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Jenifer Gilley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 15 Aug 2006 06:16:32 -0400
text/plain (76 lines)
amen Phil.
Jenifer gilley
check out my blog
AIM: jenibear1998
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:01 AM
Subject: doctor's Words

> Rhonda and others,
> Several years ago, when Sandy learned she had a malignant melanoma, and I
> have probably told this more than once on here, the Lord spoke to me very
> clearly one night.  Sandy had told me about this growth on her upper arm 
> and
> how it had changed shape.  We both immediately wondered if the news was 
> bad.
> That night, I sat in my office listening to the radio but doing more
> thinking about Sandy.  I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say, "They will get
> it all the first time."  I knew this meant it would be cancer but Jesus 
> was
> saying they would get the cancer all the first time.  they did, too.  Yet,
> after they dug down and found a couple of nearby lymph nodes, and tested
> them and found the cancer had not reached beyond the growth on her arm, 
> the
> doctor still recommended we go to the Oncologist, or cancer specialist. 
> We
> did.  His words, although spoken kindly, softly, but directly, pounded at 
> me
> so ferociously, that night I could not go to our Wednesday church service.
> Sandy went but I sat out on our back step with the dogs and just sat as if
> my very life was draining out of me.  We didn't have a deck then so I was
> sitting on this little wooden step as the dogs played around me in the dog
> run.  I didn't cry but I felt crushed flat.  I felt as if no life were in
> me.  Yet, in my heart, I knew what God had told me.  The doctor's words,
> regardless of how they were spoken, was used by the Enemy to try and 
> destroy
> my confidence in God.  It wasn't my faith at work that night because I 
> felt
> defeated but in my heart, I still believed what I heard was the Words of
> God.  Yet, the words of man tried to pound me into the ground.  That's 
> what
> is happening to you, Rhonda, now.  I can't make things better for you or
> even tell you anything to make you feel better.  I can pray, which I will
> do, but when it comes to the gift of healing or the gift of faith, I don't
> have those.  I wish I did.  I'm even teaching on them in our church 
> meeting
> right now.  I want you to remember, however, the man who came to Jesus and
> said his 12 year old daughter lay dying.  He asked for Jesus to come and
> heal her and Jesus said that he would.  The woman with an issue of blood 
> for
> 12 years came, as he walked with the crowd, and touched the hem of his
> garment and was instantly healed.  Remember?  Right about this time, a
> servant came and said, Trouble not the Master for your daughter is dead.
> Did you hear it, Rhonda.  A servant came and said, he said, not Jesus, he
> said the man's daughter was dead.  Jesus said, Do not be afraid only
> believe.  The Enemy is lying to you right now, Rhonda, but be not afraid,
> only believe.  It is your heart that believes.  You don't need faith but 
> you
> only need to believe.  The 12 year old girl was dead but she didn't stay
> that way.  don't believe what the doctor's say, Rhonda, no matter how true
> it sounds.  Just believe the Word of God.
> Phil.
> He's ready when you are.