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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 14 Jan 2007 09:09:00 -0500
text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1; reply-type=original
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (320 lines)
Hi Phil,
What a great story!
That old devil never quits trying to disrupt the lives of Christians does 
he?  If we worked as hard for the Lord as satan does to keep us from 
believing, satan would not have a chance to get his foot in the door.  I am 
praying for Everett and for his business!
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Virgie and Hoshi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 5:16 PM
Subject: Fax Me A Demon

> This is sort of my first draft but it is up to speed enough to read and
> maybe it is important for someone right now.
> Phil.
> Fax Me A Demon
> Dealing with Lying Spirits In The Lives Of Christians
> By Phil Scovell
>     I was praying with a young man whose business had suddenly
> dropped off.  He had found replacement work but regardless, his
> shop wasn't making enough money, all of the sudden, to even pay
> his employees, not to mention himself.  The reduction in business
> wasn't the only thing creating stress in his life so we weren't
> just praying that God would bless his business.  His wife was
> expecting her third child, it was Christmas, Denver had three snow
> storms totaling more than three feet of snow plus drifts to 5 and
> 6 feet around the city, and other personal things in his life were
> all trying to pound his Christianity into the ground.  These are
> golden opportunities for the Enemy to plant bad seed in a
> Christian's life or to attempt to nourish  implanted lies already
> seeded.  So, he was in my office and we were talking and praying
> about what he was facing.
>     Although the claim has been made, I am not a demon hunter.
> In my type of prayer ministry, demons show up, sort of speak,
> during prayer sessions all the time but it isn't because I am
> looking for them.  It comes with the territory, sort of speak.
>     "You mean, in the lives of Christians?  Demons?"
>     To whom did you think I was referring?  It is a given that
> the lost can be demonically influenced but I pray with Christians.
> Being the old Baptist boy that I am, or was, I always get
> confused about that these days, my Baptist friends, I have
> precious few of them now, say I am too Charismatic, and my
> Charismatic friends say I'm too Baptist.  So, as I said, some days
> I'm a little confused about who I am but as long as Jesus knows,
> that's all that counts.  Anyhow, the first thing I do, when
> someone sits down across my desk from me or is on the other end of
> the telephone, is to find out if they are born again or not.  If
> they aren't, I show them the Scriptures and lead them to Christ.
>     "Well, then, don't the demons that were bothering them go
> away after they get saved?"
>     Are we reading the same bible?  The answer is, their sin of
> condemnation and eternal punishment goes away but you surely don't
> think the Enemy gives up trying to kill, steal, and to destroy
> their lives, do you?  Well, if you do think that, God bless you
> because you are walking on thin ice as a Christian.  Just because
> we become born again doesn't mean we no longer sin.  Nor does
> sinning, as a Christian, mean we have to get born again all over
> again.  First John 1:9 makes that clear.  Jesus died once for sin,
> (See Hebrews 10:12), and He isn't doing it all over again for any
> reason.  He doesn't have to because what's done is done.
>     Let me tell you a story.  Years ago, when I was still
> attending a Baptist church, I was also doing high speed cassette
> duplication for churches and traveling preachers.  One man I did
> tapes for, both sermon and the music tapes he and his wife
> recorded, told the following story.  It seems apropos to tell it
> right now because this guy was what we called a hard core Baptist
> boy.  He did not believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as
> tongues, in fact, he preached against it, and he did not believe
> there was anything remotely like the baptism of the Holy Spirit
> even if Jesus did speak of it to His disciples in Acts chapter
> one.  Here is the story this Baptist preacher told.
>     He was preaching at a youth camp one summer when a mother,
> who was working at the camp as a volunteer, happened to mention to
> one of the guest speakers, that her son was afraid of the dark.
> In fact, she said, her son, he was 10 years of age, had to sleep
> with a light on in his room nightly.  By the way, this is not
> uncommon.  The pastor she mentioned this to, mentioned her story
> to some other pastors who were there at the camp with their own
> church kids.  They decided they would pray over this boy
> concerning this matter.  Yes, this, in and of itself, is highly
> unusual for a bunch of Baptist preachers.  God bless them, they
> did it anyway.
>     One afternoon, several of the pastors got together and the
> boy was called in.  He had been playing baseball with several
> other church kids but he went with his mother to be prayed over.
> the pastors laid hands on him and prayed authoritative prayers and
> commanded the unclean spirit to leave him.  Nothing seemed to
> happen.  the boy placed his ball cap back on his head, picked up
> his glove, and went back outside to continue playing baseball.
>     As I recall, the woman's pastor was one of the men who was
> there in the prayer session.  After getting home from church camp,
> she went and told her pastor one day that something strange
> happened.  She reported that her son no longer requested his room
> light be left on when he went to bed and he was no longer afraid
> of the dark.
