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Jenifer Gilley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:20:02 -0400
text/plain (174 lines)
this is good too!  has a good message!
Jenifer gilley
CHRIST came that we may have life everlasting.
check out my blog
AIM: jenibear1998
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlotte" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 8:05 PM
Subject: [handygirl] Nudge the Balance

> This is really good.  Just want to share.
> Charlotte
> A 91-year-old woman died after living a very long dignified life. When she
> met God, she asked Him something that had really bothered her for a very
> long time. "If Man was created in God's image, and if all men are created
> equal, why do people treat each other so badly?"
> God replied that each person who enters our life has a unique lesson to
> teach us. It is only through these lessons that we learn about life, 
> people
> and our relationships with God. This confused the woman, so God began to
> explain:
> "When someone lies to you, it teaches you that things are not always what
> they seem. The truth is often far beneath the surface. Look beyond the 
> masks
> people wear if you want to know what is in their hearts. Remove your own
> masks to let people know who you really are.
> When someone steals from you it teaches you that nothing is forever. 
> Always
> appreciate what you have. You never know when you might lose it. Never 
> take
> your friends or family for granted, because today and sometimes only this
> very moment is the only guarantee you may have.
> When someone inflicts injury upon you, it teaches you that the human state
> is a very fragile one. Protect and take care of your body as best as you
> can, it's the one thing that you are sure to have forever.
> When someone mocks you, it teaches you that no two people are alike. When
> you encounter people who are different from you, do not judge them by how
> they look or act, instead base it on the contents of what is in their
> hearts.
> When someone breaks your heart, it teaches you that loving someone does 
> not
> always mean that the person will love you back. But don't turn your back 
> on
> love, because when you find the right person, the joy that one person 
> brings
> you will make up for all of your past hurts. Times a thousand fold.
> When someone holds a grudge against you, it teaches you that everyone 
> makes
> mistakes. When you are wronged, the most virtuous thing you can do is
> forgive the offender without pretense. Forgiving those who have hurt us is
> often the most difficult and painful of life's experiences, but it is also
> the most courageous thing a person can do.
> When a loved one is unfaithful to you, it teaches you that resisting
> temptation is Man's greatest challenge. Be vigilant in your resistance
> against all temptations. By doing so, you will be rewarded with an 
> enduring
> sense of satisfaction far greater than the temporary pleasure by which you
> were tempted.
> When someone cheats you, it teaches you that greed is the root of all 
> evil.
> Aspire to make your dreams come true, no matter how lofty they may be. Do
> not feel guilty about your success, but never let an obsession with
> achieving your goals lead you to engage in malevolent activities.
> When someone ridicules you, it teaches you that nobody is perfect. Accept
> people for their merits and be tolerant of their flaws. Do not ever reject
> someone for imperfections over which they have no control."
> Upon hearing the Lord's wisdom, the old woman became concerned that there
> are no lessons to be learned from man's good deeds. God replied that Man's
> capacity to love is the greatest gift He has. At the root of kindness and
> love, and each act of love also teaches us a lesson. The woman's curiosity
> deepened. God, once again began to explain:
> "When someone loves us, it teaches us love, kindness, charity, honesty,
> humility, forgiveness, acceptance, and all of these can counteract all the
> evil in the world. For every good deed, there is one evil deed. Man alone
> has the power to control the balance between good and evil, but because 
> the
> lessons of love are not taught often enough, the power is too often 
> abused.
> When you enter someone's life, whether by plan, chance or coincidence,
> consider what your lesson will be. Will you teach love or a harsh lesson 
> of
> reality? When you die, will your life have resulted in more loving or more
> hurting? More comfort or more pain? More joy or more sadness? Each one of 
> us
> has the power over the balance of the love in the world. Use it wisely!"
> Don't miss an opportunity to nudge the world's scale in the right 
> direction!
> -- Author Unknown
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