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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Jan 2007 16:29:24 -0600
text/plain (163 lines)
Virgie, Phil and all,

Appreciate the prayers for them.


At 03:24 PM 1/4/2007, you wrote:

>Oh my goodness Brad,
>All I can say is I will continue to pray for all of you.  May God bless 
>all of you.  Keep the faith and encourage them when you can.
>Virgie and Hoshi
>----- Original Message ----- From: "MV" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 7:28 AM
>Subject: Nephew update
>>A few weeks back now, probably a month, his fiance/girlfriend  returned 
>>my call to them while I was at work. I didn't have opportunity to talk 
>>too much  and  asked my nephew if he'd be at home that night, and he said 
>>yes. I called but no one was home, tried her cell phone the next day 
>>twice , and left a message. I hadn't heard back so tried a week or so 
>>later, no answer again. I didn't find out until just before Christmas 
>>they had a major fight and split up. He's living at his mom's, which does 
>>not thrill me to say the least and she and the little one are yet at her 
>>grandparent's cabin. I'm planning to call her because we didn't get to 
>>see her over the holiday. My mom had talked to her mom when trying to 
>>track them down and  I guess Andy's fiance feels that his family probably 
>>wouldn't want anything to do with her after the split, which isn't the 
>>case at all. She is a wonderful young lady  with a lot on her  shoulders. 
>>With all three of them having health issues, no place to live, no money, 
>>no income, doctor appointments all the time to go to and everything, 
>>there is bound to be stress. I also know how she was so desperate when 
>>Andy was in the hospital and not expected to make it, and that kind of 
>>commitment doesn't just evaporate in thin air. I'm hoping they just need 
>>space to clear heads and work it all out.  I saw Andy over the holiday, 
>>seems OK, he is still going in for his treatments of the expanders and 
>>surgery is later this month. For me to have to talk to him, I need to 
>>call the ex-sister-in-law's place who, from what I understand jipped him 
>>on the benefit fund raiser they had for him and so I'm not enthused and 
>>really need to not let my natural reactions come through. There is more 
>>on that end with blood money from my brother's life insurance in which 
>>the youngest was meant to get  money for college  when he turned 18 and 
>>hasn't seen a penny yet and the mother, the executor of the estate, keeps 
>>putting it off with excuses. I gave my dad bad advice when my brother 
>>died 8 years ago, he was so distraught I felt losing his oldest son and 
>>having to deal with the legal end of it would be too much, but hindsight 
>>it probably bothers him more that there is possible theft of the 
>>insurance money and my brother's wishes  are not being carried out. 
>>Anyway probably more than you cared to know but that is the latest at 
>>this point.
>>At 05:39 AM 1/4/2007, you wrote:
>>>Oh no, you would never brag or gloat but you sure are flaunting the fact 
>>>that you have no snow.  I am flaunting too, we don't have snow here 
>>>either. Laughing!
>>>On a serious note how is your nephew Andy?  Praying for you and your family.
>>>Virgie and Hoshi
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "MV" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 9:51 PM
>>>Subject: Re: Back in the saddle
>>>>Would you rather I brag? Oh but me brag? No. I'd never brag about no 
>>>>snow . Did I mention about we hadn't had any snow... ugh. *smiles*.
>>>>Thanks for the welcome back. I promise no more bragging or gloating or 
>>>>anything. *cheesy smile*
>>>>At 06:30 PM 1/3/2007, you wrote:
>>>>>Okay Brad,
>>>>>There is a limit to braging and gloating so cut it out!  SMILES!
>>>>>Virgie and Hoshi
>>>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "MV" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 12:37 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: Back in the saddle
>>>>>>Good to hear yawl aren't buried in frosted flakes. There not always 
>>>>>>grrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaat. Me? Gloat? Why, I never... did I mention though 
>>>>>>that we got very little snow? Like our sidewalks are bare concrete 
>>>>>>and expected to stay as such for the unforeseeable future? Like far 
>>>>>>out, I'm digging it. Well not literally 'cause there's nothing to dig 
>>>>>>really. But Me? Gloat? Hmmpf. I should say not. Although this warm, 
>>>>>>non-snowing weather does help the winter blues to be dispensed with. 
>>>>>>But you'll never hear me gloat about having no snow, no mam. Did I 
>>>>>>mention I can walk down the sidewalk in sandals if I wanted too 
>>>>>>'cause there's no snow? Gloat? No no nononononono. Not me. I do have 
>>>>>>a short term memory problem though. O I did want to ask if I ever 
>>>>>>mentioned to you I have a short term memory issue? :)
>>>>>>I do need to email some folks I know up in higher elevation than 
>>>>>>yawl. Fellow Texans, only they were native to Texas so don't think 
>>>>>>they saw anything as this storm ever or in the years they've been up there.
>>>>>>At 09:40 AM 1/2/2007, you wrote:
>>>>>>>Well, Mr. No Snow, we aren't quite burried here in the city. 
>>>>>>>however, it's a little icy on the sidewalks, and in some places 
>>>>>>>sidewalks are non-existent.
>>>>>>>That makes walking a little dicey, but otherwise we're fine.
>>>>>>>Although you glote, it's good to have you back, LOL.
>>>>>>>visit me at
>>>>>>>or subscribe to my podcast at
>>>>>>>Keep smiling!
>>>>>>>>From: MV <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>>Subject: Back in the saddle
>>>>>>>>Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 09:29:13 -0600
>>>>>>>>After some days of nomail, and hardly any snow on the ground I 
>>>>>>>>might add for you Coloradoain's sake :), I's back in me saddle. On 
>>>>>>>>my other email account but on nonetheless.
>>>>>>>>Seriously hope yawl are doing OK out west there. I understand 
>>>>>>>>houses are nearly buried and helicopters searching for livestock 
>>>>>>>>buried... I can't fathom that much powder.   Fortunately we got all 
>>>>>>>>rain here minus a little white stuff   a day or so ago and is 
>>>>>>>>nearly all melted already.
>>>>>>>>Despite the weather, hope all had a wonderfully blessed Christmas 
>>>>>>>>and ringing in of the New Year