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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 1 Nov 2006 15:08:19 -0700
text/plain (542 lines)
Here is a file I have on my

website which I update from time to time.  I have had very unusual emails
from people all over who have done searches and found this file.  They, too,
although sighted, are color collectors as I am.  During this fall time of
year, I thought this might be worth posting on echurch.



                  the Spectrum Of Light Energy

                  Last Updated October 23, 2006

                        Table Of Contents

0.0:  Introduction
0.1:  Contact Information
0.2:  Definition Of Terms
1.0:  Red
2.0:  Blue
3.0:  Green
4.0:  Yellow
5.0:  Black
6.0:  Brown
7.0:  White
8.0:  Gray
9.0:  Purple And Violet
10.0:  Orange
11.0:  Notes
12.0:  Metals
13.0:  Precious and Semi-precious Stones

                          End Of Table

                       0.0:  Introduction

     the discussion of color arose on a mailing list on the
internet where subscribers are blind.  I am blind, too, but had
sight until I was about the age of eleven.  Though I remember
colors well, I also enjoy writing.  So I started, some time ago, a
file with color descriptions simply for my own personal use.  The
internet discussion, however, challenged me to expand my list to
offer an explanation of color for those who have never seen.  If
you have any suggestions, resources to which I can refer, or
additional input of any kind, please email me.

     "The color of God" is not my own.  I was reading a spy novel
a long time ago and one of the characters was a former American
astronaut.  He had some sort of spiritual experience while in
space and when he return, he apparently began to evolve, as it
were, into some form of higher being.  He asked someone, "What is
the color of God."  That's a good question.  Maybe some of the
following information will help answer that question.

                    0.1:  Contact Information

Phil Scovell
Denver, Colorado USA
[log in to unmask]

                    0.2:  Definition Of Terms

Spectrum Defined.
The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source, as by an
incandescent body, arranged in order of wavelengths.

Light Defined.
A Electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength in the range
from about 3,900 to about 7,700 angstroms and that may be
perceived by the unaided, normal human eye.

A unit of length equal to one hundred millionth (108 of a
centimeter, used to specify radiation wavelengths.  Named after
Anders Jonas  Angstro m 1814-1874.

Color Defined.
Visible energy.

                            1.0:  Red

     Red is a dark color and normally used in the context of
something bright.  Apples, ketchup and blood are generally used to
reference the color red.

* Descriptions Of Red.

Apple Red.  Dark red to pale red.
Bay.  Reddish brown.
Beet Red.  Dark red.
Blood Red.  Dark red or crimson.
Burnt.  Reddish brown or dark reddish orange.  See (sienna).
Burnt Rose.  A dark brownish red.
Cardinal.  A bright red.
Cherry Red.  Bright to moderate red.
Copper Red.  Very dark red but more brown than red.
Coral.  A deep or strong pink to moderate red or reddish orange.
Crimson.  A deep purplish red.
Fiery Red.  Reddish yellow but red is predominate.
Flamingo.  Moderate reddish orange.
Hot Pink.  Bright strong pink.
Mahogany.  Moderate reddish brown but often more brown than red.
Maroon.  A dark reddish brown to dark purplish red.
Neon Pink.  Glowing illuminating pink.
Pink.  Very light red, close to white.
Puce.  A deep red to dark grayish purple.
Raspberry Red.  A deep purplish red.
Rose.  Light red to dark red.
Ruby.  A dark or deep red to deep purplish translucent red.
Ruddy.  Reddish in color.
Rusty.  Reddish brown.
Scarlet.  A strong to vivid red or reddish orange.
Strawberry.  Reddish; light red to dark pink.
Sun Burst Red.  Bright illuminated red.
Tomato Red.  Strong Red.
Vermilion.  Bright red.

                           2.0:  Blue

     Blue is normally considered to be a dark color but, as with
all colors, it can also be many shades from light to dark.  The
sky and the ocean are predominately blue.

* Descriptions Of Blue.

