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Prince;- David & Rachel. newday-prince international <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 17:28:52 +0100
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Thank you so much for sharing your courageous story. We are sure that it has touched the hearts of all who have read it.

Rachel and I also have our story to tell and if you would like to read more of God's story in our lives, then it can be found on

As the story unfolds, coping with blindness, bereavement, bullying, a double transplant and given only 3 days to live plus much more - we hope and trust that you will see God's grace, love and power working in our lives.

Rachel and I believe that if Jesus Christ is in your life, then you have a story worth while telling. So CJ, tell it with all your might!

We look forward to getting to know you and others in E-Church USA more as time goes by.

With big blessings,

David & Rachel Prince.

Now reaching into 40 countries

with a confident communication of 

Jesus Christ.

'Every day is a newday.'

-----Original Message-----

From: CJ Daniel - Email Address: [log in to unmask]

Sent On: 28/03/2006 18:39

Sent To: [log in to unmask] - Email Address: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Hello Everyone


My name is C J Daniel & I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to welcome me to the list.  It seems that taking a few minutes to post something about yourself, as a new subscriber, is traditional.  So without more fanfare, I will attempt to do that, without taking up to much of your time, but in hopes of covering the most salient points of my walk with Jesus Christ.  

I, like Phil, was blinded @ the age of nine-years by retinal detachments in the early 70's.  I will fast-forward through the next thirty-years, for which you can all be thankful, as there is not a lot that is holy or righteous to report on during this period.  Generally speaking, I would say it was full of the normal amount of stupidity & sin that is found in the day-to-day life of the average back-sliding believer.  But, there were more interesting "valleys of the Shadow" in my future.

In 2001 shortly after 9-11, my 4-year-old daughter, Sarah, was diagnosed with trilateral retinal blastoma.  For those of you who don't know, this is a form of the disease that spreads from the retinas to the pineal gland, which is located in the center of your brain.  This form of the disease, unfortunately, has a nearly universal mortality rate.  

I will not detail the year that followed Sarah's diagnosis.  I will simply say that in the midst of great anguish there can be great joy & laughter.  In that year, I saw a little hero struggle bravely with her fate.  She did, with dignity & courage, what I doubt I could accomplish with even half of the grace she displayed.

The night before she died in our home, I prayed that the Lord would take her.  She had already seen so very much, & we had been informed that her ending could be extremely uncomfortable.  I didn't want to see her under-go anymore suffering.

It was as if I felt a warm and golden light suddenly surround me as I prayed.  And, a voice inside me seemed to say, "I've only waited for you to be able to let go."  @ that place & time, & in that circumstance, I knew the peace that surpasses all understanding.  The next day @ noon with her family around her bed, Sarah passed quietly to our Lord in heaven two-weeks in advance of all medical predictions.  I learned, later that same day, that every adult present had been praying @ the same time as myself, all be it separately, for Sarah's release from her travail.

Within months of that passing, our family was dealt another body blow.  Sarah's mom, who had shared a milder form of the ailment, was diagnosed with a recurrence of the disease, after more than 30-years of remission.  The disease led to major surgeries, chemotherapy, & many hospitalizations.  But most insidious of all, it led to a general erosion of her personality, values, & faith.  I learned later that this is not uncommon with cancer that effects the brain or, surprisingly, the liver.  In the end she left myself & our two surviving children.

I will not speculate overly much about her leaving.  In fact, I believe that simply stated she had endured to much.  Her own illness coupled with the loss of a much beloved daughter had taken its toll.  Also, my belief is that it does, as the old saw says, take two to make a marriage.  I confess, fully, that  I bare a measure of the blame for her confusion & disillusionment.  

However, I bare witness that throughout the time since Sarah's passing & that prayer for her final deliverance, the Lord has comforted me.  He has made his face to shine upon me.  I have clung to him as a small child clings to his father.  And in these last few years, he has blessed me.  He has, indeed, led me beside still waters.  He has made me to lie in green pastures.  Like Jobe, he has restored me.  

A little more than a year ago, I met & married a woman who's first words to me were, "can we pray."  We recently had a baby girl named, Juliana Katherine Daniel.  Our blended family is a blessing to me each & everyday.  The Lord continues to teach me through my little flock.

But more importantly, he continues to walk & talk with me.  He led me to leave my job as Director of Client Services @ a small guide dog school in southern California & move to Tucson, AZ.  Both I & my children have benefited immensely, in ways I could have not predicted, by this God inspired move.  He has recently opened doors that allow me to share the songs of worship that he has inspired me to write.  In addition, I am soon to be a community group leader for my new church.

I know that I have gone on overly long in writing this.  But, I am so excited about what he has done for me that I just want to share my testimony with the world.  Also, quite honestly, it is my way of sharing some of the things that I learned from Sarah's passing.  I hope you all will forgive me for my verbosity.  I trust, I will not be so lengthy in the future.  I look forward to sharing with each of you the love of our Lord.

In Him,

C J Daniel