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Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:31:53 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello again Listmates...
First off - thank you thank  you THANK YOU for taking the time to respond to 
my question. The amount of  responses was truly overwhelming. (I have attached 
responses in their  entirety to this email for your review).
Second, I didn't realize this issue was so popular.  Although it disturbs me 
that so many of us suffer from these issues, I am  comforted to know that I'm 
not alone.

And to address some of  the questions that you raised - I am 27, was 
diagnosed 2 years ago (brother  diagnosed last year with different symptoms), tested 
for lactose intolerance via  breath hydrogen test and do not take any 
I have been to several doctors over the years and am  seeing a very well 
known celiac specialist who seemed “puzzled” over the  bloating.  Of all people, 
I thought he would be familiar with this  issue.  I will be sending him copies 
of all of your emails so that he can  see how much this problem impacts our 
lives.  Perhaps that will lead to  future research ventures.

Wishing all of you the best & thank you  again,
1) You have leaky gut syndrome...it goes with celiac. a gf diet alone will  
cure it in 4 or 5 years, but you can do it in 4 months by taking "the  
formula"....take with each meal one probiotics complex and one l-glutamine. they  heal 
the gut. 

you may be borderline lactose intolerant which their  test didn't pick 
up..not unusual. you can test yourself by following DR COCOA'S  PULSE TEST FOR 
ALLERGIES....stay off a suspected food GROUP for a week...so in  the case of milk, 
stay off not only milk, but cheese, yogurt, butter, ice cream  margarine etc. 
then on an empty stomach, take your pulse and record it. then  drink a half 
glass of milk and wait ...30,60 90 min later take your pulse. ANY  RISE ABOVE 
TEN PERCENT INDICATES AN ALLERGY. go thru everything....fat content  makes a 
difference in reactions. Carlton Fredericks used to say that a scratch  test was 
only as good as the techie reading it, but in this case you are dealing  with 
numbers which are not subject to interpretation. 

recheck your  diet...you may be eating some iffy foods....go back to only 
safe foods...so stay  off white distilled vinegar, balsamic vinegar which have 
been "cut" with white  vinegar, and canola oil...write me if you want more info 
on this  

2) I have not experienced this problem but it sounds like a pro biotic is a  
good thought and certainly can't hurt. It does sound like a food allergy. It 
has  all the symptoms.  The best way to deal with that is to do a food  
elimination and see if you can pin point the cause. It could be more than one  food. 
You might start by eliminating all the food allergens and go from there. 
Things to think about are:  Are you taking any new meds that might  have 
gluten in them?  Are you taking any holistic or over the counter drugs  that are 
new?One thing that gets me is things that share the same belt as my  gluten 
free stuff.  Corn chips from Trader joes etc.  Can't eat those  any more.
Also, I had an experience with a company that used to be gluten  free totally 
and I took the product for over two years, then suddenly they  started adding 
wheat starch to it.  They said it was a miniscule amount but  I still reacted 
to it.  

3) Bloating after eating can be from any number of causes.  Have you  tried 
** A good pancreatic digestive enzyme?  I take  something called DigestEnz by 
Advanced Formula and it is one of the best, but it  is hard to find.  Can 
give you a source for ordering it, if you would  like....
** Take l-glutamine (Twinlabs 500 mg. caps, together with a good  probiotic 
before every meal; Natren's Healthy Trinity is the best, but there are  others 
such as Jarrows, which are also good ( take the glutamine, the probiotic  
along with the digestive enzyme with the first bite or sip of a
meal, 3x a  day)
** A fabulous product which is OTC called Candex for candida overgrowth;  can 
get this at your hfs.....

4) I have a very similar problem that  seems to go away when I eliminate all 
grains and starches from my diet but I'm  not sure what causes it and I do not 
consistently eliminate those foods.   It's hard to do without pizza, bread, 
potatoes, cereal, etc. all the time.   If you could summarize the
responses I would be grateful, I would love to  know the reason for my 
5) I also have this problem. Its very uncomfortable. I have been GF for 6  
years. Let me know what you find out.
6) This may not apply to everyone but I was the same as you and found out I  
was yeast intolerant. I'm OK now, no more bloating. Good luck 

7)  Hi, please become familiar with _www.knowthecause.com_ 
(http://www.knowthecause.com/)  and pass on the  information.  
8) Yes, I have that problem. I take pro-biotics daily. What helps me  greatly 
is a product made by Enzymatic Therapy which I have been taking for the  last 
3 months.
It is called Pro-Gest-Ade. It's an enzyme supplement. I've  tried other 
enzyme preparations and this particular one is the only one that  does the trick. I 
bought it from our health food store which is run by a Celiac.  She says it 
is the pancreas extract that makes the difference.
9) I am having this problem now, big time.  My weight also fluctuates  as 
much as 5 pounds from one morning to the next (both up and down).  It  feels to 
me like there is too much in my digestive track as there is pressure on  my 
stomach, also.  Also, I'm sure there is some water retention, because my  feet 
and ankles swell with the weight gain.  The doctors have put me  through every 
test and haven't found anything except that the CT scan of my  abdomen after 
fasting 12 hours showed constipation.  I didn't think I was  experiencing 
constipation as I have a huge, soft BM each morning when I wake  up.  I am really 
frustrated that the doctors haven't been able to help  me.
I'm thinking about starting a strict food elimination diet to try to  figure 
out which foods may be the culprits.
Back in the late 80's, this is what I experienced and it turned out that  
gluten was the culprit.  I felt wonderful on the gluten-free diet until  just 2 
years ago when after a cruise, I started having extreme steatorrhea  (fatty 
diarrhea) which has gradually gotten better over the past 2 years.   Now it's 
just weight gain and awful pressure in my upper abdomen that is not  relieved by 
a BM.
I'm very interested in knowing what others have to say about their  
experiences, because I would like to get this solved and begin to feel better  again.  
It just saps my energy and I'm falling behind on household  tasks.  I give my 
all to my job and then don't have any energy left for the  evenings.
10) only one probiotic really works, VSL#3 - 
_http://www.vsl3.com/VSL3/default.asp_ (http://www.vsl3.com/VSL3/default.asp) . (at least that is the info my 
doctor gave me) This is the one that has been  tested in all the clinical 
trials. It's dreadfully expensive, but it works,  whereas the others generally 

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