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John Schwery <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:25:14 -0500
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This is part of why I send out warnings.  Paul 
Proctor has it right on this one.

Text of forwarded message follows:

>By Paul Proctor
>December 20, 2006
>I don't know about you but I'd rather be around 
>an honest sinner than a phony Christian any day. 
>I don't like faux anything. I have almost no 
>tolerance for liars in general and even less for 
>lying Christians. And much to the chagrin of my 
>critics, I unashamedly accept the fact that my 
>writings echo that, week in and week out. Lies 
>are not compassionate - they are cowardly, 
>crooked and void of any confidence in God and 
>have been at the heart of every wicked act since 
>Eve took of the forbidden fruit.
>A couple of weeks ago I received an email from a 
>lady in Australia who, after thanking me for my 
>latest article on Rick Warren - a piece in which 
>I pointed out his "penchant for duplicity and 
>doubletalk" - she chided me for my "condemning words:"
>"Paul, don't you see that your 'tongue' has an 
>unchristian sting? I can accept that you want to 
>have your opinion to be heard on top of the 
>truthful warnings you express in your letters. 
>But why, oh why, do you use condemning words 
>such as 'escapades, infatuated flock, wily ways, 
>wink and wiggle tactics, calamitous, fake 
>humility, egocentric nature, penchant for 
>duplicity and doubletalk, shameless and 
>self-absorbed behavior'…I do like your letters 
>and they are important but I want to share them 
>with others also. Some of my friends, though 
>interested in your reports of dangers, are put 
>off by your throwing of condemning words."
>Well, I responded with the following:
>"Did Jesus' words have an 'unchristian sting,' as well?
>'Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, 
>hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited 
>sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful 
>outward, but are within full of dead men's 
>bones, and of all uncleanness.' - Matthew 23:27
>'Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can 
>ye escape the damnation of hell?' - Matthew 23:33
>'O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to 
>flee from the wrath to come?' - Matthew 3:7b
>'O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, 
>speak good things? for out of the abundance of 
>the heart the mouth speaketh.' - Matthew 12:34
>And how about Stephen's words in Acts before they stoned him to death?
>'Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and 
>ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as 
>your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the 
>prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and 
>they have slain them which shewed before of the 
>coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now 
>the betrayers and murderers: Who have received 
>the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it.' - Acts 7:51-53
>The point is this: Jesus had zero tolerance for 
>liars and phonies Himself - and His language 
>reflected that. In fact, His harshest words were 
>always directed toward the devoutly disingenuous 
>- religious rogues and professional pretenders 
>who empowered and esteemed themselves by 
>misleading the masses and keeping them in the 
>dark and out of the Kingdom of God for the 
>bounty and benefits of an earthy kingdom over 
>which they, in some degree, reigned.
>"Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully…" - Jeremiah 48:10
>If I've learned anything over the years about 
>our fallen nature, it's that truth is almost 
>always considered harsh to the unrepentant, 
>regardless of the words that are used to convey 
>it. I dare say the impenitent are more afraid of 
>truth than anything in this life; and more often 
>than not, will accuse their accuser as a 
>diversionary tactic by charging them with being 
>"unloving" and "unchristian," when in reality, they mean intolerant.
>You see, after the dialectic church successfully 
>redefined "love" as "tolerance," it became evil 
>to criticize any brother or sister in Christ for 
>their sinful behavior - especially an errant 
>pastor, preacher or church leader - which is 
>precisely why the church is in the sorry state 
>it's in. But as I've said many times before, 
>telling someone the truth is the most loving 
>thing you can do for them, even when they end up 
>scolding you, shunning you, slandering you and 
>turning others against you for doing so. That's 
>why sinners nailed Jesus to a cross, stoned 
>Stephen to death and beheaded John the Baptist - for telling the truth.
>Sadly, few Christians today would dare risk 
>their ministry, career, finances, family or 
>friendships, much less their lives, to tell the 
>truth. In fact, I would go so far as to say 
>pastors and preachers are among the worst. Of 
>course many will talk among themselves about 
>another errant clergy member, but typically in 
>private and always off the record. It's like 
>they were required to swear a secret oath back 
>in Seminary to never challenge or criticize a 
>fellow minister publicly for his erroneous 
>teachings or shameful conduct. Instead of making 
>our pulpits profound places of proclamation and 
>poignancy, pastors hide behind them now in a 
>perceived piety that makes the word "Christian" appear synonymous with coward.
>"Speaking the truth in love," from Ephesians 
>4:15, means your remarks are fair and accurate 
>with a dedicated desire to not only warn the 
>unwary of danger and deception but also to see 
>repentance and righteousness from its 
>perpetrators. In spite of the disgraceful 
>example being set by many of those pastoring 
>churches today, love does not answer evil with 
>false flattery and flowery fluff in hopes of 
>being rewarded later with cooperation and 
>camaraderie. (Results & Relationship)
>"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the 
>kisses of an enemy are deceitful."- Proverbs 27:6
>Unfortunately, the church has been beguiled into 
>believing that withholding the truth is "love," 
>which is why the vast majority of faith-based 
>news agencies, magazines, articles and 
>editorials, both in print and online, are much 
>like today's seeker sermons - little more than 
>cotton candy commentary designed to keep 
>Christians congenially compliant to the corrupt 
>collective by unseen hands that steer society's 
>religious rudder toward a one world religion of 
>peace and unity. (Results & Relationships)
>Oh, they delight in chiding the non-compliant 
>for their brazen behavior from the safety of the 
>high-minded herd, especially when it garners 
>them praise and profits from followers; but 
>rarely will today's laodicean leaders or laymen 
>risk anything dear to them by stepping out of 
>the "Christian" crowd to rebuke one of their own 
>for blatant and unrepentant sin, because peace 
>and unity always trumps truth in the business of 
>ministry. You see, it's not about purity anymore 
>- it's about progress and personalities. (Results & Relationships)
>And so I conclude another year and another 
>column citing the same quotes I ended my 
>response to the lady from Australia with, in 
>hopes that all of us - sinners on both sides of 
>God's grace - will be more honest in the coming 
>year about ourselves and others and less phony 
>about our faith in Jesus Christ:
>"One cannot be the 'salt of the earth' without 
>occasionally stinging the open sores of sin."
>"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt 
>have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be 
>salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but 
>to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." - Matthew 5:13
>Related Articles:
><>What Rick Warren Wants
>Travesty of Tolerance
>© 2006 Paul Proctor - All Rights Reserved
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