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John Schwery <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:28:08 -0400
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Marcia West nails it, here.  Is contemplative or centering prayer, biblical?

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>By Marsha West
>March 30, 2007
>Christians are being exhorted to put their minds 
>on hold through meditation and take a step into 
>the supernatural realm. Is it biblical to 
>connect with the supernatural realm? In an 
>interview with Emergent leader Rob Bell, 
>founding pastor of Mars Hill in Grand Rapids, 
>MI, he made the following comment: "Central to 
>the Christian tradition, for thousands of years, 
>have been disciplines of meditation, reflection, 
>silence, and breathing. It was understood that 
>to be a healthy person, to be fully connected 
>with God, and fully centered you would spend 
>significant parts of your day in 
>silence–breathing, meditating–praying allowing 
>the Spirit of of God to transform you and touch 
>you." So ordinary people spent significant parts 
>of their day in silence, meditating?
>Even if it were true, nowhere in the Bible are 
>God's people encouraged to stop using their 
>minds and to connect with the supernatural 
>world. Believers are to worship God with their 
>heart, strength, mind and soul. In an altered 
>state of consciousness the mind is not engaged, it's blank!
>For over two thousand years (not "thousands of 
>years") Christians have followed a whole host of 
>unbiblical practices that God regards evil. But 
>that hasn't stopped untold numbers from 
>participating. Example: Even though God forbids 
>fortune telling (divination) countless people, 
>including Christians, have visited mediums to "look into the future."
>For over 5,000 years meditation has been 
>practiced by Eastern religions and has become 
>mainstream in Western culture. It's true, as 
>Bell says, that Christian's have been practicing 
>meditation for centuries. Christian meditation 
>came about when monks began reading the Bible 
>slowly. As they read they would ponder the 
>deeper meaning of each verse. This is called 
>"divine reading," or lectio divina. As a result 
>of their Scripture meditation the monks found 
>themselves spontaneously praying. Their prayer 
>would move them to a wordless focus on God. They 
>called this "wordless love for God" 
>contemplation. More on contemplative prayer later.
>Lacking a biblical worldview and an 
>understanding of Scripture is the main reason 
>Christians are dipping into the forbidden waters 
>of Eastern meditation to "know the unknowable."
>Contemporary Christianity is following "every 
>wind of doctrine." Believers are listening to 
>what their "itching ears want to hear." 
>Regrettably, their itching ears are tuned to 
>neo-gnostic heresy. One of the obstacles the 
>Apostles faced were false teachers, the Gnostics 
>being the most prevalent of the bunch. 
>Gnosticism was condemned as a heresy in the 
>first century church. Here's the crux of Gnosticism:
>"Christian Gnosticism is the belief that one 
>must have a "gnosis" (from Greek "Gnosko," to 
>know) or inner knowledge which is mystical 
>knowledge obtained only after one has been 
>properly initiated. Only a few can possess this 
>mystical knowledge, limiting the number of those 
>"in the know". … Gnosticism today seems to 
>provide a lot of the form and color for the New 
>Age portrait of Jesus where Jesus is seen as the 
>illumined Illuminator: one who serves as a 
>cosmic catalyst for others' awakening. As such 
>it is as false and heretical as the Gnosticism 
>of the first century and needs to be roundly 
>condemned for the heresy that it 
>is."<> [1]
>Most of us think it's cool to have inside 
>information. Makes one feel important. Even 
>special. Who wouldn't want to cultivate a 
>special experience with God that no one else has?
>Sadly, Christians involve themselves in New Age 
>practices like yoga meditation so they'll "be in the know."
>You say, "My church isn't into any of that New 
>Age stuff." No, but you'll read about the New 
>Age stuff in books purchased in your local or 
>online Christian bookstores. You'll also see an 
>abundance of false teaching on Christian blogs all over the Internet.
>Or you'll hear name it and claim it prosperity 
>preachers on TV acting as if the Almighty is 
>actually whispering into their ear as they 
>impart their false teaching to millions of viewers.
>You can't even escape Gnostic heresy in modern 
>Christian music. You could be singing it in 
>church! Listen to the lyrics of so-called 
>worship songs and be amazed! And be sickened.
>Last, but not least, the Oprah Winfrey Show if 
>rife with Gnosticism. Those who tune into 
>Oprah's program (a number of gullible Christians 
>do) will hear her guest's share their esoteric mystical experiences.
>It's all about experience. "The Gnostics thought 
>that one must directly experience the spirit to 
>learn the truth, this being apart from the word. 
>Stepping over into the supernatural, experience 
>becomes the teacher and gives them real 
>knowledge. What was and is now being taught is 
>spirit to spirit communication that is 
>completely outside the Biblical revelation given 
>by the apostles."<> [2]
>This fits liberal "Christianity" to a tee. The 
>Word of God is out of date so experience becomes 
>the teacher. In his essay "What are we talking 
>about?" DA Carson points out that some leaders 
>in the Emergent Church movement claim "changing 
>times demand that fresh questions be asked of 
>Scripture, and then fresh answers will be heard. 
>What was an appropriate use of Scripture under 
>modernism is no longer an appropriate use of 
>Scripture under postmodernism." This is a 
>classic case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater! But I digress.
>The "knower" believes that the masses are not in 
>possession of spiritual knowledge, and only the 
>truly "enlightened" can experience God. Thus the 
>reintroduction of contemplative, aka centering, prayer into the Church.
