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Vicki and The Rors <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 6 Jul 2006 01:44:51 -0600
text/plain (176 lines)

Up sipping that coffee again.  Sometimes I think a rock on the head would be 
the only way for me to get good sleep.

Praying for all your helth issues, and Vernon's needs for shoulder and ear. 
Also praying with you about the new renters.  Sounds like good positive 
response there.  Praying about the old renters too, to get some good 
resolution there.

Thanks for those prayers.  I'll gladly take some of those lovings and 
squeezings too.  Smile.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pat Ferguson" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: Coffee Club

> Hi Everyone,
> Oh, I'm praying for you all, and have been reading all the messages.
> I'm praying that you all get some much needed sleep. The only thing that 
> lets me sleep is the Metformin that I take at 9 PM each night. Otherwise I 
> wouldn't be sleeping either.
> I have a lot to tell you all, but it is very important that you all know 
> how much you all mean to me. I love you all so very much. I honestly do 
> stop and pray for each of you when I read these messages, and also when I 
> think about you all, I also pray.
> God is so very wonderful no matter what people think He is truly the best 
> friend and lover we can ever have.
> April, I hope to talk to you some time soon. So much is happening in 
> everyone's lives, and I feel bad because I'm not always available when 
> people call me during the day to chat.
> Rhonda, I'm praying for you and Ben.
> Julie, I'm praying for your job situation and for you and Tracy, and for 
> everyone in your families.
> Kathy, praying for you and your family, too.
> Phil, Praying for you and everyone in your family, and for Gretchan, also.
> Jen, praying for you also. You are so sweet.
> Karen, praying for your music ministry. You are so loving.
> Rhonda2, Praying for you and your husband and that you are having a loving 
> summer.
> Carol, You and Mike are so precious and sweet. I'm praying for you and 
> sending many lovings and squeezings.
> Vicki, Praying for you and John and for your job and schooling and for 
> your health.
> David Stall, Praying that you and April are married, very soon. I know you 
> are really one, but you know what I mean. I love you both a whole bunch.
> I'm praying for you all, even if I didn't mention you.
> I think we have rented the house out again. Please pray for this 
> situation. I'm praying that they are Christians. They are 2 young sisters, 
> and they have never been out on their own before, but they have good 
> stable jobs. Their Mother came with them, to look at the house and to talk 
> with us, and all three of them were very nice.
> My loving sweet Vernon is in some pain with his shoulder and neck, and the 
> pain goes down to his ribs some times. I'm so worried about him. We both 
> have doctor appointments with our primary doctor next week.
> We think we got his blood pressure under control with a higher dose of his 
> bp medication. It was very high but our doctor was really on top of it.
> He still has his ear fungus, so that means we'll probably have to go back 
> to the ear doctor in Brookings. That also means more trips to Wal-mart.
> My blood sugar is very high, and I'm afraide they will put me on insulin.
> I keep dreaming about our previous renters. I even dreamed that they took 
> over our network. They don't know the first thing about computers, and 
> aren't even interested in them.
> I'm having some other health problems, but I don't think you want to hear 
> about them. lol.
> Thank you for your love and prayers.
> Love and Blessings,
> Pat Ferguson
> At 05:03 AM 7/5/2006, you wrote:
>>LOL, I'm awake, too.  We had a wonderful time yesterday with Dave's 
>>children and their friends.  The little grandbaby, Canaan is growing like 
>>a weed. He's a real climber and it was thrilling just to hold him and play 
>>with him. I was tired after the festivities and slept through most of the 
>>fireworks to be awakened by a prolonged rain storm.  Not much lightning 
>>this time.  The night before the weather people said there were 150 
>>lightning strokes in 5 minutes in Dublin.  Wow.  That works out to 1 every 
>>how many seconds?
>>They showed fireworks both Monday and Tuesday nights here and had plenty 
>>in this neighborhood.  It is hard on the puppydogs though.
>>Gee, Phil, I know what you mean about getting attached to your parrots 
>>especially when they live so long.  My friends had an African Gray brought 
>>from Africa with them when they went there several years ago.  He would 
>>say, "I can talk!  Can you fly?"  It was so cute.  And he would make 
>>jungle sounds from where he used to live.
>>Coffee club.  Well, my caffeine is dcold--found in that dreaded diet coke. 
>>Haha, it cleans better than regular coke becaue that stuff is sticky and 
>>the diet products are not.
>>Since I haven't commented on some things, lookout!  *Grin*
>>Jen, I've been thinking of you.  I saw your tagline in messenger and my 
>>heart reaches out to you.  Hey, just think!  If you move to the Cleveland 
>>area, maybe you can become acquainted with David's son Ben and his wife 
>>Sheila and the little Canaan Adam Isiah Stahl.  LOL, his name is longer 
>>than he is!  They are trying for a job transfer to the Youngstown area.
>>I will also be applying for another position soon hoping to get out of the 
>>stress of the call center mentality.  Please remember that as you pray for 
>>the job requests.
>>Dear Dear Kathy!  I am surely thinking of you and Greg this morning as you 
>>don't know where all of your little flock is and what they are up to.  May 
>>God interceed with Matt and Chris and fill your hearts with peace and 
>>certainty that He is in control.
>>Today I will have a doctor's appointment and probably be released for 
>>work. Afterwards, Chrissie is taking me to her place to get my state ID 
>>card.  I have been waiting for my birth certificate papers to come in the 
>>mail since I recently lost them.  Once that is all in place, we can file 
>>for our license and get married.  I surely do hope we can get married 
>>I believe I have spoken of a friend, Larry, who helped me a lot when I 
>>first moved to Columbus.  He died on Sunday morning from complications of 
>>diabetes.  I was in the same hospital Saturday night and didn't want to 
>>interrupt the visit I was on, so I thought, "Oh, I can come another time." 
>>Well, now I feel terrible.  That has been on my mind and I can't erase it. 
>>It'll be a lesson to me for sure.  Wow!  Larry's best friend, Bill, died 
>>about a month ago.  They had shared his home, but Bill died from 
>>complications during a heart transplant.
>>I, too, am considering the Prodigy Talking Glucometer as my Acucheck Voice 
>>Mate is over 2 years old and has been known to differ as much as 178 
>>points from the Glucometer Elete that the nurses carry with them.  I never 
>>know which one is right.  Then mine will give me a reading of over 50 
>>points difference when I take it immediately again.  Good grief!  I surely 
>>don't need that when I'm fighting infection!
>>Carol, I surely do wish I could package up some air conditioning and send 
>>it to you.  Do some folks have it and others not?  Maybe we could take a 
>>collection and send money to buy a window a/c for Carol, Mike, and poor 
>>Fabian.  *Smile*
>>Well, I have rambled enough.  Time to get serious and list with schedule 
>>with Project Mainstream so they can pick me up two hours early for work 
>>again this week.  Haha.
>>Love you all,
>>Skype Name:  april_r
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>>"God is still on the throne!"
>>April and Miss Flurrie