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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Aug 2006 21:53:37 -0400
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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I got goosebumps while reading this!  Thanks for sharing it with us, it 
speaks volumes to me!
Virgie and Hoshi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:58 PM
Subject: The Power Of The Spoken Word

>     The Lord spoke something to me today that had tremendous
> meaning to me  personally.  It likely won't mean much to you when
> you hear it but that's ok  because He said it to me and not
> necessarily to you.
>     I was at my desk early  this morning.  I didn't sleep well.
> I haven't slept well for some time and for various reasons.  What
> the Lord spoke to me has to do with money although the words you
> will  soon hear don't seem to indicate that it has to do with
> money at all.  I know it  does due to recent financial stress
> under which Sandy and I have been living.
>     Before telling you what I heard from the Lord, let me give
> you a  little background.  It has been nearly four years ago I
> went full time in  this intercessory prayer ministry.  I am not
> doing it because I want to,  although I enjoy what I do more than
> any ministry work I have ever done, but  I am doing it for one
> reason and one reason only.  The Lord told me this was  what He
> wanted me to do and he literally spoke into my thoughts and told
> me  word for word what I would be doing.  I began praying with a
> couple of  people before I fully committed myself to a full time
> ministry.  Why?  I was scared to start doing it full time.  Why
> was I scared to go full time although I had lost my job a few
> months earlier?  I mean, what did I have to lose since I wasn't
> working any way?  I believed that God likely would not financially
> provide for me and my  family.  This was based upon prior
> experience of ministry failure, in my way of thinking, and
> something the Lord revealed to me that I inherited from my father.
> I won't explain that part because it would take too long and you
> wouldn't believe it anyway.  Don't I believe the Word of  God?
> No, not all of the time and not in every situation.  You don't
> either,  if you are honest, that is.  How do I know this?  If
> there is one Christian  on this planet that doesn't get caught
> worrying, doubting, sinning, feeling  guilty about something, then
> I not only wish to meet that person but I can  tell you two things
> about that person.  One, they are dead, and two, they  lied.  So,
> I know where you are in Christ because everybody is in the same
> place.  Like the old preacher said during the altar call, "The
> ground below  the cross is level."  You start waving your Bible
> around under my nose and  telling me how much better you are than
> me, or you are more spiritual than  somebody else, or that God
> loves you more because you are a better  Christian, and I'm going
> to pray God takes you out just for pride alone.  So with that out
> of the way, let me continue.
>     A few days ago, over the weekend I think it was, Sandy and I
> were sitting out on our deck swing in the evening.  We ended up,
> eventually, talking about how bad off we were financially.  Not a
> good idea and certainly not a Scriptural one either.  Regardless,
> we were voicing, as it were, confessing would be another way of
> putting it, our feelings.  This form of confession is fine, if you
> are seeking God for the answers.  If you are not doing that, you
> are out of Scriptural agreement with the Word of God and thus, the
> Holy Spirit is grieved because you are saying the opposite of what
> the Holy Spirit knows is true.
>     So, as I said, this was the sum and substance of our
> conversation.  I was thinking one way in my head but with my
> mouth, in conversation with my wife, I was saying what I knew was
> the truth.  In my head, my thoughts, I was saying, "God has never
> fully watched out for me financially before.  He's not providing
> for me now.  If He is, He is doing a mighty poor job of it.  I
> have failed financially before.  God's Word works but it won't
> work for me and my finances," and you get the picture.  A lot more
> was going through my mind, too, but it was all based upon my
> feelings and worries and concern that God would not come through
> for me.  With my mouth, during our conversation related to our
> discouragement, I said to Sandy that I only know two things.  I
> then named those two things.  The first thing I named was the
> ministry God had told me to do, and that was not a ministry He was
> asking me to do or calling me to do, but one He simply said, "This
> is what you will be doing," and then in one sentence, he detailed
> the ministry.  If you want to know what that is, you can find it
> on my website in my personal testimony of where I am in God.  The
> second thing I stated that I knew as a fact was that God spoke to
> me four years ago this month and said to me, "This is who you are
> now."  I have never disbelieved that, nor the ministry He told me
> I would be doing, to this day.  I have doubted myself.  I have
> doubted God would provide.  I have doubted a lot of other things
> but never the two things He spoke into my heart and mind and
> spirit.  So why was I worried now?  I was not worried about who
> God was and what His Word said.  I was worried about who I was and
> what I can't do myself.  Bingo!  That's where God wanted me to be;
> dead in the water and unable to navigate by myself.  He does the
> steering or have we forgotten that since we got saved?  I forget
> it all the time but it is truth.  Not true but it is truth.  I
> also keep forgetting that Noah's ark didn't have a steering wheel
> or even a rudder because Noah had never sailed a ship in his life
> and he didn't even own a compass.  The ark was no ship.  It was
> nothing more than a rectangular box.  So, now God is moving me
> into the place where the only thing left is Him.  If that's not
> where you are, then you aren't where God wants you to be.  How do
> we get to that point?  You don't want to hear the answer to that
> question yet so just keep reading.
