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VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Jul 2007 13:01:26 -0400
text/plain (137 lines)
Hey Brad,
You are on a roll!  Another awesome post, I appreciate the way you put it 
all together.

Virgie and lady Hoshi
doing business at
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "B Dunse" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 9:58 AM
Subject: Wisdom Wisbanger

> Reading this morning I originally was drawn to the reward of sweet sleep 
> and no fear of the enemy suddenly coming upon us and wanted to draw 
> attention to that but so much more is offered. What then are the rewards 
> of wisdom? As you know parts of God's word are metaphorical and others are 
> literal. For instance when God talks about wisdom calling out in the 
> streets and that she's waiting at the gate of the city and so forth, well 
> there isn't  really a woman thousands of years old who goes by  the name 
> of Wisdom standing at the city limits of every city in the world. So it is 
> a metaphor showing God's wisdom is everywhere, in every situation, and we 
> need only look and listen for it, and of course follow it. There are times 
> however when God says things like do not reprove a scorner or you will 
> receive disgrace. We know that is a literal statement. He gives us the 
> ability to discern metaphor from literal if we only ask, I know this 
> because His Word says so and personal experience has proven it to me. So 
> knowing that information what then are the benefits of wisdom? And by 
> wisdom, it is not intended to mean our own wisdom, that is our own 
> thoughts grounded in our own devices and interests, but that of God's 
> wisdom instilled in us and we then use it.  What then can we look with 
> anticipation and graceful expectation to receive from finding, seeking and 
> using God's wisdom?
> If you were to hear wisdom being advertised in an infomercial on TV today, 
> it might sound something like this...
> "Today we're offering a special price on our Wisdom Whizbanger! We're 
> really out doing ourselves this time folks, never before have we offered 
> such a deal. If you order today here's what you will get!! Extended life! 
> That's right folks we literally can extend your life by not only days but 
> years! And what good would an extended life be if it was a life filled 
> with fear and strife? So we're also tossing in a life of peace. That's 
> right. Peace. Not only will you be able to live longer but you will live 
> longer, with more peace as well. And that's not all. If you order today at 
> this special offer you will also receive the ability to enjoy favor with 
> God your creator as well as your fellow man! I know, I know many have 
> asked us how we can afford to be so generous but we can't believe it 
> either! We must be poor business people to be offering all of this. But. I 
> want to tell you there's more! Yes more. If you call now while our 
> operators are standing by we will toss in not one, not two, but three, yes 
> three additional gifts for ordering today. Along with a long peaceable 
> life of favor with god and man you will also receive wealth, riches and 
> honor! We've really  gone over the edge this time folks, we can't believe 
> it ourselves! Now if you... wait a minute. I'm getting a call from our 
> CEO... please excuse me for just one second. 'Yes Charlie what can I do 
> for you? You kidding! Are you serious! They are not going to believe this, 
> are you sure about this? Well, OK then. Thanks I'll tell them'. Sorry for 
> the interruption folks but you won't believe this, that was our CEO on the 
> phone and, someone hit me so I know I'm not dreaming because not only are 
> we offering a long peaceable life complete with favor of God and man along 
> with wealth, riches and honor... I can't believe he's doing this... my CEO 
> just instructed me that for those  who order right now you will receive a 
> life of straight paths, correction by a loving Father and that's not all 
> you also will receive..."
> OK, OK. Enough with the infomercial bit :) I think you get the hint. As 
> cheesy as that staged infomercial was, it yet carries truth in what god 
> will give us by seeking wisdom. One very important thing I didn't include 
> in the bit was this...
> Keep sound wisdom and discretion, so they will be life to your soul and 
> adornment to your neck. Then you will walk in your way securely and your 
> foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you 
> lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden fear nor of 
> the onslaught of the wicked when it comes; For the LORD will be your 
> confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.
> So if God's Word can be taken literal we know that seeking and obtaining 
> wisdom and understanding, we know then that we can be secure, confident 
> and sleep a sweet sleep without fear and interruption. The gift of wisdom 
> is salvation, it is there for the taking, we only need to decide to grasp 
> on to what has already been given us and reap the rewards of the offer. 
> One difference between salvation and wisdom is there are times in life 
> when  we need to decide to apply wisdom. In salvation it is a gift in 
> which we only choose to grasp on to and the Lord does the saving. With 
> wisdom, we grasp on to the precepts in our given situations and yes God 
> does the rewarding or sees to it that we do have favor with Himself and 
> man that we do have riches, wealth, peace and all wisdom promises in His 
> Word. But we do need to decide to use it, to grasp on, to apply it to our 
> lives, to hold our situations  up to the light of God through His gift of 
> wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Imagine if you told your son to run 
> to the grocery store and get a loaf of bread. He then asks well how do I 
> get there. So you give him some written instructions. He runs and gets the 
> bread then runs off doing whatever. Then you ask him to run to the same 
> store and get some milk. He asks again how to get there.  So you point out 
> that you gave him written instructions. "Oh yeah, I forgot" he says.  Goes 
> off, comes back with the milk and goes about his business. Later you ask 
> him to get some eggs from the store, and again he asks how to get there. 
> Soon it would get a bit irritating would it not?  We would wonder why 
> isn't he using his knowledge of what I gave him instead of continually 
> asking me over and over how to get there. Years ago I was being counseled 
> by a wise man of God with some great insight and application of God's Word 
> and I was just learning how to apply God's word to my life. He said 
> seeking God  in prayer for things in life, for direction is of course 
> needed but praying about whether to  put salad forks out with the meal is 
> just irritating and not necessary. Obviously he was exaggerating to make 
> the point that some things we have been given a brain, as well wisdom to 
> use as a team towards our situations in life.  I'll end with a precept 
> which is kind of a joke at the same time. A pastor once gave this sermon 
> and he did a wonderful job of it. Folks came to him after the service, 
> shook his hand vigorously and said how wonderful it was and all that and 
> he smiled calmly and said thank you. The following Sunday the pastor gave 
> the same sermon. Folks cordially smiled, yawned  and nodded as he gave the 
> sermon and when he was done they again said how nice it was, shook hands 
> with a slightly looser grip this time,  and smiled with a bit of forced 
> lips. The next Sunday the pastor gave the very same sermon. Well the 
> elders began to wonder if there wasn't something wrong with the pastor. 
> One more week went by and dang nabit if he didn't do it yet again. Well 
> finally the elders took the pastor aside after the service and asked him, 
> "Umm. Pastor? Umm. are you aware you've given the same exact sermon, uh, 
> several weeks in a row now?"
> He replied. "Yes I know I have. And I'm going to keep giving it until you 
> folks begin to actually do it".
> I read one of the articles  on a link Phil gave us to look at from George 
> Muller I think was his name. I really recommend the article which talks 
> about reading the Word of God and not so much man's books. That is  not to 
> say teachings, encouragements and etc. are not helpful, but it is God's 
> Word that can teach itself if you dig in and that ought be the stable of 
> your instructional diet. Nothing replaces His Word.
> Brad