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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 8 Apr 2007 20:36:58 -0600
text/plain (158 lines)
I have not told you about this because I strongly felt it was not necessary.
I still feel exactly that way.  However, because I truly feel this will help
someone who needs the same information, I am going to share with you a
message, it is actually two messages in one, which I emailed to my nephew
who lives with his wife and children in the Far East.  He is a missionary,
I've mentioned him before, but I prefer not to say exactly where he is now.
He lived 4 years secretly in China as a missionary.  Fortunately, where they
live now is an American ally but we don't have many of those left,
unfortunately.  His mom, one of my older sisters, called last week and told
me to pray because her quote son's MS unquote has flared up again.  I wrote
to him the truth.  Not because I'm a great spiritual giant, I learned the
hard way that isn't true and have repeated the same mistake thinking
otherwise many times, but the truth is only what is important.  Not how you
feel, not what you think, not where you are, not how screwed up your
emotions are, but only what you think of Jesus.  If you are His friend,
nothing else matters.  Yes, crying is ok.  Jesus created all of our emotions
and everyone serves a purpose and none are negative.  If you think they are,
there is some lie based thinking going on in your mind, this is where the
Enemy attacks, and such thinking can be healed through intercessory prayer,
or, if you know how, by yourself.  The Apostle Paul, more than once, called
this the "renewing of the mind."  Look at my website because I have written
on it extensively so there is no reason to reinvent the wheel unless you ask
me.  I'll be happy to discuss it on the phone, if you can.  Here are the two
messages I wrote my nephew.  He is in his early thirties by the way.

