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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Jul 2006 21:48:20 -0600
text/plain (123 lines)
Well, I knew that would get your attention.  Wait till you read my article
on oral sex.  for now, here is a little article that will burn your barn
down.  Don't get mad, just get closer to Jesus and it will all be ok.  You
might even love me some day.  If not here, surely by the time we meet in
Heaven.  Don't give up on me just because I'm right.


Where The Hell Are Pastors Today?

By Phil Scovell

     Here's an article that's going to get my butt in a ringer,
with a whole lot of ultra religious men and women of God, right
off the bat.  Therefore, let me spiritually detonate right up

     I personally am getting sick and tired of getting telephone
calls from all over the world from Christians telling me the same
identical stories about pastors.  No, I am not referring to
pastors living in sin, making it on the pastor's desk with the
church secretary, boozing, or addicted to pornography.  The Lord
only knows how many of those we have but that isn't to whom I am
writing.  those in that category, on the other hand, best get some
help and mighty soon.  I didn't say leave the ministry but that
may be necessary for a period of time until things are taken care
of in your life.  the pastors I am talking about are those who are
fearful and do not know who they are in Christ.  If you happen to
be a church member who likewise doesn't know who you are in
Christ, keep reading, for crying out loud, because this is for
you, too.  Let me explain what I mean.

     People who call me normally call me as a last result.  Not
because I am perfect, handsome, knowledgeable, a Bible scholar, a
tremendous bible teacher, or even because I'm loosing my hair,
wear cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat.  I don't have a horse yet so
I know that can't be it.  I did, on the other hand, give up coffee
years ago.   No, I don't roll my own either.  Cigarettes, I mean.
I'm smoke free.  the reason people call me is due to my
assignment in the Body of Christ.  what's that?  Well, I didn't
ask for what I am doing, I am not anointed, I have no special
gifts, well not gifts as some may think, and I am not the fourth
personage of the Trinity.  I just pray with people.  Pastors seem
to find this difficult to do even with their own church members.
Too bad.

     Nearly every call I receive from those who have read my
testimonies or books on the internet, have the same story.  "I've
gone to my pastor, the pastor down the street, the Methodist
pastor, the Catholic priest, the Baptist pastor, the Pentecostal
and Charismatic pastor, and even the woman who said she was a
prophetess.  some of them anoint me with some kind of oil, 10-40
weight or something, pray over me, and declare I'm free.  I don't
feel free.  some pastors become right down nervous when I tell
them I am hearing voices, have panic attacks, and other scary
things.  Most of those just tell me to go see a doctor or check
into a psych hospital."  This story is becoming so old, I can
repeat it in my sleep.  So, my question is, "Where in hell are
the pastors today?"

     Most pastors, by this stage, have stopped reading.  Get out
of the ministry, then, is my advice, and don't come back any time
soon.  You ain't called.  Others are still reading so I will

     I want to explain why you are afraid of these people who
come to you, their last hope, for prayer.  They come because they
are afraid.  The problem is, you are afraid of the things they
describe.  I understand this very well.  I lived that way for 50
years as a Christian and some of that time as a pastor.  I'm a
pastor now, for that matter.  Do you know why you become
uncomfortable, or afraid, when you hear these things from your
own people?  Hell is the basic answer and that's why I used it in
the title but let's look at the targeted truth.

     first of all, you believe lies about yourself.  You think
these people are this way because you are a lousy pastor.  that
is a lie from the enemy.  You also not only feel their fear, but
you become fearful yourself.  Fearful that some of your old stuff
is going to be found out, or surface with old sexual guilt,
masturbatory practices as a kid or as an adult, the memories of
the dope you did and the girls you screwed, or maybe your church
members might find out that you just can't stop smoking that dope
even now as their pastor.  I could name dozens of other things
but you know exactly what it is.  some pastors can't put their
finger on it because, to them, it doesn't seem like anything
other than they are not "called" to minister to such people.  I'm
talking about those who are fearful, hearing voices, talk about
demonic stuff that creeps you out even as a pastor and seminary
graduate, and who come to you for help.  Sure, send them off to
the professionals but they'll be back.  You'll be gone yourself
by then, most likely, but they will still be seeking help.
Aren't they just crazy people?  No, but you are for wanting to be
a pastor.  So am I recommending you get out of the ministry?  No.
I am recommending you stop and get clear of the things that
frighten you.  Yes, it is possible.  What do you think I am
writing this for in the first place.

     If what you are afraid of is sin related, let me let you in
on a little secret.  If you are truly a born against Christian,
you are not committing sin as a pastor, even if it is sexual in
nature, because you want to.  You are doing it because the Enemy
has lied to you and he is trying to destroy your ministry, your
marriage, your children, and your church.  Let's kick this one
right in the head right now.  Call me and let the Lord bring
healing and let Him blow the fear completely out of your life so
you can legitimately minister to your people right where they
are.  Please?  I can't pastor everybody so get on the stick and
call me.  I'll teach you what Jesus taught me and then you'll be
free to meet your people right where they are at any time.  No,
silly.  I can't do anything.  It is Jesus, The Healer, we are
talking about.  Remember Him?  the one you are working for in the
first place and here you thought you were working for the church.
If you won't call for yourself, for crying out loud, then call
for the sake of your church.  Ok?  Got it?  Start dialing.  Yes,
I know what it feels like.  You think I could write this if I
didn't know how you feel?  Let's go, Bro.  Ring, ring.

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