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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Vicki and The Rors <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 21 Oct 2006 21:09:32 -0600
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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I like this one very much.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 12:30 PM
Subject: One Mind

> The Miracle Of One Mind
> Multiple Personality Integration
> By Phil Scovell
> Author's Note.
>     The following true testimony is written with permission.  This 
> occurred
> on August 14, 2006.
>     She said, "I hear a man's voice."
>     This was nothing new.  Over the months we had been praying
> together, she not only heard many male voices but those voices
> surfaced and spoke with me.  I said, "Do you know whose voice it
> is?"
>     "Yes, but this is something new."
>     "New, how?" I probed.
>     "this is the voice of Jesus.  Normally it is just an
> impression and I interpret by speaking the words myself.  This
> time I really heard his voice inside of me.  It even feels like I
> am hearing Him in my ears."
>     "What is He saying?" I asked.
>     "He said it is time."
>     I wanted to say, "You mean now?  Tonight?"  I was expecting
> this but "Now?  Tonight?"  I had recognized that the helpers,
> alternate personalities of this woman with Dissociative Identity
> Disorder, had not been surfacing and becoming a part of our
> prayer sessions for many weeks, maybe months, and she had noticed
> it, too.  I had even detected, although I had not mentioned it to
> her, that her own speaking voice had cleared up and sounded very
> female whereas before, there was almost a ragged, or tired, sound
> to the background tone of her voice.  I also did not tell her that
> the outgoing voice mail message she had recently recorded on her
> phone sounded very feminine and natural.  All these signs pointed
> to the singleness of mind experience would soon be coming but it
> still surprised me when it arrived.
>     Secret Holder, her primary alternate personality, and the one
> who kept the secrets of the other alternate personalities,
> surfaced and began talking to me.  "It is ok Mr. Phil.  It is
> time."
>     I said, "How do you feel about this happening now, Secret
> Holder?"
>     "I feel ok; I feel fine.  It will be ok."
>     "What about all the other helpers?" I asked.  "What do they
> feel about it happening now?"
>     "They are all ready and they are fine with it.  It is time
> for all of us to become one.  The little girl is scared a little
> about it, though," Secret Holder informed me.
>     "I know she is but Jesus said she would be ok," I replied.
>     "I know," Secret Holder said in her little small voice.
>     Mari began talking to me then.  "I see the marble white
> staircase that goes up real high."
>     "Ok," I said.  The staircase we had seen before.  Jesus had
> taken the little girl and all her helpers to the white marble
> staircase during a prayer session.  All of the helpers, alternate
> personalities, walked up the stairs until they were all lost to
> sight.  The little girl then ran up the stairs and back down again
> as if she were playing on the stairs.
>     "Do you remember the white stairs?" Mari asked.
>     "I sure do remember them," I replied.
>     "Well, that's where we are right now.  Now all of the helpers
> are coming down the stairs," and she named them as they descended.
>     "They are all down at the bottom now with us.  Jesus is here,
> too."
>     "I see a large ornate wooden door.  Jesus wants to open it."
>     "Is that ok with you?" I asked.
>     "Yes.  I want Him to open it.  It's open now and the helpers
> are all going in one by one."  She named each alternate
> personality as it passed over the threshold and disappeared beyond
> the doorway.  "the only one left now is Secret Holder.  She walked
> over and whispered into my ear and said that Jesus would always be
> with me now and they would all be one."
>     "Wow!  this is really weird.  I can't explain it exactly but
> I am seeing the word GOODBYE and the word HELLO at the same time.
> Now the word GOODBYE is fading away and the word HELLO is like it
> is written on a wall or something.  It has tiny roses all around
> it and other vine like things.  Now the word HELLO is fading and
> it feels as if it is entwining inside of me and my thoughts and
> becoming a part of me somehow."
>     "Jesus is now hugging the little girl very tightly and
> telling her that any times she calls His name, He will be already
> there by her and she will never be alone."
>     "Hey, something is happening."
>     "What's that?" I asked quietly.
>     "Something is inside of me; something is going on inside of
> me."
>     Silence.
>     "Wow!  It feels like a garden is growing.  It is a garden!
> It is growing inside of me.  Wow!"
>     Moment later.
>     "It is very quiet and silent inside," Mari said.  It's never
> been like this before."
>     Mari once told me about the shadow people that used to help
> her occupy her time by coming out to play in her thoughts.  She
> knows now these were her alternate personalities, her helpers,
> assisting her with her loneliness and fears.
>     "I bet it is nice and quiet now," I said thoughtfully, "and
> that's a good thing," I finished, as I listen in amazement to what
> the Lord was doing.
