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Sheila Killian <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Aug 2006 20:17:59 -0700
text/plain (217 lines)
Thank you for your prayers. This all has come on rather suddenly. We are not 
sure what is going on withVinnie. She had an ultra-sound examination of her 
organs and the vets saw some inflamation in her spleen and liver. This can 
indicate a number of different problems. The blood work results are of 
concern to us. Her liver levels are elevated and her albumin which has 
something to do with the clotting of blood was very low, if it falls just a 
fractional amount it could become critical! She is also, with no warning 
signs having pretty severe incontenence which comes and goes with no 
specific pattern to it. If I take her outside about every one to two hours 
through the day and night I can usually prevent accidents. I find it very 
disconcerting because there have been a few days when she has had normal 
bladder control, her energy was good and she seemed to be feeling like 
I will have some more blood drawn in the next couple days and also a test of 
her blood's clotting ability. If her blood will clot successfully, then we 
will do a biopsy of her liver.
I have put going to work on hold until I know better what my options are. I 
will be most likely going back to The Seeing Eye in the near future to get 
another dog.
Vinnie is a fantastic worker, but when she is not feeling well she is unable 
to work consistently. Her energy and stamina are understandably quite low. 
Actually she mostly just wants to stay near me and sleep right now, so I am 
here at home pretty much all the time with her. I love being here with her, 
but I also really need to be looking for work; after all, I just completed 
eight months of rather rigorous BEP vending training.
I am sure I will have some answers at least about the sweet Vinnie girl 
soon!I will let you all know when I know more myself.
I  very much appreciate your prayers during this time. God is also staying 
very close to us. I can sense His presence all around me and Vinnie . Know 
that I am praying for each one of you.
Sheila and Vinnie

let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in 
spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving
a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might 
inherit a blessing." (I Peter 3: 7-9)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "JULIE MELTON" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:39 AM
Subject: Re: Perfect Will Of god continued

: Sheila,
: I know exactly where you're coming from,having been through those times
: myself.  Praying for others does take us out of ourselves as you say, so
: thanks for giving us the chance to pray for you.   I'm doing so now.
: JulieMelton
: visit me at
: or subscribe to my podcast at
: Keep smiling!
: >From: Sheila Killian <[log in to unmask]>
: >Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
: >To: [log in to unmask]
: >Subject: Re: Perfect Will Of god continued
: >Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 19:26:11 -0700
: >
: >Phil,
: >Thank you for writing about this! I guess I really need to hear it righ
: >now!
: >I am really struggling to remain strong in my faith and hopeful at this
: >time, but I think satan and I are having quite a battle! I pray and then
: >listen for the Lord to speak to me, although I am not sure right now 
: >voice I am hearing  or what to believe!
: >Please pray for my guide Vinnie and I. We are both going through a rough
: >time here!
: >I do find that praying for others who have asked for my prayers including
: >all of us here on this list and the various needs and intentions does 
: >my mind off my own problems and offers me spiritual strength and comfort
: >for
: >the days and weeks ahead. Thank you all for being here!
: >Sheila and Vinnie
: >
: >let all be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted, and humble in
: >spirit; not returning evil for evil or insult for insult, but giving
: >a blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you 
: >inherit a blessing." (I Peter 3: 7-9)
: >-----
: >----- Original Message -----
: >From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
: >To: <[log in to unmask]>
: >Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:09 AM
: >Subject: Perfect Will Of god continued
: >
: >
: >: Kathy,
: >:
: >:     It is the mind games which are designed to keep us off
: >: balance spiritually speaking.  "You are god's biggest mistake?"
: >: First, God makes no mistakes so you can't be one.  Second, God
: >: would never say such a thing to you.  Third, you only get one
: >: guess to the true author that perpetrated that lie.  Since it is a
: >: lie, and since the mental and emotional games are created to
: >: maintain spiritual unbalance, they have origins.  That means,
: >: they have roots so you think they have to be there or that there
: >: must be something wrong with you or it is your nature to think
: >: this way.  Untrue.  Lies only have one source.  You have already
: >: spoken one lie you are hearing and lies are like mice; where there
: >: is one, there will be a lot more.  One of our problems as
: >: Christians is that we often cannot see lies for what they truly
: >: are.  Deceitfulness is conniving, underhanded, and can blind side
: >: the best of Christians.  The bases for a SAD or Search And
: >: Destroy method, as I like to call them, is the recognition that
: >: they are indeed lies.  If you don't believe that, you won't be
: >: able to eliminate and totally eradicate the lie itself.
