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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 23 Dec 2006 08:12:36 -0500
text/plain (65 lines)
Thanks Vinny,
He did come home Thursday evening.  Yesterday, he spent about six 
hours looking for another place to flop, but ended up here again last 
night.  I suppose that he's not real crazy about some of the rules, 
the extreme restrictions that we've placed on the computer, we won't 
let him drive the car, for now anyway, until he can insure himself, 
he has to smoke outside and we've told him that he can't have any of 
his current friends over, but he is accepting this, so far, with 
understanding.  We've told him that he can stay here while he looks 
for a full time job and then think about providing his own roof over 
his head.  He is talking as though he is truly appreciative, but it 
is definitely not a permanent   solution.  I"m sure that he is 
anxious to be out on his own again, and we are anxious that he not 
get too comfortable.  Also, if he goes out partying, we are planning 
on telling him not to bother coming home, but to sleep it off where 
he is.  This evening, we are going caroling with some friends and he 
wants to come along.  I have no clue if he will be in church 
tomorrow.  He may come to the evening service.  It's my favorite 
service of the year with tons of singing and candles.  It's just cozy.

Last night, while Greg was bringing him home in the car, He said that 
he wished that we would trust him and Greg told him flat out that we 
don't trust him and that he has done a lot of damage to our 
relationship with him.  Last night, for the first time, that finally 
seemed to sink in.  He was in tears last night when he thanked us for 
taking him back in.  Whether those were crocodile tears or genuine, 
only God knows.  We don't trust him and we are staying very cautious 
and alert, but we love him and we want to see him succeed, so we 
continue to proceed with God's wisdom and pray for the best.

thanks for praying Vinny.  I'm a little scared, but I am trying hard 
to claim God's peace in the situation and also to remember that this 
is my home and I am the authority, under Greg, of course.

At 09:58 PM 12/22/2006, you wrote:
>Oh Kathy,
>I'm praying.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2006 12:51 PM
>Subject: Chris may be moving home temporarily
>>Yep, you heard right.  Chris may be moving home for a few weeks, or 
>>days, depending on how it goes.  He is in the process of talking to 
>>different art institutes, looking for the right one for him.  I've 
>>been honest with him that I am nervous about this possibility and I 
>>think that he is too.  If things went his way, he would begin 
>>college January 8, but he just doesn't realize the amount of paper 
>>work and everything else involved.  We choose  to just let him find 
>>out on his own rather than say anything that might sound like a 
>>discouraging word.  At least he is motivated to take a fresh step 
>>and that is a good thing.  I don't know when this will happen.  I 
>>know that he will be staying here at least Saturday and Sunday 
>>nights, but he might need a place already tonight, so we'll 
>>see.  Nothing like adding stress to a laid back Christmas 
>>season.  Truthfully, I don't think that he really wants to come 
>>home either, so that should help in the moving him out 
>>department.  At least I pray so.