Aquamarine.  Bluish Green.
Azure.  A light purplish blue.
Baby Blue.  Light to pale blue or greenish or purplish blue.
Cobalt Blue.  Glassy or ceramic blue.
Cornflower Blue.  Powdery light blue.
Diamond Blue.  Sparkling blue and translucent.
Egg Shell Blue.  Normally considered a light shade of blue.
Electric Blue.  Bright metallic illuminating blue.
Ice Blue.  Glassy, transparent or translucent blue.
Indigo.  Blue to grayish purple blue.
Metallic blue.  Silvery, or somewhat reflective, blue.
Midnight Blue.  Dark blue; almost black.
Navy Blue.  A dark grayish blue.
Neon Blue.  Glowing illuminating blue.
Ocean Blue.  Normally considered a darker shade of blue.
Peacock Blue.  A moderate to strong greenish blue.
Powder Blue.  A light pale blue.
Prussian Blue.  Dark blue.
Rich Blue.  Bright clear blue.
Robin Egg Blue.  A very pale, or light, blue.
Royal Blue.  A deep to strong blue.
Sapphire.  A rich blue.  sometimes a light green mixed.
Sky Blue.  Deep blue to light or pale blue.  Normally dark blue.
Turquoise.  Bluish green.

                           3.0:  Green

     Green is the color of fresh grass, evergreen trees, and most
leaves on trees before they turn different colors in the fall.
Generally, grass is somewhat a lighter shade of green than tree
leaves but grass can be very dark at times.

* Descriptions Of Green.

Apple Green.  A moderate or vivid yellow green to light or strong
     yellowish green.
Alpine Green.  A fresh bright green.
Bottle Green.  Light to moderate green.
Celery Green.  A pale green.
Chartreuse.  A strong to brilliant greenish yellow to moderate or
     strong yellow green.
Cyan.  Greenish blue.
Electric Green.  Metallic illuminating bright green.
Emerald.  A strong yellowish green.
Evergreen.  Fresh dark green.
Forrest Green.  Bright green.
Hunter Green.  Dark green.
Jade.  Pale green.
Kelly Or Kelly Green.  A strong yellowish green.
Khaki Green.  Olive Green.
Lime.  Yellowish green but leaning toward yellow.
Metallic Green.  Silvery, or somewhat reflective, green.
Mint Green.  Pale to light green.
Moss Green.  A moderate yellow green to grayish or moderate olive
     or dark yellowish green.
Olive.  Yellowish green.  Normally green is the dominate color.
Pistachio Green.  A light to modering green or yellowish green.
Pea Green.  Moderate to dark green.
Pine Green.  A fresh dark green.
Sea Green.  Greenish blue.
Spring Green.  Fresh new light to medium green.
Teal.  Moderate bluish green to greenish blue.
Turtle Shell Green.  Light to dark green.

                          4.0:  Yellow

     Yellow is between white and brown.  Examples of yellow are
The sun, bananas, butter and cheese.

* Descriptions Of Yellow.

Amber.  Brownish yellow.
Apple Yellow.  Normally a light to dark yellow or yellowish green.
Banana Yellow.  Moderate to light yellow.
Bisque.  Pale orange yellow to yellowish gray.  Also, moderate
     yellowish pink.
Blond.  Light yellow or light golden.
Burnt Yellow.  Dark brownish yellow.
Butter Yellow.  A moderate to rich yellow.
Buttercup Yellow.  Glossy yellow.
Butterscotch Yellow.  Golden or light brownish yellow.
Canary Yellow.  Bright vivid yellow.
Corn Yellow.  White to moderate yellow.
Eggshell.  A pale yellow to yellowish white.
Egg Yoke Yellow.  Strong yellow.
Flaxen.  Pale yellow.
Gold Or Golden.  Yellowish brown.
Goldenrod.  Yellowish gold.
Honey.  Yellowish or brownish or golden.
Jaundice.  Yellowish.
Lemon Yellow.  A brilliant, vivid yellow to greenish yellow.
Mustard Yellow.  A dark yellow to light olive brown.
Peach.  Light to strong yellowish pink or light orange.
Pumpkin Yellow.  Yellowish orange to orange yellow.
Sallow.  Sickly yellowish in hew.
Salmon.  A moderate, light, or strong yellowish pink to a moderate
     reddish orange or light orange.  Similar to shades of peach.
Sun Burst Yellow.  Bright illuminating yellow.
Sun Flower Yellow.  Brilliant yellow to strong or vivid yellowish
Topaz.  Yellowish gold.
Wheat.  Golden yellow.
Xanthous.  Yellow.  Light brown or yellowish.

