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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 25 Aug 2006 04:30:55 -0400
text/plain (50 lines)
They shouldn't cause confusion.  I receive them as well.  I don't send them
back, rather, I read them and sometimes if they are particularly good or
inspiring, I will thank the person who sent them.  This might give them an
idea of the kinds of mail I like to receive.  I read every piece of mail I
receive from those who care enough for me to send me something.  I think
this reverts back to the time when a stamp was required to send anything
which was printed, and more effort than ordinary was required to send a
Braille missive.  I love whatever attention I get from those who think of
me even if they are only acquaintances.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carol Pearson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 2:56 AM
Subject: MY HEART!

> Hi all,
> I just want to write a little on a subject which causes me some concern.
> Starting with the out and out "chain letters", for some years now
> (particularly with so much email) we've been encouraged to forward this
> that and send back to the loved one who sent!
> Time and again I look at these and my heart sinks!  I love so many of
> who send them.  Some messages are really good;  others I'm less convinced
> about.  Nevertheless, I love those who send!  However, my time and
> are limited, my thinking is stressed to the limit to do such tasks on many
> occasions, and are some of these just "superstitious chains"?
> Maybe you can't answer the questions or convince me, because I simply
> want to clutter my mind with the rights and wrongs of each individual one.
> I'm certainly not wanting to start a debate so please, please don't.  I
> simply want to say they're not really the things to which I want to reply
> but I am often encouraged and blessed by them, but they're causing great
> confusion in my mind!
> I love you all:
> --
> Carol - Reading, UK
> To you, o Lord, I lift up my soul;
> In You I trust, o my God.  . . .."  PS25:1-2 NIV.