>     So, again, this morning, after getting up at about 3:30 and
> not really able to go back to sleep decently, I finally, about 7
> or 8 o'clock, sat down at my desk and looked at email.  I was very
> very discouraged.  I was also a little angry at God.  That's
> nothing knew for me and I've finally figured out that God isn't
> afraid of me anyhow so being angry at God is a big waste of time.
> We do it anyhow but rarely will admit it even to God when we are
> convicted about our poor attitude.  So, at the computer, and I
> wasn't praying and didn't feel like praying, I clearly heard the
> following words as my mind suddenly focused on our finances.
> "Some things just have to be said."  It was like a lightning
> strike just detonated in my brain.  My thoughts instantly flashed
> back to the words I had spoken when talking with Sandy on the deck
> swing.  I had spoken exactly what God had told me even though my
> mind was locked on all the wrong unscriptural things I wanted to
> say.  I'm getting goose bumps telling you this right now because
> of the spiritual impact it has had today on me.  My whole mental
> focus changed and I felt the best I had felt in months; maybe
> years.
>     I had a prayer session today that was very exciting because
> of what the Lord did for that person.  It would take a book just
> to describe that one prayer session so you'll just have to take my
> word for it.  Later, when I thought through what this person had
> experienced, I cried because of how spiritual deep the healing
> was.  After the prayer session, I ate lunch but the bad negative
> feelings came back.  Yet, the words I heard in my spirit, "Some
> things just have to be said," were solid as a rock.  My spirit
> witnessed to the truth of those words and the Holy Spirit agreed
> in such a way that I could not ignore those words and what they
> meant to me personally.
>     It was nearly 100 degrees this afternoon in Denver but I went
> out on the deck from time to time and sat in the swing.  I
> struggled with my feelings and searched for any demonic influence
> trying to sidetrack me from the truth.  I went on search and
> destroy missions, trying to find if I believed any lies that were
> keeping me from believing.  The harder I worked at it, the worse I
> felt.  I cried at times from the spiritual pain I felt.
>     Let's back up a few weeks.  One morning, a number of weeks
> ago, I came out into my office, hardly awake, and took a blank
> piece of Braille paper off my desk and reached to put it back up
> on my floor to ceiling bookshelves behind my desk.  I said, in my
> thoughts to God, "I wish you would do something good for me
> today," and immediately my mind went to at least two things which
> both involved money.  Suddenly, in my thoughts I heard, "I am your
> money."  I knew who it was but it shocked me to hear the Lord
> speaking in such mundane words.  I have never forgotten those
> words, however, and somehow I knew they fit into the picture of
> financial provisions and blessings but I couldn't figure out where
> until today.
>     So, sitting on the deck swing one of those times this
> afternoon, I recalled what Jesus had said about Him being my
> money.  I do this type of review of things the Lord has taught me
> often.  That's one reason why I write about things I've heard so I
> can be reminded later if I forget.  So I'm sitting in the heat,
> crying off and on out of frustration, searching for the answers,
> when I remembered Jesus said, "I'm your money."  Again, I
> realized how odd that sounded coming from the Lord.  I asked the
> Lord what He meant by that and my thoughts slammed so hard into
> the truth, it almost physically rocked me.  Jesus said, "I am the
> bread of life."  Bread is what everybody in the world, in all
> periods of time, throughout the ages, have lived on.  The key word
> is, lived on.  When Jesus told me "I am your money," he was
> saying, "I am your bread of life," that is, your daily life of
> provision.  The two revelations locked into place like a padlock
> and they closed around what He said this morning when He said to
> me, "Some things just have to be said."
>     "Now, from here, I could teach about faith and confession for
> a couple of hours and explain why these three things had such a
> profound effect upon me spiritually.  If you carefully read Mark
> chapter 11 verses 22 through 25, you will discover that two things
> come into play when removing mountains.  One thing is literally,
> what we say to the mountain.  The key word here is, say, or what
> we literally confess.  I can prove what I am saying from the Greek
> but I won't take the time in this message.  Secondly, when we
> pray, we believe that we receive and what we have said, the key
> word is said, will come to pass.  So, we must know how to pray and
> we must know what to confess because what we confess is what we
> pray and what we pray is what we receive.  If we confess the
> opposite of God's eternal Word, we grieve the Holy Spirit and we
> lie and do not the truth.  What we may be speaking appears true
> but God is not interested in what the world says, He is interested
> in what we say.  If what we say is in agreement with His Word, it
> will be done for us from Heaven.
>     The feeling of oppression soon began to lift and my
> frustrations that I have carried for months began to drift away.
> I'm not saying I have this down to a science but I am saying
> something happened to me today that has renewed my mind and
> thoughts to conform to the image of Christ.
>     I likewise always remind myself of what Jesus spoke to me
> when I was searching a memory of when I was five years old which I
> posted here once.  "Phil, you don't have to be perfect because I
> am."  And so is His Word.
> Phil.
> He's ready when you are.