>     "So, what happened?" you may ask.
>     You tell me.
>     I was literally taught, growing up, that you should leave
> demons alone.  What do we do, then, if demons won't leave us
> alone?  Well, the only person I know that is an authority on the
> subject, is Jesus.  So what did He do?  You can read the Gospels
> for yourself, if you haven't before, but if you take time to read
> them again, take note of all the contact with demons that Jesus
> had and pay attention to what He did.  Let me make reference to
> just one of our Lord's encounters before I finish my story of the
> man I prayed with recently.
>     If you read Matthew chapter 8, and Mark chapter 5, and Luke
> chapter 8, you will find the story of what some called the
> Galilean Demoniac.  According to the Matthew account, there were
> two such men.  So why do the other Gospel accounts only speak of
> one man?  He likely was the one Jesus told not to come with Him
> but to return to his city and witness of the great things God had
> done for him.  I'm just guessing because the bible doesn't say so
> don't worry about it.
>     Jesus stepped off the boat with his disciples and these to
> crazy people came running up to him and fell down and began
> worshipping him.  They were both naked as a jay bird, too.  What a
> strange way to worship.  Simply stated, these two men were
> demonized.  That is the meaning of the word "possessed" used by
> the King James translators.  Demon possession and oppression are
> not the same thing but we can talk about that another time.
>     Let me tell you a little about these two men.  As I said,
> they both were stark naked, that means they wore no clothes, which
> is exactly what the Bible says.  Further more, these demonized men
> were so violent, no one traveled in that area because they would
> be attacked.  These two men lived among the tombs, slept with
> dead bodies in other words, screamed and yelled, and terrorized
> everybody who lived in the area.  Further more, the Bible says
> they were self mutilators.  That means they cut themselves until
> they bled.  Additionally, according to the Biblical record, these
> two men had super human strength because the citizens thereabouts
> captured them, probably with dozens of men working together, and
> shackled and chained them.  The two naked demonized men snapped
> the chains and fetters as if they were made of thread.  So, in
> short, there wasn't much that could be done for these men except
> leave them alone as they freely roamed the hillsides and graves.
> Although the Bible does not say, I would not be surprised at all
> if these men were necrophilic since they lived among the tombs of
> the dead.  This term can also include sex with dead bodies, too.
> Like I said, it wouldn't surprise me.  They were nothing short of
> being a couple of spooky and scary characters to say the least.
>     As I said, when Jesus stepped off the boat, they fell on
> their faces before Him and worshipped.  Demons spoke out of their
> mouths, which is clearly evident upon reading the Biblical
> accounts, and Jesus asked the name of the demon, or demons, when
> they began worshipping Him.  Jesus was told that their name was
> Legion because they had many demons.  No, we are not told how they
> got this way but very likely they had been involved with pagan
> rituals.  Regardless, they needed help.  These naked men had open,
> bleeding, festering open sores all over their bodies.  They were
> feared by all.  Well, except Jesus of course.
>     What do you suppose Jesus did?  Perhaps Jesus told them to
> join a local mega church and ask for prayer?  Maybe Jesus
> recommended a couple of million dollar best selling Christian
> books on the topic for them to read.  It is possible, I suppose,
> that Jesus suggested they read the Bible every day.  Surely that
> should help.  Right?  Maybe he offered a weekly group session they
> could attend to talk out their problems of demonetization.
> Certainly, at the very least, Jesus would have sent them to a
> psych hospital for treatment.  Of course it is absurd.  Jesus did
> no such thing.  Forgive my sarcasm but I know some Christians
> today who make such suggestions to people with whom they wish not
> to deal with spiritually.  Yes, it is sad.  It is also wrong.
>     In this case, since Legion probably refers to thousands and
> thousands, He first told the demons to shut up.  Jesus didn't need
> demons to worship Him because He has us for that.  He probably
> asked for the name, in my opinion, because He wanted to know the
> name of whoever was in charge of the group of demons tormenting
> these men.  Regardless, the story has both a humorous ending and a
> pathetic one.  The Demons begged Jesus not to send them to the
> "deep" which is a reference to "the pit" or perhaps hell itself.
> Instead, the demons, and this shows how smart they are, requested
> to be sent into a heard of a couple of thousand hogs which Jesus
> granted.  The pigs ran down into the water and drown.  the hog
> farmers, royally ticked off at their loss, ran into town, told the
> city council that Jesus just killed their stock, and the city
> officials came out and begged Jesus to leave the area.  According
> to the Bible story, the naked men were now clothes and in their
> "right minds" and with Jesus when the city officials came to talk
> to Jesus about leaving their area.  Go figure.  You would think
> they would have invited him into town for a revival meeting or
> something but not this outfit.  It sounds like what most typical
> politicians would do even today.
>     Now, with this bit of Biblical background, let me finish
> telling you about the man I prayed with in my office.