                           5.0:  Black

     Black is a dark color.  If all colors are mixed, black is the
result.  Darkness is called black and the night is called black if
it is a starless moonless night.  In other words, black is the
absence of light.  Ink is often referred to when describing black
as well as oil from oil wells.  "Black as coal" is often used when
describing the color black.

* Descriptions Of Black.

Charcoal.  Normally black or grayish black.
Coal.  Very black and dull; no shine.
Dusky.  The darker shades of twilight; shadowy grays and dark
     blues and purples.
Ebony.  Dark black.
Inky.  Normally dark black or bluish black.
Jet Black.  Dark, normally shiny or polished and solid black.
Raven.  Very dark black.
Sable.  Normally black.  sometimes grayish yellowish brown.
Shadowy.  Absence of color.  Darker than dusky.
Somber.  Dark or dull in color.

                           6.0:  Brown

     Brown is between black and yellow.  It is a soft color.
Earth tones are usually shades of brown.  Soil and dirt, leaves
which have turned in the fall season, and most woods are shades of

* Descriptions Of Brown.

Aeneous Or Aeneus.  A brassy or golden green color.
Almond.  A pale tan to light brown.
Auburn.  A moderate reddish brown to brown.
Aureate.  A golden color.
Beige.  Light grayish brown or yellowish brown to grayish yellow.
Brass.  Between brown and gold.  Often polished and shiny.
Bronze.  Yellowish olive  brown.
Brunette.  Dark brown.
Chestnut.  A moderate to deep reddish brown.
Chocolate.  Normally light brown but can be dark.
coco.  Light to dark brown.
Coffee.  Darker shades of brown to deep brown.
Dun.  A color ranging from almost neutral brownish gray to dull
     grayish brown.
Ginger.  a strong brown.
Hazel.  A light to strong brown or yellowish brown.
Honey.  yellowish, brownish, golden.
Leathery Brown.  Light to dark brown.
Mole.  Light brown to dark gray.
Mud.  Light to dark brown.
Khaki.  Ranging from light olive brown to yellowish brown.
Mahogany.  A moderate reddish brown.
Sandy.  Light grayish to light brown or yellowish brown.
Sienna.  Brownish yellow to brownish orange.
Tan.  Very light brown.
Taupe.  Brownish gray to dark yellowish brown.
Tawny.  Light brown to brownish orange.
Toast.  Light brown.
Umber.  Natural earth Brownish.

                           7.0:  White

     White is the color of newly fallen snow.  Shining stars are
called white in a dark nights sky and though the moon can appear
anywhere from almost yellow to light orange, it is normally
considered to be white.  Milk is also white but not as pure as
snow white.

* Descriptions Of White.

Alabaster.  Translucent or tented white.
Albescent.  A moderately white color; fair, whitish.
Caucasian.  White but generally used as a generic color of white.
Chalky.  Normally pale or dull white.  Can be grayish yellow.
Creamy.  A pale yellow or off white.
Dove White.  A soft shade of white.
Egg Shell White.  Normally considered an off white.
Iron.  Silvery white or light gray.
Ivory.  Normally considered a creamy white or off white but can be
     a pale or grayish yellow as in the case of an elephant's
Lily White.  Pure white.
Milky.  Off white or a darker white.
Mother Of Pearl.  Yellowish white, grayish or silvery white.
Pale.  Whitish; off white; less than pure white.
Pallid.  Off white; less than pure white.
Pearl.  Off yellow turning to pale or creamy white.
Platinum White.  A metallic white.
Sallow.  Sickly yellow in hew, pallid.
Snow White.  Normally considered a pure white.
Vanilla White.  Strong white.
Wan.  Pale.

