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JULIE MELTON <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Jun 2006 07:52:30 -0600
text/plain (239 lines)

I don't think I've seen it on the list before, so thanks for posting.  
praise god that he does whatever he needs to do to get through to us 
stubborn humans.

visit me at
Keep smiling!

>From: Karen Carter <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Heaven Testimony for Carol and Dave
>Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 02:52:29 +0000
>Here is that testimony for Carol and Dave.  I know the rest of you may have 
>seen it so you can delete if you wish.
>By Karen Carter
>I got saved in Sept 22, 1967.  My friend invited me to go to vacation Bible 
>school at Elmwood Church of the Nazarene in Westland Michigan.
>Through the years I would pray fervently for my Dad to receive help with 
>food, money and to be released from drinking.  Like the testimonies I kept 
>hearing everyone else at the church talk about.  Well it seems that none of 
>my prayers were answered.  I started the school for the Blind in Michigan.  
>They did not have transportation to a Nazarene church.  They made me attend 
>a Baptist church.  But than when I was not forced to go to church I stopped 
>going.  I felt like it did not matter because God never answered my 
>prayers. Nor did he do any miracles in my life so I just gave up on God.
>I got into drinking causing trouble and being rebellious.
>Well one day I decided to get my ears pierced.  So my sister-in-law pierced 
>them.  This was in August of 1972.  I had trouble at first with ear rings 
>causing sores and such.  Well months went by and my ear got infected I kept 
>washing it soaking with alcohol and peroxides.  I went to the school health 
>center and they just said I had swollen glands.  It healed up some.  But it 
>turned into blood poisoning.  So here begins what God did for me to 
>I was at a point in my life where I was giving up on God.  In fact I was 
>starting to believe that there was no God.  But let me tell what God did 
>for me.  God did not give up on me when I was at my lowest point with him.
>I did not fill well.  I remember sitting on the smoker’s porch and I knew I 
>would not be on this earth by Monday.  I even mentioned it to a friend.  
>This was Friday night.  I did not know how I was going to die but I just 
>knew I was going to.  Saturday I felt not to well.  I knew it was probably 
>what ever that gland was doing.  I just hung around and went through the 
>day.  Well Sunday came about and I did not fill well I knew I had a fever 
>and was going to go to the Health Center after breakfast.  I ate breakfast 
>and went back down to my room, to let my twin sister and our other roommate 
>I was going to the health Center.  I asked Sharon (twin) to walk with me.   
>On the way I started hallucinating. I thought an airplane was landing on 
>the track and was trying to get down protecting myself.  Sharon was trying 
>to get me to get up and let me know nothing was going on.  The grounds 
>keeper came along and helped her walk me over to the health center.  The 
>nurse immediately took me in.
>I was put to bed and a doctor was called I don’t know or remember anything 
>about that day.  I did find out later that the doctor said I would not make 
>it through the night and they had to Hurst on hold to pick up the body.
>It was about 11:oop.m.  I was awake still kind of out of it but awake.  I 
>started hearing some choir music.  I thought that the operator had left the 
>intercom on.  The nurse yelled down the hall for who ever have the radio on 
>to turn it down.  Well I noticed the music was coming from the corner of 
>the room.  I than realized it was the Heavenly choir, As soon as I realized 
>this, the music engulfed me.  I was more beautiful than any music on earth. 
>  I knew I was dying and started praying “God I know you must be real and 
>if you are please forgive me of all my sins of swearing, drinking, hurting 
>other and any I cannot think of.  Please be with my family as they morn 
>help them to be strong I don’t want my Daddy to be so hurt that he dies and 
>Sharon too.  As soon as I prayed I was back in time.  It was one day when I 
>was 7 years old I was running through the house my mom told me to stop 
>running.  I did and looked up.  I could see the love and concern in her 
>eyes, something I could not se
>e alive.  Than I was standing in front of a girl I went to elementary 
>school with that I picked on and I could fill her hurt I had caused her.  I 
>than was in my big sisters car she was driving home.  I told her I had to 
>go and that I loved her and to take care of herself and stop doing foolish 
>things.  I was than in my Dad’s living room.  I could see my Dad was lying 
>on the couch crying and my big brother was knelling next to him telling him 
>not to cry and that it would be ok.  They probably don’t know what they are 
>talking about.  I told them not to worry I was ok and that they would be 
>ok.  Than I was in Germany in a little apartment my brother and sister 
>in-law was there.  Darryl was reading a book.  I said hay Darryl I got to 
>go now but you will be ok I will see you guys later.  Next I found myself 
>in my room at school Sharon and Brenda were crying I said, “What are you 
>guys crying about?”  I am ok you guys stop crying and have fun not sit 
>around crying.  Next I found myself fl
>oating above the health center.  I could see the building outline and the 
>light around it.  Than I was beyond all the universes and I knew what 
>everything was and why it was, every little molecule was for and why.  I 
>looked down and there was this opening where people were screaming and 
>yelling trying to get out.  I recognized a man and felt grief and asked why 
>he is there and Peter said he was a bad man.  I thought not him he used to 
>help our family out.  Than I was taken to another place, that was filled 
>with an over whelming peace and knowing.  I could not see, smile, hear, 
