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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:30:01 -0600
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The Miracle Of One Mind

Multiple Personality Integration

By Phil Scovell

Author's Note.

     The following true testimony is written with permission.  This occurred
on August 14, 2006.

     She said, "I hear a man's voice."

     This was nothing new.  Over the months we had been praying
together, she not only heard many male voices but those voices
surfaced and spoke with me.  I said, "Do you know whose voice it

     "Yes, but this is something new."

     "New, how?" I probed.

     "this is the voice of Jesus.  Normally it is just an
impression and I interpret by speaking the words myself.  This
time I really heard his voice inside of me.  It even feels like I
am hearing Him in my ears."

     "What is He saying?" I asked.

     "He said it is time."

     I wanted to say, "You mean now?  Tonight?"  I was expecting
this but "Now?  Tonight?"  I had recognized that the helpers,
alternate personalities of this woman with Dissociative Identity
Disorder, had not been surfacing and becoming a part of our
prayer sessions for many weeks, maybe months, and she had noticed
it, too.  I had even detected, although I had not mentioned it to
her, that her own speaking voice had cleared up and sounded very
female whereas before, there was almost a ragged, or tired, sound
to the background tone of her voice.  I also did not tell her that
the outgoing voice mail message she had recently recorded on her
phone sounded very feminine and natural.  All these signs pointed
to the singleness of mind experience would soon be coming but it
still surprised me when it arrived.

     Secret Holder, her primary alternate personality, and the one
who kept the secrets of the other alternate personalities,
surfaced and began talking to me.  "It is ok Mr. Phil.  It is

     I said, "How do you feel about this happening now, Secret

     "I feel ok; I feel fine.  It will be ok."

     "What about all the other helpers?" I asked.  "What do they
feel about it happening now?"

     "They are all ready and they are fine with it.  It is time
for all of us to become one.  The little girl is scared a little
about it, though," Secret Holder informed me.

     "I know she is but Jesus said she would be ok," I replied.

     "I know," Secret Holder said in her little small voice.

     Mari began talking to me then.  "I see the marble white
staircase that goes up real high."

     "Ok," I said.  The staircase we had seen before.  Jesus had
taken the little girl and all her helpers to the white marble
staircase during a prayer session.  All of the helpers, alternate
personalities, walked up the stairs until they were all lost to
sight.  The little girl then ran up the stairs and back down again
as if she were playing on the stairs.

     "Do you remember the white stairs?" Mari asked.

     "I sure do remember them," I replied.

     "Well, that's where we are right now.  Now all of the helpers
are coming down the stairs," and she named them as they descended.

     "They are all down at the bottom now with us.  Jesus is here,

     "I see a large ornate wooden door.  Jesus wants to open it."

     "Is that ok with you?" I asked.

     "Yes.  I want Him to open it.  It's open now and the helpers
are all going in one by one."  She named each alternate
personality as it passed over the threshold and disappeared beyond
the doorway.  "the only one left now is Secret Holder.  She walked
over and whispered into my ear and said that Jesus would always be
with me now and they would all be one."

     "Wow!  this is really weird.  I can't explain it exactly but
I am seeing the word GOODBYE and the word HELLO at the same time.
Now the word GOODBYE is fading away and the word HELLO is like it
is written on a wall or something.  It has tiny roses all around
it and other vine like things.  Now the word HELLO is fading and
it feels as if it is entwining inside of me and my thoughts and
becoming a part of me somehow."

     "Jesus is now hugging the little girl very tightly and
telling her that any times she calls His name, He will be already
there by her and she will never be alone."

     "Hey, something is happening."

     "What's that?" I asked quietly.

     "Something is inside of me; something is going on inside of


     "Wow!  It feels like a garden is growing.  It is a garden!
It is growing inside of me.  Wow!"

     Moment later.

     "It is very quiet and silent inside," Mari said.  It's never
been like this before."

     Mari once told me about the shadow people that used to help
her occupy her time by coming out to play in her thoughts.  She
knows now these were her alternate personalities, her helpers,
assisting her with her loneliness and fears.

     "I bet it is nice and quiet now," I said thoughtfully, "and
that's a good thing," I finished, as I listen in amazement to what
the Lord was doing.

     "Oh.  I just heard a little girl's laugh.  Wow!  That is
amazing.  I just heard a little girl do a happy laugh.  It is
quiet again now."


