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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Sep 2006 17:05:50 -0600
text/plain (46 lines)
     Well, it is this way.  the multi millionaire is in his
twenties.  He is the Denver Bronco quarterback and his name is
Jack Plumber.  His nick name, for some reason, is Jake the snake.
He is one of the best, they say, but not in my book because he is
a liar and he cheats the system.  Yep, sure does.

     This summer, old Jake the snake had his girlfriend with him
and was trying to make it to a meeting he admitted he was already
late for.  Just before a light turned red, he pulled dangerously
close and jumped in front of a pickup truck.  He was driving a
smaller car and he barely fit in.  The pickup truck driver,
slammed on his breaks, and laid on his horn.  Jake didn't like it
so he jumped out of his car ran part way back to the truck, like
he was going to do something to the pickup driver, and instead,
jumped back into his car and then slowly backed up until his
bumper banged the pickup truck bumper.  When he pulled forward,
the pickup driver wrote down Jake's license plate number.  No.  He
had no idea who it was.  When the light changed, the pickup driver
pulled over and found a place to park and called the police to
report reckless driving and road rage.  As he was waiting for the
police, a woman driver, who had clearly seen the whole thing
happen, drove around the block and returned to where the pickup
was parked.  She got out and said she witnessed the whole thing
and had written down the reckless driver's license plate number.
Two months later, the pickup driver learns it was Jake the snake.
They had a postponement already and I haven't heard if the court
date was reset or what is going on.  The man was interviewed on
talk shows and was as credible as anybody I have heard.  Plus he
had a total stranger as a witness to the whole thing.  Jake was
interview and said, it was the pickup drive who rolled forward and
bumped him.  Jake also called the police and said someone rear
ended him but there was no damage.  He didn't stop to think there
was a witness to the whole thing.  What do you bet he gets out of
this one?  Why did Jake get out of his car and run half way back
to the pickup?  I think he did it to make sure that the man did
not have a passenger who could testify against him.  Sorry Jake.
You have a super long ways, in my book, to measure up to John
Elway when it comes to being a pro and I don't care how good you
are or how much money you make.


He's ready when you are.