we are becoming less able to put food on the table because it 
> might end up in our tank as well.  I just can't imagine God being 
> pleased with this craziness!
> By the way, Lelia, I want to stay out of debt as well.  Right now, 
> we still owe for a car, and it's repare, and our trip out to 
> Wisconsin for Dad's funeral, but otherwise, we are trying to say no 
> to a lot of stuff to get out of debt as fast as possible.  I think 
> that you're wise to feel that way.
> Something else that we have  to start saving up for is to get pass 
> ports for our family, at more than $125  a piece if we want to take 
> the short way to Michigan through Canada, or by next January, if we 
> want to board a plane.  I start feeling claustrophobic if I let 
> myself think about it.  It's all just so different now.  Where are we 
> going?  Who knows.  I'm glad that the one who does know is my 
> constant companion.
> Kathy
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