David and Wendy,

     It has been many years since this occurred.  Do you recall
David when we had  a meeting over at Saundra's and Jere's when you
guys were home?  As you sat  and talked to me, I felt very
strongly in my spirit the Lord say, as I  listened to you just
talking about whatever, "He doesn't have MS."  I told  you this,
as I recall, over at your mom's.  I forget what we were doing
there but it was Bob's old house.  You told me a story about when
you were  praying in a cabin.  The Lord told you to go outside and
walk up a hill.  I  think you said there was a cross there or
something like that and that the  Lord told you to sit down.  Then
He told you what you were facing at that  time was the same thing
His disciples experienced, PTSD.  I then told you  what the Lord
had told me about the MS issue.  You said you felt the same  way.
According to what your mom says, you are having some physical
effects on one side of your body  and you apparently are setting
up an MRI over there?  That's a good idea and  we should always do
everything we can medically when we are facing what  appears to be
physical in nature.  David, I still believe what Jesus told me
all those many years ago; you don't have MS.  Of course, maybe you
have  something else.  Frankly, I don't care what it is.  The
Enemy listens to our  conversations and is good at using such
things against us.  Through  intercessory prayer and some of the faith
teaching, I learned over the years, not  everything which I have
adopted as my personal beliefs, I have absolutely no  doubt that
the Lord orchestrates such events to bring us to His way of
thinking.  I am not minimizing the symptoms or even what doctors
call a  diagnosis.  Just keep this in mind, God does not care what
man, even a  doctor, calls a disease, sickness, or illness.  He does not
care if  we call something PTSD, OCD, DID,
Bipolarism, schizophrenia, Anxiety  Disorder, Panic Disorder, or
an ingrown toenail.  He doesn't give a "damn"  about names and
titles and diagnosis.  I used that word on purpose because  it is
His nature, did you hear that, David, it is His nature to condemn
the  works of the Enemy.  If what your mother said is true, that
is, you are  scared right now, Jesus knows that is normal.  He
still wants you to look to  Him for the answer to the fear.  I was
afraid big time a few weeks ago when  I found out I was a type 2
diabetic.  I have to jab my finger three times a  day now just to
take readings.  I have to lose weight, and I am, and  exercise
every day.  Imagine such a thing.  A man of my age, too.  55
freaking years old and I have to exercise.  What a trip.  Your mom
also  said, you said that you thought God had healed you of MS but.
Excuse me but God  isn't interested in what you think.  He is
interested in your heart.  Do you  think He has MS?  then you have
what He has and that's all I know.  Your  mother, God bless her,
said it was "Your MS flaring up again."  Sorry,  buddy.  It ain't
your MS.  I know it isn't mine or Wendies or even God's so  if
that's what you are thinking, you've been reading the wrong Bible.
It  isn't your MS, David, and never was so if you are saying, or
thinking, any  thing remotely like that, start searching your
feelings and thoughts and  follow them right back to the source.
You know how to do that so start  doing it.  That is what God
wants.  You think He didn't know about this  whole thing?  David,
we are soldiers.  The battle has been won.  You know  that.  We
don't have to fight any longer because Jesus did the fighting for
 us on the cross.  Ephesians 6 says only to stand.  It says
nothing about  attacking, chopping the Enemy down to size, He did
that already, too, or  even launching arrows.  We done won already
because we be on the side of  Jesus.  He said, "It is finished."
He said, "All power in Heaven and on  earth has been given unto
me."  We are sons and joint heirs with Christ and  of God.
Colossians 2:10 says it all.  "And we are complete in Christ, who
 is the head of all principalities and powers."  The word
"complete," is the  same Greek word translated "Be ye filled" with
the Spirit.  Look it up for  yourself if you doubt what I just
said.  That literally means that you are  "complete," "filled,"
with all the power and authority of Christ.  Why?  Because he
shares it with us in His name.  No, not in your name or my name
or the doctor's name.  His name works.  We don't have to fight any
more,  David, because it is done and finished.  Oh, sure, we have
to push back a  little.  Otherwise the Enemy is going to try and
eat our lunch.  He cannot  kill us because only Jesus has the
power of life and death in His hand.  Tell the devil to screw off
because you are busy right now and have things  to be doing.  I'll
be doing the same for you and I'll put a prayer request  on my
Christian mailing list, too.  Many of them know how to pray.
Note.  I decided not to ask you to pray for him as previously mentioned.
Why?  Because he does not need to be healed from MS.  If you pray, pray he
hears the voice of the Lord because that is absolutely all he needs right
now.  Message continued.  Also,  you ask Jesus for all of His intercessors
on the earth to
take up your  cause.  Jesus asked me the other day to pray for
three hours in tongues.  I  don't pray on a daily bases, by the
way, because I have learned to pray  without ceasing.  That's for
another sermon later.  It was 1:30 in the  afternoon.  I said,
"Lord, three hours?  I don't even know for whom I'm  praying."  He
said, "Pray."  I did.  I still have no idea for whom I prayed  but
He does.  So, ask the Holy Spirit to alert His intercessors and
people  you will never meet until Heaven will begin praying for
you.  What if you  die?  Well, then, when you get to Heaven, Jesus
will say, "Well, that poor  old Phil.  He means well but he don't
know his head from a hole in the  ground."  Sure and a chicken has
lips, too.  You know He won't say that.  He  wants you, Dave, not
what the doctor says he thinks you have.  I have a  prayer session
with a lady in a couple of minutes but I'll be in touch.  I  only
have a couple of bucks on my international calling card but I can
put  more on and we can talk and pray over the phone, too, when I
recharge my  account.  I have a lot more to tell you, to.  Go
deep, David, go deep.  That's where the answer is and His name is



I was reminded upon writing to you in my last message, something Jesus said
to me almost five years ago.  I was in the biggest, and most dramatic,
intercessory prayer session of my life.  God had been healing dozens of
but this one was the granddaddy of them all.  I wrote about it and it is on
my website.  It is called, "I Flew Kites With Jesus."  During that prayer
session, Jesus took me back to the hospital where I lost my sight.  Some
amazing things happened in that part of the prayer session but once it was
done, Jesus said, "We are leaving this place and never coming back."
Another thing he said was, "You are not blind."  The truth is, I am blind
but that statement will not go away, David.  I know I am not blind.  This is
not my faith speaking but Jesus speaking when I repeat those words.  As I so
often say, some may choose, the key word here is "choose," to believe what
Jesus said was just spiritual in nature.  These same people say the same
thing about 80 percent of the entire Bible, too.  I know what Jesus was
talking about and He knows what He was talking about so I don't care what
others believe; I am not blind.  A false confession?  Hardly.  If Jesus said
it first, who am I to question His authority.  So, I'm saying, Dave, you
don't have MS.  I'm saying it because Jesus said it first.  "Well, then,
what is it because I sure have something."  Right!  You got Jesus.


It Sounds Like God To Me.