>     During the simple prayer session, and there is nothing
> complicated or complex about the prayer sessions, we just talk and
> pray is all, the man reported that he had been seeing a dark shape
> in the basic shape of a man roaming around his shop inside the
> building.  He thought it might be an angel because he reported the
> figure looked as if it had wings but he wasn't positive about
> what this thing was.  It was dark and more like a shadow, he
> reported.  By the way, demons have no glory of their own.
>     As we prayed, we eventually ended up in his shop.  He told me
> that with his naked eye, he often thought he saw this figure
> moving around the shop and standing by different people.  Mostly,
> this figure ended up walking to the shop  fax machine and just
> staring at it.  It was fairly new, and hadn't been working for
> weeks and nobody could figure out why.  The dumb fax machine
> hadn't even been answering the fax line either.  Many of their
> orders, it is a drapery manufacturing shop, come from decorators
> who fax in their orders to them.
>     As we prayed and talked, this figure became prominent in his
> thoughts.  I knew what it was, mostly from previous experiences in
> prayer sessions, so I asked Jesus if this demon had any right to
> be where he was in the shop.  The man reported that the demon was
> now shaking and his lips were trembling as if he were struggling
> not to speak.  Jesus spoke a single word, or made the demon speak
> the word, "No."  I prayed a simple prayer the Lord has given me
> and told the demon to leave.  He didn't.  This is also fairly
> common.
>     First, demons don't like to talk because an intercessor that
> knows what is happening will recognize why the demon thinks he has
> a right to be there the second he speaks.   Secondly, they may
> also test to see if you become frustrated with their defiance and
> lack of obedience and begin to doubt your co-equal authority over
> them.  (See Romans 8 and Colossians 2:10).  This is also the main
> reason why I never find the need to carry on a conversation, as
> many do, with demons.  Furthermore, they don't want to leave in
> the first place because they love screwing up people's lives.
> When something of this nature occurs during the prayer session, it
> becomes obvious the demon thinks he has the right to remain but as
> I said, they don't like confessing the reason.  Another reason why
> they often prefer remaining silent is because they already know
> Jesus has all power and authority over them.
>     I changed my questioning at this point in the prayer session
> because it was clear the demon not only would not leave until the
> lie was exposed but more importantly, Jesus wanted us to know the
> reason so the demon would no longer have authority, or the right,
> to return to the scene, as it were.
>     At this point, many are wondering how demons communicate.  In
> my opinion, it depends upon the level, or depth, of oppression or
> influence.  Normally, demons just speak into our thoughts.  In
> fact, they speak exactly as the Holy Spirit does when speaking
> into our thoughts.  Secondly, and in this case, which is quite
> common, they refuse to speak out of fear the real reason for their
> presence will be discovered.  A third level of communication is
> through the person's own voice.  I believe what is occurring is
> that the demon is trying to demonstrate the level of deceit over
> the person.  The person I am praying with often will just speak
> out loud what they hear spoken in their thoughts.  Yes, in most
> cases, but not all, the person could simply not speak but in other
> cases, they may feel almost forced to say what they are hearing
> the demon speak in their thoughts.  Again, this all depends upon
> the level of the lie the person is believing.  No, this does not
> mean the person is demon possessed.  I had demons speak through my
> thoughts and out my mouth once and I never have been demon
> possessed.  Fourthly, the communication can often occur with the
> person speaking but their tone of voice will change.  Sometimes it
> is distinctive enough that the uttering voice may not even sound
> like the person with whom I am praying.  Demons love to play games
> to try and maintain their position of deceitfulness.  An
> additional category may be one of physical attempts at bodily
> control but in my opinion, this is largely restricted to someone
> not born again but, I know for a fact, that is certainly not
> always the case.  Again, and I am sorry to keep repeating myself,
> but it depends on the level of deception the person is facing.
>     As we continued praying, the demon, as I mentioned, refused
> to leave.  I had begun by asking Jesus if this demon had any right
> to be there.  The man I was praying with said, "No," because
> that's what he heard in his thoughts.  I already figured this was
> true but since the demon did not leave when I told it to in the
> name of the True Lord Jesus Christ, there was a reason.  When I
> asked the Lord to reveal to us the truth, the man said, "to
> disrupt our work."  With this lie exposed, I asked the Lord if it
> was true this demon had that authority over the shop and the
> business.  The immediate answer spoken by the man was, "No."  I
> sent him away and this time he left.
>     Let me shorten the story by telling you what happened.  The
> next day the fax machine began working.  It began answering
> incoming calls, too, and they got three new orders that same day.
>     "Can demons do that?"
>     "You tell me.  If you doubt the testimony I have just told,
> I'll give you the man's phone number and you can call and talk to
> him personally.  Why?  Because the man is my son.
> It Sounds Like God To Me.