: >: Furthermore, if you are unwilling to go to the original location
: >: of any given lie, you won't be able to find it and you will
: >: continue to believe it because your emotion tell you it feels
: >: true.  We believe what we feel.  Unfortunately, such lie based
: >: Christian thinking is common.  Furthermore, even if you do learn
: >: the methodology of the Enemy and the origin, and the purpose, of
: >: the original lie, he soon becomes cognoscente that your mind is
: >: no longer a direct entry point in order to establish a foothold
: >: of wrong thinking.  You see, once you believe even one lie of the
: >: Enemy, your emotions will respond no matter how much yoga,
: >: transcendental meditation you practice, or marijuana you smoke.
: >: I'm sort of kidding, of course.  Where do such lies have their
: >: origin?  If I told you, you wouldn't believe me so I'll leave that
: >: for another time.  For now, let's just assume you accomplish, by
: >: pure self effort, or Biblical memorization by the truck load, and
: >: good old stick-to-itiveness, taking every thought captive.  Have you
: >: won the battle?  No, because the Enemy will change tactics.  And
: >: what might those be?  Every day life experience.  The car breaks
: >: down.  "thanks a lot God.  Don't you know we don't have the money
: >: to even make our house payment let alone get this dumb car fixed?
: >: Whose side are you on in the first place."  My daughter comes home
: >: drunk, or high, or worse.  What do I have the tendency to think?
: >: "I'm a lousy father.  If I were only more spiritual.  Say, that's
: >: it.  I'll spend more time in prayer.  that's the ticket,  I'll
: >: become the best and the strongest and the wisest Christian on
: >: God's green earth.  Then nothing can stop me!" so I hit my knees
: >: and beg God to have mercy on my daughter.  The devil stands back
: >: and laughs up his sleeve.  You want to find out how spiritual we
: >: really are, Kathy?  Let the finance dry out, or be spread so
: >: thin, that you can't keep up with your bills.  "You'll never make
: >: it now.  If God really thought you were dedicated, He would be
: >: meeting your needs."  Of course, this type of lie based thinking,
: >: or listening, is easily converted into the first person.  If I,"
: >: becomes the beginning of the statement.  If you are unaware of
: >: the nature and origin of this lie, you will be fooled and a
: >: foothold will be established in your thinking.  Eventually, if
: >: allowed to perpetuate, it becomes a stronghold.  What's the Enemy
: >: attempting to do?  He is trying to destabilize your relationship
: >: and distort your closeness with the Lord and he does a mighty good
: >: job of it, too.  How do you combat the devil?  "Oh, sure, I know
: >: that one.  Spiritual warfare.  Sure, that's it.  I can do that.  I
: >: can pray and whip the devil that way.  The bible says so."  No it
: >: doesn't say any such thing.  The bible declares the Enemy has
: >: already lost and been exposed openly and we stand in victory with
: >: Christ as one of his heirs.  the next question becomes, "Well,
: >: then why is all of this happening?"  I'm glad you asked that
: >: question because we are finally back at square one.  It is
: >: happening because of the lie based thinking we have.  "But I'm a
: >: Christian.  I don't believe lies, do I?"  Then why are you
: >: thinking the way you do?  You shouldn't even be a pastor the way
: >: you think.  You ever heard that lie?  I heard that one a lot.  The
: >: next question is, "What do I do?"  You learn how to detect the
: >: lies, how to recognize the voice of the Enemy compared to that of
: >: the voice of the Lord, and when you begin there, you learn how to
: >: stand.  Remember what Ephesians 6 says?  It says at least three
: >: times to stand.  Not to push forward, not to slash and gouge, not
: >: to take real estate, not to conquer, but simply to stand.  A hell
: >: of a way to fight  a battle if you ask me, yet that is what it
: >: says.  "hell?"  Yes, hell.  We are standing with Jesus The Christ
: >: who has already gained victory over hell.  So we are fighting, by
: >: standing, against hell.  "Above all, taking the shield of faith,
: >: where with you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the
: >: Enemy."  All of them?  Why?  Jesus has already won and exposed the
: >: enemy openly, stripped him naked, and that is, who he really is.
: >: You ever tried to fight a naked person?  It is more laughable than
: >: effort.  That's right.  Laugh the devil right into the ground and
: >: do it in the spirit.  No, not like those screw balls in Florida
: >: roaring like lions, barking like dogs, and laughing till they
: >: puke.  I'm talking about the spiritual world.  That's where the
: >: battle is and there's where the battle has been won.  He's a
: >: clown, not a king.  the grand daddy Imposter of all times.  He
: >: cannot win because he does not have the authority to do so.  You
: >: do, though.  I wonder where you got that authority?  If you are a
: >: little shaky on that answer or if your authority isn't working and
: >: some of those fiery darts are getting through, you still believe a
: >: lie somewhere.  Let's find it.
: >:
: >: Phil.
: >:
: -- 
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