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Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Apr 2007 23:58:43 -0500
text/plain (174 lines)
Wow, Phil!

Your nephew, Dave, sure got a mouthful from you, didn't he? I shall 
pray that David hears from THE LORD, Jesus Christ, in a timely manner!

Now, I'm wondering if I reaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeally have fibromyalgia, 
or if it's something else? All these new pains keep cropping up, and 
I know how to pray in THE LORD JESUS!

Reeva Parry.

On Sunday 4/8/2007 09:36 PM, Phil Scovell said:

>I have not told you about this because I strongly felt it was not necessary.
>I still feel exactly that way.  However, because I truly feel this will help
>someone who needs the same information, I am going to share with you a
>message, it is actually two messages in one, which I emailed to my nephew
>who lives with his wife and children in the Far East.  He is a missionary,
>I've mentioned him before, but I prefer not to say exactly where he is now.
>He lived 4 years secretly in China as a missionary.  Fortunately, where they
>live now is an American ally but we don't have many of those left,
>unfortunately.  His mom, one of my older sisters, called last week and told
>me to pray because her quote son's MS unquote has flared up again.  I wrote
>to him the truth.  Not because I'm a great spiritual giant, I learned the
>hard way that isn't true and have repeated the same mistake thinking
>otherwise many times, but the truth is only what is important.  Not how you
>feel, not what you think, not where you are, not how screwed up your
>emotions are, but only what you think of Jesus.  If you are His friend,
>nothing else matters.  Yes, crying is ok.  Jesus created all of our emotions
>and everyone serves a purpose and none are negative.  If you think they are,
>there is some lie based thinking going on in your mind, this is where the
>Enemy attacks, and such thinking can be healed through intercessory prayer,
>or, if you know how, by yourself.  The Apostle Paul, more than once, called
>this the "renewing of the mind."  Look at my website because I have written
>on it extensively so there is no reason to reinvent the wheel unless you ask
>me.  I'll be happy to discuss it on the phone, if you can.  Here are the two
>messages I wrote my nephew.  He is in his early thirties by the way.
>David and Wendy,
>      It has been many years since this occurred.  Do you recall
>David when we had  a meeting over at Saundra's and Jere's when you
>guys were home?  As you sat  and talked to me, I felt very
>strongly in my spirit the Lord say, as I  listened to you just
>talking about whatever, "He doesn't have MS."  I told  you this,
>as I recall, over at your mom's.  I forget what we were doing
>there but it was Bob's old house.  You told me a story about when
>you were  praying in a cabin.  The Lord told you to go outside and
>walk up a hill.  I  think you said there was a cross there or
>something like that and that the  Lord told you to sit down.  Then
>He told you what you were facing at that  time was the same thing
>His disciples experienced, PTSD.  I then told you  what the Lord
>had told me about the MS issue.  You said you felt the same  way.
>According to what your mom says, you are having some physical
>effects on one side of your body  and you apparently are setting
>up an MRI over there?  That's a good idea and  we should always do
>everything we can medically when we are facing what  appears to be
>physical in nature.  David, I still believe what Jesus told me
>all those many years ago; you don't have MS.  Of course, maybe you
>have  something else.  Frankly, I don't care what it is.  The
>Enemy listens to our  conversations and is good at using such
>things against us.  Through  intercessory prayer and some of the faith
>teaching, I learned over the years, not  everything which I have
>adopted as my personal beliefs, I have absolutely no  doubt that
>the Lord orchestrates such events to bring us to His way of
>thinking.  I am not minimizing the symptoms or even what doctors
>call a  diagnosis.  Just keep this in mind, God does not care what
>man, even a  doctor, calls a disease, sickness, or illness.  He does not
>care if  we call something PTSD, OCD, DID,
>Bipolarism, schizophrenia, Anxiety  Disorder, Panic Disorder, or
>an ingrown toenail.  He doesn't give a "damn"  about names and
>titles and diagnosis.  I used that word on purpose because  it is
>His nature, did you hear that, David, it is His nature to condemn
>the  works of the Enemy.  If what your mother said is true, that
>is, you are  scared right now, Jesus knows that is normal.  He
>still wants you to look to  Him for the answer to the fear.  I was
>afraid big time a few weeks ago when  I found out I was a type 2
>diabetic.  I have to jab my finger three times a  day now just to
>take readings.  I have to lose weight, and I am, and  exercise
>every day.  Imagine such a thing.  A man of my age, too.  55
>freaking years old and I have to exercise.  What a trip.  Your mom
>also  said, you said that you thought God had healed you of MS but.
