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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Jun 2006 12:44:51 +0100
text/plain (50 lines)
what you want to think or assume, is not my problem, and unless you are god
or someone like that, may not always be right.
yes, I was pleased when I got the licence, but unlike some, I don't feel I
have to shout about it and show-off all the time.


> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Colin McDonald" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 6:36 AM
> Subject: Re: looking for a 934 aerial please.
> > simon:
> > One of the first things ham's who don't know each other do, is ask the
> other
> > his/her call sign...its what you might say is a way to establish common
> > ground.
> > If I were to find out a person is a ham, and then upon asking what their
> > call sign was, they said "oh, im not telling you, for personal reasons
> > because i don't feel like it" i would instantly make the assumption,
> > would be right, that the person is either unlicensed and is too
> embarrassed
> > to admit it, is not quite mentally all there, or is a wanna b ham, or
> CB'er
> > who thinks that if he says he has a license, he will be more respectible
> or
> > have more credit to his name then if he says he's just a cb'er.
> > Again, you have put another nail in your own coffin by using that
> "personal
> > information" excuse...a hams call sign is about as far from personal
> > information as you can get.
> > Its not like your birthday, or your address, or your mothers maden name
> > something, its a amateur call sign, and if you had one, you would be dam
> > proud of telling everyone what it was so that if they ever ran into that
> > call sign on the air, they would recognize you and know they had run
> > you somewhere else.
> > And if you are keeping a call sign from us, if you have one, for those
> exact
> > reasons, then you shouldn't be an amateur operator in the first place.
> > 73
> > Colin, V A6BKX