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Lelia Struve <[log in to unmask]>
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Mon, 30 Jul 2007 15:56:48 -0600
text/plain (181 lines)
Virgie, you got that right about taking a long hard look at one self.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "VIRGIE UNDERWOOD" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: Followership concluded

> Hello Brad,
> Thank you for sharing this.  It is definitely food for thought and makes 
> one take a long hard look at ones self.
> Virgie and lady Hoshi
> doing business at
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "B Dunse" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 12:28 PM
> Subject: Followership concluded
> Conclusion of Followership...
> I'm coming down to an important  realization for
> which groundwork has been laid. That is to not
> follow God, does not remove him from his position
> as leader. Satan found out what it was to test
> the authoritative position of God. If a student
> were to not obey their teacher or professor in
> college, that does not remove them from being
> their teacher or professor. It will just get them
> an "F."  It does not remove either of them from
> their positions as leader and follower. The
> student will have to take it again next year, and
> they will take it until they say "yes" when the
> answer is "yes", no matter what they believe it is.
> There are three simple ways to find out if you
> are a leader or a follower in life. You'll need
> to survey each area of your life and ask yourself
> "Am I a leader here or a follower here?" But God
> has provided a way to make that determination.
> 1. God's specific written word. God's Word
> plainly speaks to many areas of life and tells us
> if we are a leader or a follower. If God's Word
> is already predetermined and has given His Word
> on a matter or category, then we fit in that
> category. The Bible instructs children to obey
> their parents.  Parents then are leaders and
> children are followers. There is no use praying
> to try to move God to change those positions.
> There are no reasons to think there are
> special  exemptions why that does not apply to us
> in any case. If you are a child, you are a
> follower in that child -parent relationship.  If
> you're a parent you are a leader in that
> child-parent relationship. If you are a leader
> you are responsible to lead, if you are a
> follower you are responsible for following. Very
> simply, if God already tells your position in his
> Word, then you know what to do. If God does not
> say it in very plain language such as
> parent-child for example, there is still.
> 2. Biblical examples. God's Word shows clear
> Biblical  examples, patterns and principles that
> show a predetermination how leaders and followers
> should flow. He said in Romans 13 for us to obey
> those that have the rule over us. He is talking
> about policemen, kings, and governments. If an
> individual is riding down the road at fifty miles
> an hour in a fifty-five mile an hour zone, and a
> policeman puts on his red lights behind them,
> that does not give them the right  to not stop.
> If the  policeman then says they were going
> sixty-five in a fifty-five mile an hour zone,
> begins to write the ticket, and because the
> individual does not think that the policeman is
> right they begin to argue. They had better find
> submission there somewhere, because if they don't
> they are going to make things worse. They are not
> going to change the policeman's mind. They will
> have to appeal to a higher authority. If they
> continue to fuss and fight with him, they might
> end up with a larger penalty or jail time if they
> let it get out of hand. If an individual does not
> agree with those in a position of authority or
> leader, they need to submit, remain loyal, and
> talk to the leader's authority about it. If they
> complain to other people about it, it is
> disloyalty. They can go talk to the judge about
> it, then it is not disloyalty, and They are not causing problems.
> 3. Who works for who? one of the best ways for
> people to determine if they are a leader or a
> follower is to ask themselves. who hired me? Who
> hired who and who can fire who? If I hire an
> Associate Pastor, I am his or her boss. I can and
> would be responsible if need be to fire them. I
> hired them, so I can fire them. That is basic. In
> that situation I'm the leader and they're the
> follower. They ought to obey my instruction.
> However, if we come to a time when he/she does
> not want to do what I instruct them, they will
> need to find submission. They are welcome to
> bring all their counsel to the table, and any and
> everything to support their view. In reality,
> often they have done that and changed my mind. It
> is good to have a leader in which you can change
> his or her mind. A leader finds wisdom in
> understanding that there are others that are
> smarter, wiser, or better than he or she  in some
> areas. Leaders value that, but at the end of the
> day if the leader says to do it anyway? The
> follower needs to find submission. Once submitted
> the follower needs to enter into loyalty in
> supporting the leader by not complaining to others.
> Those are simple ways of finding out if you are a
> leader or a follower. I ran into one of my dear
> friends who is one of the great youth pastor's in
> America. He finally found disagreement with the
> elders of his church and his pastor. At that
> point he realized he didn't have a youth group,
> they did. He had a mortgage, he had a car payment
> and kids to raise, but he didn't have a job. He
> didn't have a place to preach. He told me, "I
> built that youth group", I said to him "Yes, and
> you got paid for it, but you found out who it
> belonged to didn't you?"  Who's the leader? Who's
> the follower? That's really pretty simple in most
> areas of life. If a student in class or an
> employee in their office, stands up at their desk
> and tells a teacher or employer they are just not
> going to do what was instructed to them, if they
> have any doubts, they'll find out very  soon
> who's the leader and who is the follower.
> Followers are responsible to follow, to obey when
> they agree, to submit when they don't, and to be loyal at all cost.
> There are areas of people's life that they are in
> a position of follower, and there are areas of
> their life which they are in a position of
> leader. Please look at the areas of your life. If
> you are a leader in an area, lead with grace and
> gentleness,  embracing the idea that others that
> you lead are wiser and smarter; more able and
> stronger  than you are in their respective areas.
> If you are a leader and not leading people that
> are more capable than you, you will need to look
> at your leadership principles. A good leader
> should lead based upon the greater strength of
> those who he leads. David did not overtake as
> many  people as  his mighty men did, because he
> understood their strengths. He embraced their
> strengths letting them lead under his authority
> of leadership, but they followed him as their
> leader. If you're a follower work on the times
> you're faced with doing something you don't agree
> with. It's easy to do the things you agree with.
> Work on loyalty and not complaining about it. If
> we follow the pattern of Satan's disagreement
> rebellion and  disobedience to God, his example
> of leader and not followership, we can see what
> it will cost, and that is not a road that we want to travel.
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