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Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 18 Aug 2006 15:02:03 +0100
text/plain (258 lines)

I know I'm a bit quiet here right now and have written very little lately. 
I haven't even managed to respond to your lovely personal messages, for 
which I really do appreciate and thank you.  Know that I am holding you both 
up in prayer and, if I say little, it's probably because I'm so numb myself 
that I don't even know whaqt I'm feeling, but that doesn't matter.

God remains the same!

I'll write as soon as I can and will pray on.

Carol - Reading, UK

To you, o Lord, I lift up my soul;
In You I trust, o my God.  . . .."  PS25:1-2 NIV.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sheila Killian" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 4:17 AM
Subject: Please pray forVinnie and me

> Julie,
> Thank you for your prayers. This all has come on rather suddenly. We are 
> not
> sure what is going on withVinnie. She had an ultra-sound examination of 
> her
> organs and the vets saw some inflamation in her spleen and liver. This can
> indicate a number of different problems. The blood work results are of
> concern to us. Her liver levels are elevated and her albumin which has
> something to do with the clotting of blood was very low, if it falls just 
> a
> fractional amount it could become critical! She is also, with no warning
> signs having pretty severe incontenence which comes and goes with no
> specific pattern to it. If I take her outside about every one to two hours
> through the day and night I can usually prevent accidents. I find it very
> disconcerting because there have been a few days when she has had normal
> bladder control, her energy was good and she seemed to be feeling like
> herself.
> I will have some more blood drawn in the next couple days and also a test 
> of
> her blood's clotting ability. If her blood will clot successfully, then we
> will do a biopsy of her liver.
> I have put going to work on hold until I know better what my options are. 
> I
> will be most likely going back to The Seeing Eye in the near future to get
> another dog.
> Vinnie is a fantastic worker, but when she is not feeling well she is 
> unable
> to work consistently. Her energy and stamina are understandably quite low.
> Actually she mostly just wants to stay near me and sleep right now, so I 
> am
> here at home pretty much all the time with her. I love being here with 
> her,
> but I also really need to be looking for work; after all, I just completed
> eight months of rather rigorous BEP vending training.
> I am sure I will have some answers at least about the sweet Vinnie girl
> soon!I will let you all know when I know more myself.
> I  very much appreciate your prayers during this time. God is also staying
> very close to us. I can sense His presence all around me and Vinnie . Know
> that I am praying for each one of you.
> Sheila and Vinnie
> let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in
> spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving
> a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you 
> might
> inherit a blessing." (I Peter 3: 7-9)
> -----
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "JULIE MELTON" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:39 AM
> Subject: Re: Perfect Will Of god continued
> : Sheila,
> :
> : I know exactly where you're coming from,having been through those times
> : myself.  Praying for others does take us out of ourselves as you say, so
> : thanks for giving us the chance to pray for you.   I'm doing so now.
> :
> :
> :
> : JulieMelton
> : visit me at
> :
> : or subscribe to my podcast at
> :
> : Keep smiling!
> :
> :
> :
> :
> :
> : >From: Sheila Killian <[log in to unmask]>
> : >Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
> : >To: [log in to unmask]
> : >Subject: Re: Perfect Will Of god continued
> : >Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 19:26:11 -0700
> : >
> : >Phil,
> : >Thank you for writing about this! I guess I really need to hear it righ
> : >now!
> : >I am really struggling to remain strong in my faith and hopeful at this
> : >time, but I think satan and I are having quite a battle! I pray and 
> then
> : >listen for the Lord to speak to me, although I am not sure right now
> whose
> : >voice I am hearing  or what to believe!
> : >Please pray for my guide Vinnie and I. We are both going through a 
> rough
> : >time here!
> : >I do find that praying for others who have asked for my prayers 
> including
> : >all of us here on this list and the various needs and intentions does
> take
> : >my mind off my own problems and offers me spiritual strength and 
> comfort
> : >for
> : >the days and weeks ahead. Thank you all for being here!
> : >Sheila and Vinnie
> : >
> : >let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble 
> in
> : >spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving
> : >a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you
> might
> : >inherit a blessing." (I Peter 3: 7-9)
> : >-----
> : >----- Original Message -----
> : >From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> : >To: <[log in to unmask]>
> : >Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:09 AM
> : >Subject: Perfect Will Of god continued
> : >
> : >
> : >: Kathy,
> : >:
> : >:     It is the mind games which are designed to keep us off
> : >: balance spiritually speaking.  "You are god's biggest mistake?"
> : >: First, God makes no mistakes so you can't be one.  Second, God
> : >: would never say such a thing to you.  Third, you only get one
> : >: guess to the true author that perpetrated that lie.  Since it is a
> : >: lie, and since the mental and emotional games are created to
> : >: maintain spiritual unbalance, they have origins.  That means,
> : >: they have roots so you think they have to be there or that there
> : >: must be something wrong with you or it is your nature to think
> : >: this way.  Untrue.  Lies only have one source.  You have already
