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CJ Daniel <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 15 Apr 2006 22:59:31 -0700
text/plain (129 lines)

Thanks very much!  I hope everyone reads this, reflects on it, & tries in
whatever way the Holy Spirit leads them to incorporate the feelings &
thoughts it provokes in their celebration of Easter.  As I was trying to
explain to my 11-year-old, hopefully, only the guilty are condemned to
death.  But, here we have the only guiltless person to ever walk the planet
condemned to die the most horrible criminal's death imaginable.  Truly,
thought provoking, sad, & very wonderful.

God Bless,


-----Original Message-----
From: The Electronic Church [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Jenifer Gilley
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 4:55 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Fw: crusufiction

Jenifer gilley
"Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble 
remembering how to fly."
Author unknown
AIM: jenibear1998
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Jenifer Gilley" <[log in to unmask]>
Cc: "Jeremy Gilley" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:48 PM
Subject: crusufiction

Psalm 18:2
What is crucifixion?
A medical doctor> provides a physical description:> >>> > > The cross is 
placed on the ground and the exhausted> >>> > man is quickly thrown 
backwards with
his shoulders against the> wood.> >>>The legionnaire feels for the 
depression at the front of the wrist.   He drives a heavy, square 
wrought-iron nail
through the wrist deep into> the wood.  Quickly he> >>> > moves to the other

side and repeats the action,> >>> > being careful not to pull the arms too
tightly, but to allow some flex> and > movement. The cross is> >>> > then 
lifted into place.  The left foot is> pressed backward against the right 
and with both feet extended, toes down,> a> >>>nail is driven through the 
arch of each, leaving the knees flexed.  The> victim is now crucified.  As 
slowly  sags down with more weight on the> nails in the wrists, excruciating

fiery  pain shoots along the fingers and up> the> >>>arms to explode in the>
>>> > brain-the nails in the wrists are putting pressure> >>> > upon the 
>>> > median nerves. As he pushes himself upward to avoid this> stretching 
>>> > torment,
he places the> >>> > full weight on the nail  through his feet. Again> 
 >>>he> >>> > feels the searing agony of  the nail tearing through the 
nerves> between>
>>>the bones of his feet.  As> >>> > the arms fatigue, cramps sweep through 
>>>his muscles,> >>> > knotting them deep relentless, throbbing pain.  With 
cramps> >>>comes the inability to push> >>> > himself upward to breathe. Air

can be drawn into> >>>the> >>> > lungs but not exhaled.  He fights to raise
himself in order> to> >>>get even one small breath.> >>> > > Finally, carbon

dioxide builds up in the lungs and> >>> > in the blood stream, and the 
partially subsided.> Spasmodically, he is able to push himself upward to 
exhale and  bring in life-giving> oxygen.> >>> Hours of  limitless> >>> > 
cycles of twisting, joint-renting cramps,> >>> > intermittent partial 
asphyxiation, searing pain as  tissue is> torn from his lacerated back as he

up and down against rough timber.> Then another agony begins: a deep, 
crushing pain deep in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with serium 
and begins
tocompress the heart.  It is> now almost over -- the loss of tissue fluids 
has reached a critical level-> the compressed heart is> >>> > struggling to
pump heavy,  thick, sluggish blood> >>> > into the tissues the tortured 
lungs are making frantic effort to> gasp> >>>in small gulps of  air.> >>> > 
 > He
can feel  the chill of death creeping through> >>>his> >>> > tissues... 
Finally, he can allow his body to die... All this the Bible records with the

words, "and they crucified Him"> >>> > (Mark 15:24). What wonderous love is 
this? Many people> don't> >>>know that pain and suffering our Lord, Jesus 
went through for us.> Because of the brutality,> >>> > crucifixion was given

a sentence to only its worst> >>> > offenders of the law. Thieves, 
and rapists would  be the> types of creeps who got> >>> > crucified. Yet, 
here Jesus is being crucified between two hardened> >>> > criminals... What 
Jesus do? Did he murder anyone? Did> he steal anything?   The> >>> > answer,

as we all know, is NO!!   Jesus did nothing> >>> > to deserve this type of
death, yet he went willing to die, in between>
2 thieves, so that  we might be saved.   And there, in between the sinners, 
was our slain savior for our sins. Romans 10:9 "If you confess with your 
that Jesus is Lord and> >>> > BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART that God raised him from

the> >>> > dead, you will  be> >>> > saved." Saying  this with sincerity is
all you have to> do,> >>> but  it's amazing> >>> > because there are so many

people out there that> >>> > can't do it.  Even  more amazing is that 
will read this e-mail about what he went  through and still won't do> it.> 
 >>> Passing this on to 2, 4,
6, 8, or 10 people won't get you good luck, no> >>>free pair of Gap Jeans, 
no cruise, no car and no money, but it could get someone saved.  That is a 
enough reward for  me because more benefits> will> >>>be presented in 