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Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Jan 2007 05:50:59 -0000
text/plain (142 lines)

I heard that too and, strangely, thought of drawing your attention to it but 
decided I should not . . ..  (Make of that what you will!)

Yes, Joyce may well have a bit of a problem with her ego, but come on, who's 
perfect?  I'm not for throwing stones and at least she believes that she is 
helping people to get where they need to get - and I believe she is doing 

Yes, her advice was "straight down the line" normal good money management 
advice, but I sure wish my niece and nephew, to name but two, could listen 
and take note of that!  <Smile>

You are probably the first to admit, Phil, that you have problems with 
finance so perhaps it's best if you just "remain open" on this one so that 
God can pour down those kinds of blessings to which you refer.

Incidentally, in this teaching she mentions clearly that she comes from a 
background where she did not have enough money for years and bought 
second-hand items for some years after starting her ministry.  God taught 
her stuff in all of that and she bears witness to "learning how to be abased 
and how to abound" etc.

No, I don't cling on her "every word" but pray I might be fully kept in line 
with the Word of God which is able to save me to the uttermost!  Joyce's 
teachings still have some application in my life and, with poor sleep 
(resulting in literally so little memory, very poor recall etc) I have found 
appplication in much of what she has had to say over the past year.  For 
example, even as she was dealing with the matter of money, God was 
confirming to me that I was "on track" with a totally different aspect of my 
life as she spoke!  <Smile>

I think very seriously that we need to be asking how wisely we are spending 
what we have when we have it.  Joyce brings out this aspect too and I 
consider that to be a right approach.

Well, just a few thoughts from me - and I never thought I'd see the day when 
I was bold enough to share truths as I see them with someone I consider to 
be far more spiritual than myself and who has helped me so very much in my 
own life.  I would once have run halfway around the world rather than open 
my mouth and "agree to differ".

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 12:02 AM
Subject: Joyce Myers

> After church today, I happened to be out in my office so I turned on the
> radio.  Since my short wave radio has 32 memory buttons, I run through 
> lots
> of local stations just to see what's going on.  Being Sunday and all, and
> being as religious as I am, of course, I check the Christian stations 
> first.
> The first station was playing one of Joyce Myers recent messages.  Now, 
> lest
> you jump my case big time and call me every name in the book, I have fond
> feelings for Joyce.  She practically saved my life many years ago and long
> before she became famous.  I have listened to her on the radio hundreds 
> and
> hundreds of times and I have at least 100 of her tapes, too.  So don't go
> whanging on me for being a critic, which I am, but you know what I mean.
> Unless you missed it, Joyce has an ego problem.  Bless God, He uses her 
> any
> way.  I have decided, recently, that remaining silent, on the other hand,
> when things need to be addressed, is wrong.  I'm not going to do it any
> longer, and yes, I have held back many times just so I wouldn't offend
> somebody or just in case I might hurt somebody's feelings.  That's not 
> what
> I am trying to do.  Back to the radio problem and the error in teaching I
> heard today.  This week, I have heard two other radio preachers 
> emphatically
> state, as they taught on finances and how to be financially blessed as a
> Christian, that you first, and foremost, have to tithe.  I won't explain 
> how
> wrong this is because I have written a book on this topic, which is on my
> website.  I have lived over 25 years of my life without tithing, due to 
> the
> fact the Holy Spirit revealed to me the biblical truth, and this after 
> many
> hours of on my knees praying and after studying the Scriptures until I
> thought my scull would crack, before coming to a life time decision to
> follow the Word rather than the preaching on the topic I had heard my 
> entire
> life.  I only got in on the last five minutes of Joyce's teaching today 
> but
> I already know what she believes about tithing so I'm not referring to 
> that
> part of her belief system.  Today, she was referring to old trusty stand 
> by
> financial principles that you can get from any financial counselor.  Yes,
> you can find most, if not all, of these same principles in the Bible. 
> Where
> do you think these secular financial experts got their principles in the
> first place.  Oh, they won't admit to any such thing but they can 
> plagiarize
> the bible all they want.  It isn't copyrighted, you know.  Anyhow, Joyce 
> was
> just listing many financial principles such as, stop spending beyond your
> means, dah, and things that a sixth grader would already know.  I heard
> nothing about miracles, the power of god to bless, and other bible
> references to lift the spirit but perhaps in the rest of the serious she 
> has
> done so.  When she said to immediately stop spending, she said, Except for
> my tapes, of course.  Everybody laughed because it was funny.  Joyce 
> laughed
> herself.  However, she then continued, when the laughter died down, to
> embellish this very idea by making it clear that you would not be in this
> horrible financial condition now, if you had been spending your money on
> good teaching tapes, such as her's, instead of buying worldly things such 
> as
> lipstick and earrings.  That left me out right off the bat.  Regardless,
> yes, I clearly understand what she was trying to say so don't get your 
> tail
> in a knot.  Regardless, what she is trying to say is only half truth.  Let
> me put it this way.  All you need is Jesus, your Bible, and knees.  You
> know, the ones you use when kneeling when you pray?  By the way, you don't
> need to kneel when you pray.  A chair, or as I often do so I won't fall
> asleep, is walking around my office.  It would be wise if you knew how to
> pray but if you don't, just handle it the same way when you first fell in
> love with your mate.  By that I mean, talk to God.  He likes that, by the
> way, and you'll learn more correct theological application of Scripture by
> prayer than if you buy all of Joyce Myers tapes or mine or anybody else's.
> Here is another secret.  When you pray, you do not need to say a word. 
> Just
> remain silent and wait.  You will be totally amazed at what happens.  At
> first, though, you are going to want to talk God's leg off.  That's ok. 
> He
> doesn't mind.  When you run out of words, however, is when you can remain
> silent.  Yes, as if you are listening.  That's how you hear from God.  You
> listen.  Most of us have never learned how to listen so we never hear God
> when He speaks.  More criticism later.
> Phil.