>touch or fill but I knew everything.  Than I turned around and saw everyone 
>that ever touched my life, in one way or another, was there.  They appeared 
>as if they did on earth. I am not sure if this was Heaven or a lower level 
>of Heaven.  But, people like Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, John Kennedy, Egger 
>Alan Pole, Helen Keller, Louis Armstrong, and others.  I can not judge 
>people but going by some of these peop
>les lives, and the ways they believed. I would be surprised if they were in 
>Heaven with Jesus.  Than Peter pointed and I looked and there was the line 
>of my relatives.  My mom was with a little boy in the center.  To her right 
>were my uncles and Aunts.  I knew all but two ladies one had on a pair of 
>silver rim glasses with grayish curly hair she had on a dark blue button up 
>dress and pearled necklace, and the other had brown curly hair with a 
>flower pattern dress.  I asked who the little boy is.  Peter said, that is 
>Aggie’s little boy.  He appeared to be about two years old.  Than beyond 
>the people I seen the beautiful city and in the center was a very bright 
>light which was God and rings of people around the center these rings went 
>on for what seem like as far as the eye could see.  It was like all the 
>people were around the throne.  The most high were in the center around 
>God.  They were all worshipping God.  I said it is so beautiful and so 
>peaceful, I want to stay here.  Jesus
>was in front of me and told me I could not stay that he needed me to go 
>back and do some work for him and I could not come until I finished what he 
>needed me to do. I said oh no it is so nice and peaceful and beautiful.  He 
>put his hand on my chest and I went backwards.  The next thing I remember 
>is I thought I was sitting in a chair wrapped up in a blanket.  Than it was 
>the next morning the nurse was waking me up.  I did not say anything for a 
>moment.  I was thinking of what happened to me and than I said.  I died 
>last night didn’t I?  My voice sound high and squeaky.  The nurse moved 
>like she was uncomfortable.  I told her it was ok I know I did because of 
>what happened.  She said, yes you did.  I checked on you at about 10:54.  
>Than I went down to the other hall to check on the kids down there went 
>back to the nurses station did some paper work and came back about 11:34.  
>At that time you were cold, your eyes were rolled back in your head and 
>your fluids had all come out.  I tur
>ned to call the mortuary to come and get you but than the next thing I knew 
>I had jumped on top of you and was doing CPR.  She said I was dead for at 
>least a half hour.
>It turned out my voice was high and squeaky because when you die your vocal 
>cord stretch out and relax.  And the reason I thought I was in a chair was 
>because she had taken me out of the bed to change the sheets and my pajamas 
>because of the fluids.
>When I was home that summer I told my Dad about what I experience and I 
>told him that I thought it was weird that there were two ladies there I did 
>not know.  The ladies I seen that had the glasses on.  I described them to 
>my Dad and when I did his hair stood up and he turned white as a ghost.  I 
>thought he was having a heart attack.  He said, Oh my god baby you must 
>have died, because the one with the silver rimmed glasses was my great aunt 
>that died when I was nine and the other with the brown glasses was my aunt 
>who died when I was fifteen.  They were my favorite aunts.  Well than I was 
>getting goose bumps because I have never seen any pictures of anyone in my 
>Dad’s family.  Not even to this day.
>When ever I have my doubts I do not doubt that there is a God.  It is more 
>of what he will do for me or give me.  I could never deny there is a God 
>because I have seen him face to face.  I believe that he had to have me die 
>so that I could know he is real because of my hard head and stubbornness.  
>It was the only way he could get it through my head.  This also shows that 
>he never gives up on us we give up on him.  And I do not know why he kept 
>hanging on to me and other die in there atheism.  Unless, those people 
>still are denying God when they see him.  I don’t know how they could when 
>you fill and know his presence and power.
>Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> > the Ten Commandments?
>I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there 
>isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is
>Karen Carter '74
>-KC- Ministries
>-------------- Original message --------------
>From: Carol Pearson <[log in to unmask]>
>I haven't seen that testimony either . . ..
>[log in to unmask]
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Karen Carter
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 1:47 AM
>Subject: Re: Heaven
>Hi David,  I too have visited Heaven when I had blood poisoning and was 
>dead for about an half hour.  I wrote about it in my testimony I sent 
>earlier this year If I still have a copy of it I will send it to you.  I 
>too remember the heavenly chior coming down and surrounding me and you are 
>right there is no sound on earth like it.
>Can you imagine what a scarcity of news there would be If everybody obeyed
> > the Ten Commandments?
>I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there 
>isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is
>Karen Carter '74
>-KC- Ministries
>-------------- Original message --------------
>From: David Weston <[log in to unmask]>
> > Hi there Friends,
> >
> > In 1989 while I was very unwell with my heart condition, and before I 
>had my
> > heart operation. I had two visits to heaven. Well it is nothing like I 
> > read in the book of revelation, it was more wonderful so much more than
> > words can tell. But the thing I look forward to is the singing, nothing 
> > one has ever heard down here on earth. The other thing that I look 
> > to see is the beautiful colours in all the plants. The only person that 
> > want to meet is my bridegroom--Jesus.
> > David Weston.
> >