>Excuse me but God  isn't interested in what you think.  He is
>interested in your heart.  Do you  think He has MS?  then you have
>what He has and that's all I know.  Your  mother, God bless her,
>said it was "Your MS flaring up again."  Sorry,  buddy.  It ain't
>your MS.  I know it isn't mine or Wendies or even God's so  if
>that's what you are thinking, you've been reading the wrong Bible.
>It  isn't your MS, David, and never was so if you are saying, or
>thinking, any  thing remotely like that, start searching your
>feelings and thoughts and  follow them right back to the source.
>You know how to do that so start  doing it.  That is what God
>wants.  You think He didn't know about this  whole thing?  David,
>we are soldiers.  The battle has been won.  You know  that.  We
>don't have to fight any longer because Jesus did the fighting for
>  us on the cross.  Ephesians 6 says only to stand.  It says
>nothing about  attacking, chopping the Enemy down to size, He did
>that already, too, or  even launching arrows.  We done won already
>because we be on the side of  Jesus.  He said, "It is finished."
>He said, "All power in Heaven and on  earth has been given unto
>me."  We are sons and joint heirs with Christ and  of God.
>Colossians 2:10 says it all.  "And we are complete in Christ, who
>  is the head of all principalities and powers."  The word
>"complete," is the  same Greek word translated "Be ye filled" with
>the Spirit.  Look it up for  yourself if you doubt what I just
>said.  That literally means that you are  "complete," "filled,"
>with all the power and authority of Christ.  Why?  Because he
>shares it with us in His name.  No, not in your name or my name
>or the doctor's name.  His name works.  We don't have to fight any
>more,  David, because it is done and finished.  Oh, sure, we have
>to push back a  little.  Otherwise the Enemy is going to try and
>eat our lunch.  He cannot  kill us because only Jesus has the
>power of life and death in His hand.  Tell the devil to screw off
>because you are busy right now and have things  to be doing.  I'll
>be doing the same for you and I'll put a prayer request  on my
>Christian mailing list, too.  Many of them know how to pray.
>Note.  I decided not to ask you to pray for him as previously mentioned.
>Why?  Because he does not need to be healed from MS.  If you pray, pray he
>hears the voice of the Lord because that is absolutely all he needs right
>now.  Message continued.  Also,  you ask Jesus for all of His intercessors
>on the earth to
>take up your  cause.  Jesus asked me the other day to pray for
>three hours in tongues.  I  don't pray on a daily bases, by the
>way, because I have learned to pray  without ceasing.  That's for
>another sermon later.  It was 1:30 in the  afternoon.  I said,
>"Lord, three hours?  I don't even know for whom I'm  praying."  He
>said, "Pray."  I did.  I still have no idea for whom I prayed  but
>He does.  So, ask the Holy Spirit to alert His intercessors and
>people  you will never meet until Heaven will begin praying for
>you.  What if you  die?  Well, then, when you get to Heaven, Jesus
>will say, "Well, that poor  old Phil.  He means well but he don't
>know his head from a hole in the  ground."  Sure and a chicken has
>lips, too.  You know He won't say that.  He  wants you, Dave, not
>what the doctor says he thinks you have.  I have a  prayer session
>with a lady in a couple of minutes but I'll be in touch.  I  only
>have a couple of bucks on my international calling card but I can
>put  more on and we can talk and pray over the phone, too, when I
>recharge my  account.  I have a lot more to tell you, to.  Go
>deep, David, go deep.  That's where the answer is and His name is
>I was reminded upon writing to you in my last message, something Jesus said
>to me almost five years ago.  I was in the biggest, and most dramatic,
>intercessory prayer session of my life.  God had been healing dozens of
>but this one was the granddaddy of them all.  I wrote about it and it is on
>my website.  It is called, "I Flew Kites With Jesus."  During that prayer
>session, Jesus took me back to the hospital where I lost my sight.  Some
>amazing things happened in that part of the prayer session but once it was
>done, Jesus said, "We are leaving this place and never coming back."
>Another thing he said was, "You are not blind."  The truth is, I am blind
>but that statement will not go away, David.  I know I am not blind.  This is
>not my faith speaking but Jesus speaking when I repeat those words.  As I so
>often say, some may choose, the key word here is "choose," to believe what
>Jesus said was just spiritual in nature.  These same people say the same
>thing about 80 percent of the entire Bible, too.  I know what Jesus was
>talking about and He knows what He was talking about so I don't care what
>others believe; I am not blind.  A false confession?  Hardly.  If Jesus said
>it first, who am I to question His authority.  So, I'm saying, Dave, you
>don't have MS.  I'm saying it because Jesus said it first.  "Well, then,
>what is it because I sure have something."  Right!  You got Jesus.
>It Sounds Like God To Me.