>     "Oh.  I just heard a little girl's laugh.  Wow!  That is
> amazing.  I just heard a little girl do a happy laugh.  It is
> quiet again now."
>     Afterward.
>     "Do you know where this door was?" I felt led to ask.
>     "Yes.  I didn't know at the time but I know now where it is."
>     "Where?"
>     "It was a doorway into my heart.  I can feel it.  That's
> where all the helpers went."
>     The psychodynamics of this experience could take volumes so I
> won't bother trying to explain everything in detail.  Besides,
> Jesus isn't the Great Psychologist; He Is The Great I Am.  He may
> use psychology, medicine, pastors, or even short, balding, chubby
> Colorado cowboy preachers like me, for that matter, to work in
> harmony with Him.  Otherwise, Jesus needs nothing.  In fact, I
> never even prayed one time with Mari during this experience.  I
> did not pray before, during, or following the prayer session
> because it just happened.  Later, as I hung up the phone and
> walked out of my office into my home, I said, "Lord, I never even
> prayed with Mari.  I feel terrible."
>     "Jesus said, "The whole thing, from beginning to end, was a
> prayer to me.  So what's the big deal?"
>     I said in my thoughts, "That makes sense.  Still, I feel like
> I should have done something.  At the very least, I should have
> closed in prayer."
>     "What for?" Jesus said in my thoughts.  "I don't need your
> help.  I just let you watch while I did my own work.  Isn't that
> good enough for you?"
>     I laughed.  It was true.  Jesus didn't need me and He proved
> it by letting me sit and listen, ask a few questions, and watch
> Him conduct a miracle again.  You see, this had not been the first
> time I witness the singleness of mind experience of someone with
> multiple personalities but it was just as thrilling.
>     Mari was an orphan and had been born blind.  She experienced
> self mutilation, had become physically violent at times, became
> drug dependant, an alcoholic, went through two years of
> psychological therapy for a sex change to become a man, and had
> been sexually molested and raped by her father since infancy.
> Eventually her brother took over where her father had left off.
> She was finally able to escape the horribleness of her childhood
> by 18 years of age.
>     Mari also had experienced 36 years of psychiatric care and
> nothing but pharmaceuticals for therapy.  Most mental health
> professionals don't believe a person with multiple personalities
> can be treated any other way than with pharmaceuticals.
> Additionally, the psychological therapy generally takes on the
> form of behavioral mental techniques to teach the person how to
> keep the alternate personalities suppressed or, at the very least,
> under control.  This is assuming, of course, the therapist is even
> able to identify Dissociative Identity Disorder in the first
> place.  Few can.  Why?  Alternate personalities, the fragmented
> parts of one's mind due to trauma, have been created to protect
> the authentic person.  Therefore, they are very unwilling to
> communicate with others out of fear they will be discovered and
> the real person will be considered a threat, or quite simply,
> crazy.  So, they remain hidden and few professionals believe they
> can be reached.  Generally the psychiatric community suggest 10
> to 15 years of required therapy to reprogram a person that is
> multiple personality.  Of course, these same people are totally
> unaware that sometimes, quite often in fact, demons masquerade as
> alternate personalities.  This makes integration psychologically
> impossible for the therapist who has no such Biblical knowledge
> relating to spiritual authority and demonic oppression.  Likewise,
> for the Christian therapist, who believes that alternate
> personalities are demons and must be cast out, even worse problems
> are generated, including more complicated and complex emotional
> issues for the DID person.
>     Mari experienced integration in five months and probably no
> more than about sixty hours of actual prayer time.  No, I have had
> no training in psychology.  I am just an intercessor and a pastor
> whom Jesus healed and taught how to pray with others.
> Furthermore, the Lord assigned, not called, me to minister to
> sexually abused women and to those with multiple personalities and
> to be a father to the fatherless.  By the way, to day, only one of
> the people I have prayed with, who are multiple personality, have
> ever been officially diagnosed by mental health therapists with
> DID and that was Mari.  Why so few?  For all the reason mentioned
> above.  Furthermore, the helpers soon realize I enjoy getting to
> know them and I don't think they are crazy.  I likewise let Jesus
> answer all of their questions and they quickly, realizing who
> Jesus is, come to trust His Word to them as always being true and
> He never tries to frighten them.
>     Now, where are you today?  Perhaps you were not sexually
> abused.  It isn't likely you are DID with alternate personalities.
> Maybe what you face has been diagnosed as clinical depression,
> PTSD, OCD, or any other various letters of the alphabet.  It makes
> no difference to Jesus because He knows how to heal everyone of
> the lie based thinking that is present in everyone's life.  Do
> you want to be free?  Now is the time.  Don't wait because it
> isn't necessary to keep suffering alone.  There is help from the
> Greatest Helper of all; Jesus The Christ.