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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
"Jody H." <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Sep 2006 05:07:08 -0700
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I had vitamin D recommended to me to help with the absorption of calcium.  I don't know if it's proven or what, but I figure it can't help so I take it! 
I took Os-Cal three times a day and then switched to Citracal, no reason for switch except a different kind of calcium.   My endocrinologist said to take Slo-Mag with it twice a day.  So I take a calcium and Slo-Mag in the a.m. and then another of those at night.   I take one calcium by itself in mid day.   He told me that you have to have both to make the calcium absorb better.  

We recently received your e-mail regarding our  
Nature Made Calcium,
Magnesium and Multi For Her supplements.  We  
appreciate your question
concerning the gluten content of these  products.

We are aware that many consumers are concerned 
about gluten in  their
diets.  Therefore, we are happy to inform you 
that these product  are
gluten free.

I use Calcium lactate made my freeda.  It is the 
most easily digested type 
of calcium.  One pill only equals 100mg but I 
tolerate and absorb it very 

You should definetly try Cal-Mag Butyrate by 
Ecological Formulas.  I have celiac disease and leaky 
gut.   Cal-mag butyrate is the ticket.

Jody, i understand that so well! BUT....I actually found one that i feel works good. i bought it on-line, EZorb  Calciumj Aspartate Anhydrous....helps increase bone density, enhance cartilage production, etc(reading the bottle!!)

Reseach in Japan shows Lane Labs Adva Cal 
rebuilds bone in the spine  
of even 80 year old women.

I don't recognize what you're taking.  I use Schiff's 1200 Super Calcium with D.  You probably know that D helps the body absorb calcium.  Also, it's recommended to take calcium twice a day, rather than expecting one dose to do it.

How about Caltrate +600, that has done very well 
by me.

vitamin D with it?  That helps 
your body absorb the C.
My endocrinologist told me I could buy the run-of-the-mill oyster shell calcium with vitamin D and make sure I took it with meals. She said that calcium is hard to absorb, but the best absorption is with the Vitamin D and the stomach acid. She also said to do this will all three meals because it is hard to absorb very much calcium at any one time.
This is working in my case. I've had improved bone mineral density. Hope this works for you.

oseopenia/osteoporosis.  Check thyroid & 
parathyroid function.

Calcium requires many co-factors for optimal 
utilization.  Vitamin D for
one.  But there are many other micronutrients 
that are important as well.
Vegans who do not consume dairy, and many of whom 
do not take supplements,
often have great bones because a diet high in 
fruits & veg provides silica &
other micronutrients that help build strong 

Caffeine, excess protein, sugar, & salt in the 
diet promote dumping of
calcium.  So moderate habits on those fronts are 
beneficial to maintaining

Have you tried forms of calcium other than pills?  
Pills can be hard to
digest.   Alacer makes a great Emergen-C powder 
(Mixed Berry w/Cal) that you
add to water to make a fizzy beverage.  There is 
some research to suggest
that taking supplements in fizzy form (or with 
plain soda water) can
increase absorption -- the bubbling increases 
surface area.  The Alacer
powder contains other co-factors to help 
absorption.  I've used Twin-lab
Cal/Mag Citrate Chews w/vit D for years.  
Nature's Plus makes a Cal
glycinate powder that can be stirred into 
beverages, added to soups, baked
goods, etc.  There are some calcium liquids out 
there that I've heard are
GF, but haven't tried them.

Our daughter does better on Solgar Bone Meal w/ 
b12, a big tsp. a day
gives over 1000mg calcium, has magnesium and it 
also provides phosphate
which is necessary for the bone matrix.  It does 
not upset her stomach like
Calcium/Magnesium supplements.  It is in a 
biological balance and has some
other trace minerals found in bone and is already 
pulverized so it doesn't
to be digested so much if you are low in acid 
like my daughter.

Try www.wateroz.com they have liquid natural calcium.  I have been taking it for over a year.  I don't have any link to this company - my sister used to live in Grangeville, Id.,  and she is allergic to everything.  Because their calcium has no additives she has been able to use it.... me too.  I am going in for a bone density this fall... it's been two yrs since my last one... we will see if I have been absorbing and utilizing this... pills are just about useless to me..... don't forget magnesium and D.
good luck,

The body can only handle 500-600 mg of caliucm at a time so you need to take several small doses rather than one large one. 

Some of the calcium have a mix of various calcium salts.. I found this one randowly at a vitamin sales site....Calcium (as calcium hydroxyapatite, citrate, alpha-ketoglutarate, aspartate, lysinate). that might make it more agreeable to your body. Unfortunately, this particular brand was for 1000 mg....which is a waste because the body can only utilize half of that at a time and the rest is eliminated.

It should also contain vitamin D since that's necessary to utilze Ca. 
The Ca:Mg ratio is also important & should be 2:1 to optimize absorption of both...

Try taking it w/ Vitamin C with your calcuim supplements...Increases stomach acid helps w/ absorption.  Orange or grapefruit juice w/ Calcium does the same thing.  Check the label to make sure it's delivers 1/3 of your RDA for calcium.  (One of the grape juices says calcium added but delivers less than 5%...Not enough to justify the extra cost.)

You could also try the Viactive chewable calcium supplements.

I found Viactive Calcium chews the best I could tolerate at the time and they soothed my tummy.  Many say that calcium bicarbonate is an inferior calcium supplement, but I went from -3.50 to +1.'75 on my dexa scan in two years on them.  I did take other measures: took them with yogurt twice a day (2 of them at bedtime with yogurt and 1 with yogurt early in the day, which is more than the recommended dose).  I also added DHEA with it.

Vitamin D supplements.

Have you tried using a liquid.  My doctors all say liquid supplements and meds are absorbed better

Can you eat any of the following rich in calcium? Almonds, corn tortillas, sunflower seeds, cheeses,  green veggies, yogurt.

calcium needs boron and vit d to be absorbed.  
Twin Labs TRI-BORON PLUS was 
recommended to me by 2 md's....it upped my bone 
density to the top of the 
chart.  it is a balanced cal/mag supplement

Check out www.megafood.com

KAL calcium has a few varieties but the Extra 
Strength with Mag. & Boron is 
what I've been taking for over 6 years and if I 
miss more than 3 days I know 
it quick.  It's chelated which means it is 
partially digested which is 
suppose to help the taker absorb it more readily.  
When I was spending lots 
of money trying to find a supplement I could 
handle I started researching 

Also try to eat your spinach, broccoli, leafy 
green vegetables, my favorite 
is red leaf lettuce.  Sardines is a favorite of 3 
of my 5 son's and Salmon 
with bones is another great source of calcium 
along with chicken boiled down 
with bones to make a soup stock.

My nutritionist who also happens to be a celiac 
patient and has been for 
many years, told me to take Citracal with vitamin 
D...no gas, or bloating 
and gluten free...called the company to make sure 
and if it is not already 
on the label, they will be soon stating so on 
their labels in the near 
future, I was told.
I have no connection with the company.

I take Youngevity's Tangy Tangerine Ultimate and 
OsteoCal - both are liquid. 
Try digestive enzymes beforehand, too

I use and recommend Citrical+D and it is gluten 

Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Yahoo! Small Business.

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