                           8.0:  Gray

     Gray is difficult to describe.  It is a color half way
between black and white.  It can be many shades of darker white.
It is often called a soft color and sometimes is called an earth
tone.  The term, for example, "grey light," is in reference to a
color that is nondescript but has the quality of light without
distinction of color.

* Descriptions Of Gray.

Ashen.  Lacking color or slightly grayish.
Brindle.  Grayish with stripes or spots of a darker color.
Clay.  Light brown to light or dark gray.
Fawn.  A grayish yellowish brown to light grayish or moderate
     reddish brown or moderate yellowish pink.
Gun Metal Gray.  A metallic darker shade of gray.
Haze.  Grayish.
Pearl Gray.  Off white.  A light gray, from yellowish to light
     bluish gray.
Pewter.  Silver gray.
Pigeon Gray.  Any various shades of gray from light to dark.
Powder Gray.  A lighter shade of gray.
Slate.  A dark gray to bluish gray.
Steel.  A medium gray.
Steel Gray.  A dark dray to almost a light purple.

                     9.0:  Purple And Violet

     Purple and violet are mixtures of red and blue and are darker
colors.  Purple is between violet and red and often contains more
red than does violet.  Plumbs are purple when fully ripe.

* Descriptions Of Purple And Violet.

Burgundy.  A dark grayish or blackish purple to dark purplish red
     or reddish brown.
Lavender.  A light purple to very light or very pale violet.
Lilac.  A pale to light or moderate purple.
Magenta.  A  moderate to vivid purplish red, or dark to strong
     reddish purple.
Mauve.  A brilliant violet to strong or brilliant purple to
     moderate reddish purple.
Mulberry.  Dark purple; almost black at times.
Orchid.  A pale to light purple, from grayish to purplish pink to
     a strong reddish purple.
Plum.  Deep purple.
Raspberry.  A moderate to dark or deep purplish red.
Royal Purple.  A deep to strong purple.
Violet.  Reddish blue, purplish red.

                          10.0:  Orange

     Orange is a color between red and yellow.  The orange fruit
is unique in its color and is the best example of this color.  The
setting sun can appear orange as it approaches the horizon and may
also turn bright red before dropping below it.  These same color
changes in the sun appear during sunrise as well.  The shift in
colors of the sun is largely due to atmospheric conditions,
airborne microscopic dust particles, and light refraction from
moisture in the air.  The sun's rays filter through the elements
in the atmosphere and the result is the change in the sun's color.
Its basic color is, however, almost always referred to as yellow
and that is its predominate color during the majority of the day.

* Descriptions Of Orange.

Apricot.  A moderate, light, or strong orange to orange yellow.
Burnt Orange.  A dark brownish reddish orange.
Ocher.  Moderate orange yellow.
Saffron.  Strong to moderate orange yellow.
Tangerine.  A strong reddish orange to strong or vivid orange.

                          11.0:  Notes

     Achromic means Having no color or something that is
colorless.  Calico means multi colored or spotted.  Glassy is
shiny, normally polished, in appearance.  Vitreous
also refers to a glassy appearance.  Enamel is a glassy
transparent coating over metals or ceramics giving the objects a
shiny and polished appearance.  Silver is metallic in nature and
has reflective properties.  It can be polished until it appears
almost white, to some degree, but it is not a color of the rainbow
spectrum.  Silver was used on the backs of clear glass to create
mirrors.  Because of the glass and the silver's ability to be
highly polished, it would reflect images.  Argent is silver or
something resembling it.  Argentite is a valuable silver ore, with
a lustrous, lead gray color.

