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"The listserv that Ruth calls \"Pluto's spider-hole.\"" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:06:17 -0400
"John Leeke, Preservation Consultant" <[log in to unmask]>
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Historic HomeWorks
text/plain (282 lines)
Ken writes:

 > that Lisa Sasser suggested jokingly that I put on You Tube. So I went
 > and found out what You Tube is.

Carefully examine YouTube's service agreement. If you upload to YouTube 
you may be giving away rights that you intend to keep. Also, YouTube(now 
, with the Google buyout, aka "GooTube") may use your material in ways 
you do not agree with. blip.tv has a much better service agreement if 
you want to keep your rights. Other aspects of blip.tv like opt-in-only 
advertising, and 50/50 share of ad revinue seem to be better as well.

 > been converting my short stories over to audio (podcasts but not daily
 > obsessive enough), but then got started doing a story in a video to put
 > on my iPod.

Very cool. Where can I find your stories in audio format?

 > I like the idea that you can upload videos... it could be
 > done as well for How To Fix Porch Screens on DFI.

I don't have anything on screens yet, but my latest video blog is on 
fixing split clapboards:


by hammer and hand great works do stand
by pen and thought best words are wrought
by cam and light he shoots it right


> So... having seen John Callan mention You Tube that I knew absolutely 
> zero about I was working on my video technology for the upcomming event 
> w/ PTN in Nola to do some video for John Leeke and made a short clip 
> that Lisa Sasser suggested jokingly that I put on You Tube. So I went 
> and found out what You Tube is. Check out the Spastic Beach Crabman 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmnMHT5DvD4  
> <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmnMHT5DvD4>
> Incredibly amazing the octagenarians talking about their WW2 experiences.
> This online vid technology all works out real fine for me because I have 
> been converting my short stories over to audio (podcasts but not daily 
> obsessive enough), but then got started doing a story in a video to put 
> on my iPod. I like the idea that you can upload videos... it could be 
> done as well for How To Fix Porch Screens on DFI. Amazing Google just 
> bought You Tube, & connections w/ Apple wanting to do major vid pod stuff.
> I for many reasons like this guy moving stones 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRRDzFROMx0
> Reminds me of the stuck up A-hole in the Brown Spot on Nova uprighting 
> obelisks only this seems like a really decent guy from Michigan.
> ][<
> --
> To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the
> uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:
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> ------------------------------
> Date:    Mon, 16 Oct 2006 21:53:34 EDT
> From:    [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Black Bird
> --part1_c7d.586cea.3265919e_boundary
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Language: en
> (archives and history)
> The fat man smiled complacently
> ."These are the facts, historical facts, not school book history, not Mr..=20
> Wells history, but history never the less.
> "The archives of the Templar order are still on Malta .
> They are not intact ,but what is there holds no less than  three-=20
> he held up three fingers -"references that cannot be anything else
>  but this jeweled falcon .
> In  J Delaville  Le Roulx's ,Les Archives de l'Ordre de Saint -Jean
>  there is a reference to it -oblique to be sure ,but a reference still ---
> And the unpublished ,because it was unfinished at the time of his death
>  -supplement to Paoli"s Oigine ed Instituto del Sarco Military Ordine=20
>  has a clear and unmistakenable  statement of facts I am telling you .
> "All right "Spade said=20
> "All right  sir "
> "Grand Master Villiers de L Isle Adam had this foot high
>  jeweled bird made by Turkish slaves in the castle St. Angelo
>  and sent it to Charles the V who was in Spain .=20
> He sent it in a galley commanded by a French knight
