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Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 May 2007 01:13:26 +0100
text/plain (128 lines)
Really wonderful to read that, Phil!  Worth not sleeping to get up and read 
. . ..  <Smiles>

Carol - Reading, UK

To you, o Lord, I lift up my soul;
In You I trust, o my God.  . . .."  PS25:1-2 NIV.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, May 12, 2007 10:46 PM
Subject: New Miracle

>I thought, although I have some touching up to do with this testimony, you
> might like to read it now.  I am adding some Scriptural passages to back 
> up
> what I said about words in this article but for now, this is the true 
> story.
> It happened this week just last Wednesday.  You may choose, the key word
> here is, choose, not to believe this is a miracle.  That's ok.
> The Authority Of Words
> Does What We Say Really Matter?
> By Phil Scovell
>     "How important are spoken words?"
>     Recently our newest member of the Scovell family tree was
> born.  After nearly two month of being off work, it was time for
> his mother to return to her employment.  Junior, he is named after
> his father so I call him Junior, or June, wasn't all that
> interested in his mom going back to work and especially since he
> was being breast fed.  Fortunately, her job isn't far from home
> and each day his dad was going to take him to where she worked and
> she would have her lunch break to nurse him and spend time with
> him.  Junior was, to say the least, less than pleased with staying
> with his grandma and grandpa without the ability to nurse.  In
> short, he had no interest in taking a bottle at all even if it was
> truly his own mother's milk in the bottle.
>     In prenatal classes my daughter in law and son were attending
> at the hospital, a nurse teaching the class made the statement,
> "Some babies will never take a bottle once they have been breast
> fed."  I learned very quickly, in my intercessory prayer sessions
> with people, that such words often had a direct effect on the
> mother and her unborn baby.
>     Shortly after Junior was born, I was watching an educational
> channel on the cable television concerning birth.  Using
> ultrasound and other highly sophisticated electronic devices, such
> as miniature cameras used for in utero prenatal surgical
> procedures, the two hour program documented conception, fetal
> development and growth, and almost day by day.  They also
> literally video taped the actual birthing of the child, too.
>     I was especially interested with the third trimester of
> growth.  According to what I witnessed in this scientific
> presentation, the third trimester is when a baby's higher brain
> functionality and mind processing capabilities begins to develop
> expediently.  It begins recognizing familiar sounds, becomes aware
> of its existence and explores its internal world, and will even
> demonstrate reflex by recoiling from loud external sounds or
> sudden blows to the mother's abdomen.  they have even proved the
> unborn feel physical pain through other medical tests.  If you are
> thinking, what happens if a baby is born two or three months
> prematurely, you would be on the right track.  The answer is that
> the baby is now forced to learn and grow externally from the
> protection of its mother's womb.  this poses a very important
> question.  Does this mean a baby can hear what is spoken or felt
> externally, that is, prior to birth?  Scientifically, this is
> already proved to be true.
>     As I was saying, Junior, our grandson, wasn't interested in
> taking a bottle and little wonder as to why.  My daughter was
> holding him one day and thinking about a story I had shared
> concerning her oldest brother,  His testimony is on my website and
> is called, "Do Babies Hear Us Talking."  He heard, in this prayer
> session, words spoken about him when he was one day old.  I have
> personally prayed with people dozens of times that have awareness
> in utero and following birth itself.
>     When the statement was made, "Some babies never will take the
> bottle," my wife spoke up and said, "We need to pray against that
> because that's a lie and not even true."  Being the highly
> sophisticated, theologically scholarly giant of a man of God I am,
> I never thought anything about what she said.  Odd, you might
> think, since I have prayed with people about issues exactly like
> this dozens of times but it never registered with me for some
> reason.
>     The first week we had him, Junior was crying and refusing to
> take the bottle.  Gretchen, my daughter, was trying to calm him
> when she remember what the instructor had said.  At the same
> moment, she remembered the story I had told my family about her
> brother hearing things the first day following his birth which the
> Lord exposed as a lie and renewed his mind accordingly.  Gretchen
> laid her hands on the baby and said, "Lord, this little boy cannot
> pray for himself.  He can't even tell us what is wrong.  I bind
> the words spoken against him that he may never take a bottle and
> call them null and void in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."
> She picked up the bottle of his mother's breast milk and he began
> drinking immediately.  He takes the bottle freely now from anyone
> in the family.
>     So, I end with the same question with which I began.  "How
> important are spoken words?"  Our words work two ways, that is,
> they are positive in nature, or words of faith, or they are
> negative words, that is utterances of doubt and fear in the form
> of disbelief.  Which do you speak and what do you believe about
> what you say in the name of Jesus?  Are you bilingual, that is,
> speaking forth that which is good and that which is bad?  Jesus
> said this is impossible for a Christian.  So if it happens, who is
> grieved?  That's right; the Holy Spirit.  why?  because the Holy
> Spirit that dwells inside of every Christian, cannot agree with
> words which are not Scriptural, that is, are untrue.  He can't
> because it is totally against His nature.  So which is it going to
> be?  Our way or God's?
> It Sounds Like God To Me.