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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 26 Jul 2006 20:13:42 -0600
text/plain (152 lines)
This isn't completely finished but good enough to post on echurch.  Once I
have proof read it, I'll post it on my website.


The Second Place Jesus

By Phil Scovell

     While eating lunch recently, I reached over and turned on my
radio.  After finding little of interest on the secular stations,
I punched a memory buttons which takes me to one of several local
Christian radio stations.  A man was preaching.  I knew his voice
but couldn't place it.  The daily program had a few more minutes
remaining so I decided to listen in order that I might find out
who was doing the teaching.

     He caught my interest, because he was teaching on tithing.
You know, giving ten percent of your earnings to the church?  I
didn't learn anything I hadn't heard before and since the Bible
doesn't teach tithing for the New Testament church, I was tempted
to change stations.  For some reason, I decided I really did want
to know who this man was so I listened.  Quite frankly, I was
shocked at some of the things this man was saying so let me
explain further.

     First let me say that this man is well known all over Denver
and beyond.  He pastors one of the largest churches in Denver.  My
mom, before she died, was a member of this church for many years.
I consider the pastor to be a great man of God.  As you will see,
however, I don't agree with anything he teaches about tithing.

     One of the first things I heard this man teaching was that
the tithe, or giving of a tenth of your income, is the first ten
percent.  If you pay all of your bills before tithing, he said
that you are not putting God first in your life.  Furthermore, he
claimed that God would not bless what you did give unless it was
the first ten percent.  Let me make sure you understood what was
just said by this pastor of this megachurch.  You absolutely must
write your first check to the church, his preferably I'm
assuming, or, he said, you are not putting God first in your life.
He further said, by way of illustration, if you pay your utility
bill before you write a check to the church when related to
tithing, that means you are putting your utility company before
God.  He even clarified by saying, even if you have enough after
paying all your bills, to still give ten percent, this form of
tithing will not be blessed of God because it won't be the first
ten percent of what you make.  Now, everyone who believes this,
stand on your head.  while you are doing that, show me in the
Bible where this is taught.  This pastor used Scripture but no
Scripture that even remotely said what he was proposing to be
Biblical truth.

     Then he asked a question.  He said, "Does God have an
economy?"  Before he could say another word, I laughed out loud
and said, "Yes He does.  He owns everything.  Period.  End of
story."  "If I were hungry, I would not tell you: For the world is
mine, and the fullness thereof," (Psalm 50:12).  When the pastor
continued, he insisted the tithe was God's economy.  Poor God.  He
sure has lost a lot over the centuries.  Probably do to the down
sizing type sermons many preach today.

     It was what the pastor said next that blew me away.  He said,
"Did you know that only 12 percent of the members of this church
tithe?"  He repeated it twice just in case, I suppose, someone
was sleeping and missed it the first time.  I said, once again out
loud, "How do you know that, pastor?"  How would he know this?
Can you guess?  The only way he could know is if, one, he has
checked the offering records the church keeps by name, and two, he
would have to somehow know the personal incomes of everybody that
comes to his church.  So, how does he know that only 12 percent of
his church are tithers?  That's right, he doesn't know.  He said
it for effect to try and make people feel badly about not being a
tither and thus not being a real part of the church.  In short, he
was attempting to control, and to manipulate, people into doing
what he believes the Bible teaches.  Any time you are being
manipulated or controlled, you are under unholy influence.

     Another great pastor in my area once said that you could not
even be a deacon, an elder, or on his staff unless you were a
tither.  Then he said, "And I check the records to make sure,
too."  Does that bother you or is it just me?

     Let me tell you something about this megachurch to which I
was referring.  The church claims to run 5,000 people through
their doors in two mornings services and one evening service.
They have a Christian school from K through 12 running well over
1,000 students.  they own property and buildings all over the
metro area and they are spreading out.  Sometimes, they buy entire
church buildings and properties from churches that have folded or
dwindled to the point they can no longer support their own
ministry.  I heard from a direct source that this same mega church
pays cash for everything they buy or build.  At that time, and
this was a good 10 years ago, this mega church purchased a 1.5
million dollar building and paid cash for it and it wasn't even
their main church facility; it was to start a branch church.  In
short, this church has no financial problems but you might
otherwise get that impression by listening to the pastor sermon
that day.

     My mother called me one day many years ago and said something
happened at church that was bothering her.  She wanted to know why
she felt uncomfortable about it.  She told me the story.

     One morning, the pastor got up and told everyone that they,
the members, are always giving to the church and that this
particular day, the church wanted to give back to its members.
Sealed envelopes were then passed out.  Once the members were
given permission to open their envelopes, each one contained a
single ten dollar bill.  Later, mom said the church was told that
30,000 dollars had been given away that day.  Hold the phone,
sister, church ain't over until the fat lady sings so don't get
ahead of me now in my story.  The pastor gave further
instructions.  You could spend the ten dollars on yourself, give
it to someone in need, go out to eat lunch on it after church, not
on ten dollars you couldn't, or you could, if you really wanted
to, give it back to the church.  What would you do?  My mom put it
into the offerings.  Later, the pastor told the church that there
offerings that next week, doubled.  I wonder why?  He said that
people put their ten dollars back in to the church and gave more
on top of that and that was why that single days offerings
doubled.  Question.  Does this smack of a spiritual gimmick to
you, that is, a marketing tool, or just good church business?
Perhaps you even think it is spiritual?  You decide.

     This pastor concluded his radio message, it was actually a
recording of one of their Sunday services, by emphasizing the
absolute importance of putting Jesus first in your life.  Of
course, you are barred from doing this very thing unless you give
the first ten percent of your income to the Lord.  Well, there
goes Jesus again.  Instead of being the Chief Cornerstone of the
Body of Christ, The Church, He is relegated to a position behind
the tithe.

     The Lord showed me the truth about this many years ago.  It
is not what you give to God that's important, it is if you are
given to God that counts.

     For reference material that goes into much more detail, click
on one of the links below.


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