>  named Cormier or Corvere , a member of the Templar Order .
> His voice dropped to a whisper again " It never reached Spain "
> He smiled with compressed lips and asked=E2=80=A6
>  "do you know of Barbarossa ,Red beard ,Khaired -Din ?=20
> "A famous admiral of bucchaneers sailing out of Algiers then ".
> "Well sir he took the knights galley and he took the bird .
> "The bird went to Algiers .That's a fact .
> That's a fact that the French historian Pierre Dan put in one=20
> of his letters from Algiers .
> He wrote that the bird had been there more than one hundered years=20
> ,until it was carried away by Sir Francis Verney ,
> the English adventurer who was with the  Algerian Buccaneers=20
> .Maybe the bird wasn't but Pierre dan believed it was .
> There is nothing about the bird in Francis Verneys  "Memoirs of the Verney=20
> family during the seventeeth century ",to be sure ,I looked .
> "And its pretty certain Sir francis didn't have the bird=20
> when he died in Messina hospital in 1615.
> he was stone broke ;but sir there is no denying the bird did go to Sicily .
> It was there it came into the procession there of Victor Armadeus=20
> all some time after he became king in 1713;
> and it was one of the gifts to his wife when he married in Chambery
>  after abdicating .
> In fact Sir Carutti the author of Storia del Regno di Vittorio Amadeo ll ,
> himself vouched for it .
> "Amadeo and his wife made it to Turin=20
> when they tried to revoke his abdication .=20
> Be as it may it turned up next in the procession of a Spaniard=20
> who had been with the army when it took Naples in 1734-the father
>  of Don Jose Monino y Renondo ;count of Floridablanca=20
>  who was Charles the lll chief minister .
> There is nothing to show that in didn't stay in
>  that family until the end of the Carlist war in 40 .=20
> Then it appeared in Paris just about the time that Paris=20
> was full of Carlists who had to get out of Spain .
> Enameled and painted over this marvelous item kicked around
>  the streets of Paris for seventy years by private owners and dealers
>  too stupid to see whats under its skin until 1921 when a Greek dealer=20
> Charilaos Konstantinides  found it in an obscure shop .=20
> It didn't take Charilaos long to find out what it was and acquire it .
> He knew that enormous as its intrinsic value was -=20
> a far higher terrific price could be obtained for it=20
> once its authenticity was established beyond doubt .
> Possibly he planned to do business with  and sell it to=20
> one of the modern decedents of the old Templar order -
> The English order of St. John of Jerusalem ,
> the Prussian Johanniteroden ,or the Italian
>  or German Langues of the sovereign Order of Malta -
> all wealthy orders ..
> The fat man smiled at his glass and rose to fill it and Spades .
> You begin to believe me a little " he asked as he worked the whiskey -soda=20
> siphon=20
> "I haven't said I didn't, " answered Spade  =20
> Maltease Falcon  1929 Dashiel Hammet =20
> --
> To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the
> uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:
> <http://listserv.icors.org/archives/bullamanka-pinheads.html>
> --part1_c7d.586cea.3265919e_boundary
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Content-Language: en
> <HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT  SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 FAMILY=
> =3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">(archives and history)<BR>
> <BR>
> <BR>
> The fat man smiled complacently<BR>
> ."These are the facts, historical facts, not school book history, not Mr.. W=
> ells history, but history never the less.<BR>
> <BR>
> "The archives of the Templar order are still on Malta .<BR>
> They are not intact ,but what is there holds no less than&nbsp; three- <BR>
> he held up three fingers -"references that cannot be anything else<BR>
>  but this jeweled falcon .<BR>
> In&nbsp; J Delaville&nbsp; Le Roulx's ,Les Archives de l'Ordre de Saint -Jea=
> n<BR>
>  there is a reference to it -oblique to be sure ,but a reference still ---<B=
> R>
> And the unpublished ,because it was unfinished at the time of his death<BR>