     "Do you know where this door was?" I felt led to ask.

     "Yes.  I didn't know at the time but I know now where it is."


     "It was a doorway into my heart.  I can feel it.  That's
where all the helpers went."

     The psychodynamics of this experience could take volumes so I
won't bother trying to explain everything in detail.  Besides,
Jesus isn't the Great Psychologist; He Is The Great I Am.  He may
use psychology, medicine, pastors, or even short, balding, chubby
Colorado cowboy preachers like me, for that matter, to work in
harmony with Him.  Otherwise, Jesus needs nothing.  In fact, I
never even prayed one time with Mari during this experience.  I
did not pray before, during, or following the prayer session
because it just happened.  Later, as I hung up the phone and
walked out of my office into my home, I said, "Lord, I never even
prayed with Mari.  I feel terrible."

     "Jesus said, "The whole thing, from beginning to end, was a
prayer to me.  So what's the big deal?"

     I said in my thoughts, "That makes sense.  Still, I feel like
I should have done something.  At the very least, I should have
closed in prayer."

     "What for?" Jesus said in my thoughts.  "I don't need your
help.  I just let you watch while I did my own work.  Isn't that
good enough for you?"

     I laughed.  It was true.  Jesus didn't need me and He proved
it by letting me sit and listen, ask a few questions, and watch
Him conduct a miracle again.  You see, this had not been the first
time I witness the singleness of mind experience of someone with
multiple personalities but it was just as thrilling.

     Mari was an orphan and had been born blind.  She experienced
self mutilation, had become physically violent at times, became
drug dependant, an alcoholic, went through two years of
psychological therapy for a sex change to become a man, and had
been sexually molested and raped by her father since infancy.
Eventually her brother took over where her father had left off.
She was finally able to escape the horribleness of her childhood
by 18 years of age.

     Mari also had experienced 36 years of psychiatric care and
nothing but pharmaceuticals for therapy.  Most mental health
professionals don't believe a person with multiple personalities
can be treated any other way than with pharmaceuticals.
Additionally, the psychological therapy generally takes on the
form of behavioral mental techniques to teach the person how to
keep the alternate personalities suppressed or, at the very least,
under control.  This is assuming, of course, the therapist is even
able to identify Dissociative Identity Disorder in the first
place.  Few can.  Why?  Alternate personalities, the fragmented
parts of one's mind due to trauma, have been created to protect
the authentic person.  Therefore, they are very unwilling to
communicate with others out of fear they will be discovered and
the real person will be considered a threat, or quite simply,
crazy.  So, they remain hidden and few professionals believe they
can be reached.  Generally the psychiatric community suggest 10
to 15 years of required therapy to reprogram a person that is
multiple personality.  Of course, these same people are totally
unaware that sometimes, quite often in fact, demons masquerade as
alternate personalities.  This makes integration psychologically
impossible for the therapist who has no such Biblical knowledge
relating to spiritual authority and demonic oppression.  Likewise,
for the Christian therapist, who believes that alternate
personalities are demons and must be cast out, even worse problems
are generated, including more complicated and complex emotional
issues for the DID person.

     Mari experienced integration in five months and probably no
more than about sixty hours of actual prayer time.  No, I have had
no training in psychology.  I am just an intercessor and a pastor
whom Jesus healed and taught how to pray with others.
Furthermore, the Lord assigned, not called, me to minister to
sexually abused women and to those with multiple personalities and
to be a father to the fatherless.  By the way, to day, only one of
the people I have prayed with, who are multiple personality, have
ever been officially diagnosed by mental health therapists with
DID and that was Mari.  Why so few?  For all the reason mentioned
above.  Furthermore, the helpers soon realize I enjoy getting to
know them and I don't think they are crazy.  I likewise let Jesus
answer all of their questions and they quickly, realizing who
Jesus is, come to trust His Word to them as always being true and
He never tries to frighten them.

     Now, where are you today?  Perhaps you were not sexually
abused.  It isn't likely you are DID with alternate personalities.
Maybe what you face has been diagnosed as clinical depression,
PTSD, OCD, or any other various letters of the alphabet.  It makes
no difference to Jesus because He knows how to heal everyone of
the lie based thinking that is present in everyone's life.  Do
you want to be free?  Now is the time.  Don't wait because it
isn't necessary to keep suffering alone.  There is help from the
Greatest Helper of all; Jesus The Christ.