  The word "transparent "is colorless and something through which
light is able to pass with little, or no, obstruction.  A
windowpane is a good example of something transparent.
Translucent means light can pass through but generally nothing can
be clearly seen through the translucent object.  Many precious
stones are translucent.  Objects made of crystal, quartz, or
diamond would fall into this category.
Opaque, on the other hand, is neither transparent nor translucent.
It could be described as cloudy or murky and that which is able to
block out most light.  Haze, or something that is Hazy, is grayish
and misty and thus mostly opaque.

                          12.0:  Metals

Note.  Metals are often used to describe color.

* Descriptions Of Metals.

Brass.  Between brown and gold.
Bronze.  A moderate yellowish to olive brown.
Copper.  A reddish brown metallic element.
Iron.  A silvery white, lustrous, malleable, metallic element.
Lead.  Bluish white.
Malchakite.  Green to black.
Nickel.  A silvery, hard, ductile, ferromagnetic metallic element.
Platinum.  Steel white.
Silver.  A lustrous white, ductile, malleable metallic element.
Tin.  Silvery metallic.
Zinc.  A bluish white, lustrous metallic element.

            13.0:  Precious and Semi-precious Stones

Note.  As with metals, precious stones are likewise used when
referring to color.

* Descriptions Of Precious And Semi-precious Stones.

Agate.  A fine grained, fibrous variety of chalcedony with
     color banding or irregular clouding.
Amethyst.  A purple to violet transparent quartz.
Basalt.  A hard, dense, dark volcanic rock composed chiefly
     of plagioclase, augite, and magnetite and often having a
     glassy                  appearance.
Beryl Stone.  Sometimes pale green or perhaps yellow.
Carbuncle.  A deep red garnet.
Carnelian Or Cornelian.  A pale to deep red or reddish brown
     variety   of clear chalcedony, used in jewelry.
Chert.  Any of various microscopically crystalline mineral
     varieties of silica. A siliceous rock of chalcedonic or
     opaline silica occurring in limestone.
Chryselephantine.  Made of gold and ivory.
Chrysoberyl.  A green to yellow vitreous mineral used as a
Chrysoprase.  An apple green chalcedony used as a gemstone.
Crystalliferous Or Crystalligerous.  Producing or containing
Crystalline.  Pertaining to or made of crystal.  Resembling
     crystal and transparent.
Crystallite.  Any of numerous minute rudimentary, crystalline
     bodies found in glassy igneous rocks.
Diamond.  An extremely hard, highly refractive colorless or white
Emerald.  A brilliant, transparent green beryl used as a gemstone.
     It is a  strong yellowish green.
Garnet.  Any of several common, widespread silicate
     minerals, occurring in two internally isomorphic series,
     generally               crystallized, often imbedded iN
     igneous and metamorphic rocks,                   colored red,
     brown, black, green, yellow, or white, and used both as
     gemstones and as abrasive.  Also a dark to very dark red.
Garnetiferous.  Containing garnets.
Garnierite.  An earthy, apple green mineral.
Jacinth.  A blue precious stone.
Jasper.  An opaque variety of quartz, reddish, brown, or yellow.
Krustallos.  Crystal.
Onyx.  A kind of chalcedony that occurs in bands of different
     colors and that is used as a gemstone.
Opal.  A translucent mineral of hydrated silicon dioxide, often
     used as a gem.
Pyrite.  Yellow to brown mineral.
Quartz.  A hard, crystalline, vitreous mineral silicon.
Quartziferous.  Containing quartz.
Quartzite.  A metamorphic rock resulting from the
     recrystallization of quartz sandstone.
Sapphire.  A blue gym stone.
Sapphirine.  Resembling sapphire: A rare light blue or green
     aluminum magnesium silicate mineral.
Sard.  A clear or translucent deep orange red to brownish
     red chalcedony.
Sarda.  A type of precious stone.
Sardonyx.  An onyx with alternating brown and white bands
     of sard and other minerals.
Topaz.  A blue, yellow, brown, or pink aluminum silicate mineral,
     often found in association with granitic rocks and valued as
     a gemstone in the brown and pink varieties.  Topaz stones are
     generally golden in appearance.
Turquoise.  Blue to greenish blue mineral used as a gym stone.

                         End Of Document