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Reeva Parry <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:57:21 -0600
text/plain (52 lines)
Phil, this is Mari. I know your tests are coming up on Thursday, the 
fifteenth, and I am praying, and, admittedly, worrying, too. Since I 
have Type Two Diabetes, I know what a pain it can be. It's amazing 
how things that taste so good can end up being so bad for us. I don't 
have much trouble with sweets, but here is my list of troublemakers.

1. Bread.

2. Pasta.
3. Potatoes.
4. Pizza.
5. Cheeseburgers.
6. Mac and Cheese.
7. Snack foods.
8. Large portions of meat.
9. Cream-based soups or casseroles.
10. Smaller portions of everything.

It is so hard to stick to a diet where the food tastes like brown 
cardboard and the portions are minuscule.

I pray fervently, indeed, most fervently, that you don't have to go 
through this. If you do, however, I will be here at the other end of 
the telephone so you can talk to someone who has it. I am doing lousy 
in the weight loss department, too, and they just doubled one of mny 
cholesterol busters. I admit I don't have much faith in them. But I 
take them anyway. Yuckers! The whole thing is just plain yuckers! 
Diabetes leaves noone alive if it has its way, and even after eight 
years, it fills me with rage and impotent sorrow. Talk about a 
diatribe, but then again, I am known for that.

Mari, with her faithful scribe, The Reeves.

On Saturday 3/10/2007 11:10 AM, Phil Scovell said:

>I had my annual physical this year.  Everything, but my weight was normal
>but the blood work wasn't too good.  A year ago, I was at the low/high
>triglyceride level of 239.  I was placed on some medication for it but this
>week it had jumped to 452 which is out of the high range all together.
>Super high is 300 so I jump the gun on  that one.  They also believe I am
>now type 2 diabetic.  So next week, I get to go back again and talk with the
>doctor about what he wants to do about it.  He also doubled my cholesterol
>medication immediately so perhaps he'll put me on some other, or additional,
>meds.  Wonderful.  I'm really excited about it.  I'm guessing I'll end up
>taking a multi hour glucose intolerance blood test, too.  I've had them
>before many years ago but at least they'll know more by then.