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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Feb 2007 10:02:22 -0500
text/plain (32 lines)
I will just say that there are a few things that you said, that I'm 
not sure are accurate.  However, to be fair, I need to take the time 
to read your pamphlet on tithing before I say more.  I agree that 
tithing can be easily reduced to legalism, which makes it 
worthless.  After all, everything belongs to God and came from him in 
the first place, so how dare we put Him in a ten per cent box and 
feel that we've done our duty.  We should be willing to hand it all 
over if He asks.  When we discourage tithing, however, it can become 
an excuse for the spiritually immature to feel good about doing as 
little and giving as little as possible and keeping as much for  the 
self as possible.  I'm not saying that this is you.  I'm saying that 
this is a reasoning given by the spiritually immature.  In no way to 
I consider you spiritually immature, so please don't think that I'm 
implying that.  I don't know how much you give, or what your attitude 
is toward giving.  I know that I need to read what you have already 
written in order to understand.  I'll try to do it soon, as time 
allows.  I don't feel right saying anything more before I truly 
understand you first.

At 02:55 PM 2/5/2007, you wrote:
>I'm just curious.  Do you think anything I have said isn't true or that I've
>been fooled into thinking something is God when it's not?  I mean, if that
>is the way I come off, I would like to know because something needs changing
>in my life if that's the case.