>How is centering prayer different from biblical 
>prayer? Centering prayer is a meditative 
>practice where the focus is on having a mystical 
>experience with God. Individuals choose a sacred 
>word or symbol (such as God, Jesus, Father) and 
>repeat it over and over during the twenty-minute 
>exercise. Sitting comfortably in a meditative 
>posture, with back straight and eyes closed, the 
>sacred word is introduced as the symbol of 
>consent to God's presence within. Should outside 
>thoughts emerge in your mind, you must return 
>"ever-so-gently" to your sacred word. At the end 
>of your prayer time you're to remain in silence 
>with eyes closed for a few minutes.
>Sounds like a good way to relax, doesn't it? 
>Trouble is, contemplative prayer has no 
>Scriptural support whatsoever. Moreover, it's 
>the exact opposite of how the Bible instructs 
>believers to pray. Read the prayer of Jesus in 
>Luke 11:1-4 below.<> [3]
>"In that day you will no longer ask me 
>anything," said Jesus to the apostles. "I tell 
>you the truth, my Father will give you whatever 
>you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked 
>for anything in my name. Ask and you will 
>receive, and your joy will be complete" (John 16:23-24).
>Paul says, "Do not be anxious about anything, 
>but in everything, by prayer and petition, with 
>thanksgiving, present your requests to God" 
>(Philippians 4:6, NLT).; "Epaphras, who is one 
>of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends 
>greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for 
>you, that you may stand firm in all the will of 
>God, mature and fully assured" (Col. 4:12).
>Biblical prayer advocates engaging your mind, 
>even wrestling in your mind, as did Epaphras, 
>not emptying your mind! Yet Pastor Rob Bell 
>encourages Zachary Lind to do just that. 
>Following is a snip of an interview Lind did 
>with Bell. (For clarity I edited out phrases 
>like "like," "you know" and "I mean."):
>Interviewer Lind: … the book you recommended to 
>me a few weeks ago [by] Richard Rohrr…talked 
>about contemplative prayer … [I read] half of 
>the book and still don't really know what his 
>definition of that is. But he starts getting 
>into it. And he says … you have to at least sit … past 20 minutes.
>Bell: Yeah, yes.
>Lind: It takes a certain amount of time before 
>you're sort of selfish things get aired out. 
>Like you might be all about you for 20 minutes, 
>but then after that it's like, you're kind of a blank slate. You know…
>Bell: Uh-huh.
>Lind: You're kind of ready to intake anything. 
>He talks a lot in that book about a beginners 
>mind and … being kind of like a child and coming 
>up to Jesus, and really just ready to be written 
>on. And … maybe I'm wrong but I kind of feel 
>like from what I hear … there's a lot of that going on …
>Bell: Yeah, well you have to essentially 
>discipline your life around forming the depths, 
>and that takes just phenomenal discipline that I 
>don't even pretend to 
>have.<> [4]
>At this point the conversation drifts away from 
>contemplative prayer. Bell gave no warning with 
>regard to the dangers of meditation even though 
>Lind admits that he's ready to take anything, 
>"Ready to be written on." Written on by whom? 
>The Bible warns of deceiving spirits! "The 
>coming of the lawless one will be in accordance 
>with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of 
>counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in 
>every sort of evil that deceives those who are 
>perishing. They perish because they refused to 
>love the truth and so be saved" (2 Thess. 2:9-10).
>After listening to the interview what you will 
>come away with is that Rob Bell is leading 
>Christians into dangerous Eastern religious 
>beliefs and rituals. Convinced they're having an 
>esoteric experience with "God," many Christians 
>are actually embracing Hinduism.
>Biblical prayer is comprehendible communication 
>with God. Prayer is not an esoteric, yoga 
>meditation. Granted, many contemplatives are 
>ignorant of the true nature of meditation­but 
>such ignorance is inexcusable and indefensible! 
>The truth about the dangers of meditation is 
>readily available in books and on the Internet. 
>Contemplative spirituality, like Gnosticism, 
>promotes pursuing a magical mystical experience with "God."
>Overlooked are passages such as Joshua 1:8: "Do 
>not let this Book of the Law depart from your 
>mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you 
>may be careful to do everything written in it. 
>Then you will be prosperous and successful." 
>This command is from God! He wants His people to 
>meditate on Scripture; He doesn't want them 
>emptying their minds. Leaders in the Emergent 
>movement have succeeded in persuading those who 
>practice centering prayer to put aside God's Word and focus on a blank wall!
>Will practicing Eastern mysticism really help to 
>open you up to a greater spiritual experience 
>with God, or just the opposite? Since God 
>opposes mysticism in any form, perhaps 
>contemplatives are really experiencing visits 
>from demonic spirits. Meditate on that!
>In 1 Cor. 2:15-18 Paul informs us that we have 
>"the mind of Christ." In Romans 12:2 he reminds 
>us that God's people are not to kowtow to this 
>world, "but be transformed by the renewing of 
>your mind." Then you will be able to test and 
>approve what God's will is­his good, pleasing and perfect will.
>In the words of William Hendrickson, "Even if we 
>or a holy angel must be the object of God's 
>righteous curse, were any of us to preach a 
>gospel contrary to the one we humans previously 
>preached to you, then all the more divine wrath 
>must be poured out on those self-appointed 
>nobodies who are now making themselves guilty of this crime."
>1, What is Christian Gnosticism? - 
><>Got Questtions website
>2, The Gnostic Jesus, a Gnostic Christianity - 
><>Let Us Reason website
>11:1-4 - Bible Gateway website
>With Rob Bell - Finding Rhythm website
>© 2007 Marsha West - All Rights Reserved
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