> : >: spoken one lie you are hearing and lies are like mice; where there
> : >: is one, there will be a lot more.  One of our problems as
> : >: Christians is that we often cannot see lies for what they truly
> : >: are.  Deceitfulness is conniving, underhanded, and can blind side
> : >: the best of Christians.  The bases for a SAD or Search And
> : >: Destroy method, as I like to call them, is the recognition that
> : >: they are indeed lies.  If you don't believe that, you won't be
> : >: able to eliminate and totally eradicate the lie itself.
> : >: Furthermore, if you are unwilling to go to the original location
> : >: of any given lie, you won't be able to find it and you will
> : >: continue to believe it because your emotion tell you it feels
> : >: true.  We believe what we feel.  Unfortunately, such lie based
> : >: Christian thinking is common.  Furthermore, even if you do learn
> : >: the methodology of the Enemy and the origin, and the purpose, of
> : >: the original lie, he soon becomes cognoscente that your mind is
> : >: no longer a direct entry point in order to establish a foothold
> : >: of wrong thinking.  You see, once you believe even one lie of the
> : >: Enemy, your emotions will respond no matter how much yoga,
> : >: transcendental meditation you practice, or marijuana you smoke.
> : >: I'm sort of kidding, of course.  Where do such lies have their
> : >: origin?  If I told you, you wouldn't believe me so I'll leave that
> : >: for another time.  For now, let's just assume you accomplish, by
> : >: pure self effort, or Biblical memorization by the truck load, and
> : >: good old stick-to-itiveness, taking every thought captive.  Have you
> : >: won the battle?  No, because the Enemy will change tactics.  And
> : >: what might those be?  Every day life experience.  The car breaks
> : >: down.  "thanks a lot God.  Don't you know we don't have the money
> : >: to even make our house payment let alone get this dumb car fixed?
> : >: Whose side are you on in the first place."  My daughter comes home
> : >: drunk, or high, or worse.  What do I have the tendency to think?
> : >: "I'm a lousy father.  If I were only more spiritual.  Say, that's
> : >: it.  I'll spend more time in prayer.  that's the ticket,  I'll
> : >: become the best and the strongest and the wisest Christian on
> : >: God's green earth.  Then nothing can stop me!" so I hit my knees
> : >: and beg God to have mercy on my daughter.  The devil stands back
> : >: and laughs up his sleeve.  You want to find out how spiritual we
> : >: really are, Kathy?  Let the finance dry out, or be spread so
> : >: thin, that you can't keep up with your bills.  "You'll never make
> : >: it now.  If God really thought you were dedicated, He would be
> : >: meeting your needs."  Of course, this type of lie based thinking,
> : >: or listening, is easily converted into the first person.  If I,"
> : >: becomes the beginning of the statement.  If you are unaware of
> : >: the nature and origin of this lie, you will be fooled and a
> : >: foothold will be established in your thinking.  Eventually, if
> : >: allowed to perpetuate, it becomes a stronghold.  What's the Enemy
> : >: attempting to do?  He is trying to destabilize your relationship
> : >: and distort your closeness with the Lord and he does a mighty good
> : >: job of it, too.  How do you combat the devil?  "Oh, sure, I know
> : >: that one.  Spiritual warfare.  Sure, that's it.  I can do that.  I
> : >: can pray and whip the devil that way.  The bible says so."  No it
> : >: doesn't say any such thing.  The bible declares the Enemy has
> : >: already lost and been exposed openly and we stand in victory with
> : >: Christ as one of his heirs.  the next question becomes, "Well,
> : >: then why is all of this happening?"  I'm glad you asked that
> : >: question because we are finally back at square one.  It is
> : >: happening because of the lie based thinking we have.  "But I'm a
> : >: Christian.  I don't believe lies, do I?"  Then why are you
> : >: thinking the way you do?  You shouldn't even be a pastor the way
> : >: you think.  You ever heard that lie?  I heard that one a lot.  The
> : >: next question is, "What do I do?"  You learn how to detect the
> : >: lies, how to recognize the voice of the Enemy compared to that of
> : >: the voice of the Lord, and when you begin there, you learn how to
> : >: stand.  Remember what Ephesians 6 says?  It says at least three
> : >: times to stand.  Not to push forward, not to slash and gouge, not
> : >: to take real estate, not to conquer, but simply to stand.  A hell
> : >: of a way to fight  a battle if you ask me, yet that is what it
> : >: says.  "hell?"  Yes, hell.  We are standing with Jesus The Christ
> : >: who has already gained victory over hell.  So we are fighting, by
> : >: standing, against hell.  "Above all, taking the shield of faith,
> : >: where with you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the
> : >: Enemy."  All of them?  Why?  Jesus has already won and exposed the
> : >: enemy openly, stripped him naked, and that is, who he really is.
> : >: You ever tried to fight a naked person?  It is more laughable than
> : >: effort.  That's right.  Laugh the devil right into the ground and
> : >: do it in the spirit.  No, not like those screw balls in Florida
> : >: roaring like lions, barking like dogs, and laughing till they
> : >: puke.  I'm talking about the spiritual world.  That's where the
> : >: battle is and there's where the battle has been won.  He's a
> : >: clown, not a king.  the grand daddy Imposter of all times.  He
> : >: cannot win because he does not have the authority to do so.  You
> : >: do, though.  I wonder where you got that authority?  If you are a
> : >: little shaky on that answer or if your authority isn't working and
> : >: some of those fiery darts are getting through, you still believe a
> : >: lie somewhere.  Let's find it.
> : >:
> : >: Phil.
> : >:
> :
> :
> : -- 
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