>  -supplement to Paoli"s Oigine ed Instituto del Sarco Military Ordine <BR>
>  has a clear and unmistakenable&nbsp; statement of facts I am telling you .<=
> BR>
> "All right "Spade said <BR>
> "All right&nbsp; sir "<BR>
> <BR>
> "Grand Master Villiers de L Isle Adam had this foot high<BR>
>  jeweled bird made by Turkish slaves in the castle St. Angelo<BR>
>  and sent it to Charles the V who was in Spain . <BR>
> He sent it in a galley commanded by a French knight<BR>
>  named Cormier or Corvere , a member of the Templar Order .<BR>
> His voice dropped to a whisper again " It never reached Spain "<BR>
> He smiled with compressed lips and asked=E2=80=A6<BR>
>  "do you know of Barbarossa ,Red beard ,Khaired -Din ? <BR>
> "A famous admiral of bucchaneers sailing out of Algiers then ".<BR>
> <BR>
> "Well sir he took the knights galley and he took the bird .<BR>
> "The bird went to Algiers .That's a fact .<BR>
> That's a fact that the French historian Pierre Dan put in one <BR>
> of his letters from Algiers .<BR>
> He wrote that the bird had been there more than one hundered years <BR>
> ,until it was carried away by Sir Francis Verney ,<BR>
> the English adventurer who was with the&nbsp; Algerian Buccaneers <BR>
> <BR>
> .Maybe the bird wasn't but Pierre dan believed it was .<BR>
> There is nothing about the bird in Francis Verneys&nbsp; "Memoirs of the Ver=
> ney family during the seventeeth century ",to be sure ,I looked .<BR>
> "And its pretty certain Sir francis didn't have the bird <BR>
> when he died in Messina hospital in 1615.<BR>
> he was stone broke ;but sir there is no denying the bird did go to Sicily .<=
> BR>
> It was there it came into the procession there of Victor Armadeus <BR>
> all some time after he became king in 1713;<BR>
> and it was one of the gifts to his wife when he married in Chambery<BR>
>  after abdicating .<BR>
> In fact Sir Carutti the author of Storia del Regno di Vittorio Amadeo ll ,<B=
> R>
> himself vouched for it .<BR>
> <BR>
> "Amadeo and his wife made it to Turin <BR>
> when they tried to revoke his abdication . <BR>
> Be as it may it turned up next in the procession of a Spaniard <BR>
> who had been with the army when it took Naples in 1734-the father<BR>
>  of Don Jose Monino y Renondo ;count of Floridablanca <BR>
>  who was Charles the lll chief minister .<BR>
> <BR>
> There is nothing to show that in didn't stay in<BR>
>  that family until the end of the Carlist war in 40 . <BR>
> Then it appeared in Paris just about the time that Paris <BR>
> was full of Carlists who had to get out of Spain .<BR>
> Enameled and painted over this marvelous item kicked around<BR>
>  the streets of Paris for seventy years by private owners and dealers<BR>
>  too stupid to see whats under its skin until 1921 when a Greek dealer Chari=
> laos Konstantinides&nbsp; found it in an obscure shop . <BR>
> It didn't take Charilaos long to find out what it was and acquire it .<BR>
> He knew that enormous as its intrinsic value was - <BR>
> a far higher terrific price could be obtained for it <BR>
> once its authenticity was established beyond doubt .<BR>
> Possibly he planned to do business with&nbsp; and sell it to <BR>
> one of the modern decedents of the old Templar order -<BR>
> The English order of St. John of Jerusalem ,<BR>
> the Prussian Johanniteroden ,or the Italian<BR>
>  or German Langues of the sovereign Order of Malta -<BR>
> all wealthy orders ..<BR>
> <BR>
> The fat man smiled at his glass and rose to fill it and Spades .<BR>
> You begin to believe me a little " he asked as he worked the whiskey -soda s=
> iphon <BR>
> <BR>
> "I haven't said I didn't, " answered Spade&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>
> <BR>
> Maltease Falcon&nbsp; 1929 Dashiel Hammet&nbsp; <BR>
> </FONT></HTML>
> --
> To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the
> uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:
> http://listserv.icors.org/archives/bullamanka-pinheads.html
> --part1_c7d.586cea.3265919e_boundary--
> ------------------------------
> End of BULLAMANKA-PINHEADS Digest - 16 Oct 2006 to 17 Oct 2006 (#2006-211)
> **************************************************************************

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