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Colin McDonald <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 31 Jul 2006 17:44:16 -0600
text/plain (60 lines)
i have used both extensively.
The ts2000 is nearly the exact same size as the ts570.
i think the only difference between the two is that the 2000 has a different
shape to the face...its rounded on the corners and not square like the 570.
When i say nearly the same size, it may well be a few milimeters smaller or
bigger, but if you put the two radios on top of each other, they are exactly
the same.
The 2000 doesn't speak PL tones, however, as with all the kenwood dual
banders, you can enter them via the mike keypad or by counting clicks on the
multi-control knob.
The TNC is built in, as is the antenna tuner.
The ts2000 comes stock with the same microphone as the 570...that little
narrow handheld mike don't remember the model number.
You may wish to get a DTMF mike when you get the radio since there is no
DTMF capability from the front of the radio.
Mine didn't come with control software, and i don't think its free from
However, the memory and menu setup software is free and very accessible with
This will allow you to set up all your memories with PL, offset, tone, DCS,
and what ever else the memories can hold.
The radio comes with all necesary accessoreis such as accessory plug jacks
and amplifier jack plugs and extra fuses and mounting screws.
The 2000 also employs beeps at the extremes of the scrolling settings...that
means for instance when you set power, it will beep when it reaches the
highest, and beep whenit reaches the lowest...this holds true for all
adjustable settings on the radio.  It also  only goes to either extreme and
will not roll over back to the highest setting or lowest setting when
turning the knob, just like the 570.
I hope that answers all your questions?
If you have anymore, dont' hesitate to ask!.
Colin, V A6BKX
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard Fiorello" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2006 5:24 PM
Subject: ts2000

> Hi everyone;
> Its fun to get curious as long as I don't get my credit card out.  I may
> look on line for specifics but if anyone has owned the 570 and the ts2000
> am curious as to generally how much bigger the ts2000 is?
> Secondly, does the ts2000 speak pl tones as the 707 does?
> Finally, what comes with the radio and what accessories does one need?
> forget 1.2 gig
> Obviously one needs the vs3 and apparently there are no filters to buy.
> the tnc an accessory or is it part of the standard radio?  is the software
> free download?  i thought that kenwoods software was free but when looking
> at the higher priced ts2000le they make a fuss about the fact that they
> include the software.
> Can't imagine using 2 meter ssb but I suppose you never know.
> Rich