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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Apr 2007 22:53:40 -0500
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi Loving Family,

I have a few prayer requests, please.

Some of you know about me being disenrolled from Medicare Part D. 
through Humana. This happened without my knowledge or permission.

I went to fill a prescription in February, and was told I was no 
longer enrolled in Medicare part D. through Humana.

I've been trying to resolve this situation, and this has not been 
resolved. I am very frustrated. I received a phone call from our 
insurence agent this evening, and he told me I had to write a letter 
of greevence to Humana so that they can re-instate me.

This really makes me mad, because what happened is that someone at 
Medicare entered the wrong code which disenrolled me from Medicare 
Part D through Humana. Why can't people be responsible for their actions?

Also, in 1979 I was offered Medicare,part B.  and because Vernon had 
excellent health coverage, I turned it down and didn't take it. I 
couldn't see having Medicare when we had excellent health coverage. I 
didn't want to waste the government's money. I found out, in 2001 
that I could not enroll in Medicare part B. without a penalty of ten 
percent a year for not taking it when it was offered to me. I tried 
very hard to get proof that I had been covered by Vernon's health 
insurence from 1979 through 1983 when we moved back here to South 
Dakota. I couldn't get proof from Verizon who was GTE at that time. . 
We didn't even have proof that we had insurence from 1984 through 
about 1988. I've written letters to Social Security, and they have 
never replied to my letters. I even had Stephanie Herseth's office 
contact them for me, but they just said that this was the law and 
there were no exceptions.

Last year, in 2006, I spoke with the head of the Social Security 
office in Huron South Dakota, and he recommended that I write a 
letter requesting equitable relief. I did this, and I've heard 
nothing from the Social Security administration.

I know this is the law, but why can't they accept the fact that I was 
trying to save the government money?

I'm asking that you all please pray about these two situations. I'm 
paying over $300.00 a month for Medicare out of my SSDI check. I feel 
that this law should not even be in existance. I don't have the money 
to get an attourney to help me resolve these issues. I feel like they 
are just against me, and I know I shouldn't feel this way but I do.

Thank you very much for praying.

Love you all,
Pat Ferguson