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April Reisinger <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 23 Jun 2006 03:28:09 -0400
text/plain (43 lines)
Well, I'm up as well.  I spent several minutes trying to find my birth 
certificate, and I still can't find it.  I need that to get my valid state 
ID card so we can obtain a marriage license.  For some reason, somebody 
seems to want us to wait.  Mercy!

We are caring for David's Ex-wife this week as she is disabled enough not to 
be left alone for very long.  She is a joy to be around in that she loves 
the Lord.  It is difficult to care for her knowing that she belongs here 
instead of me.  I pray about this daily.  I love David dearly, and I know he 
will be good to me no matter what happens because he is the most loyal 
friend I have ever known.  I treasure him like no other, yet I really wonder 
if I will be doing the right thing to marry him.  I'm glad we all get along. 
She can't remember much and needs to be reminded about past life events or 
will ask a question regarding something and David will painstakingly explain 
it.  I see that caring for her is emotionally wearing on him and I try to 
step in where I can.  It really honestly humbles, not humiliates, me to 
serve them both.  I don't think she liked me much when we were in school, 
because I was a rebel.  What?  Not surprised?  Hmmm!  Well, God changed my 
life and now I consider it a joy to serve others.

I am home from work this week with a nasty foot ulcer.  Monday the foot 
doctor said it wasn't really infected--just a nasty blister.  On Wednesday 
at work, I felt like I was getting the flu.  Sure enough, after I went to 
the E. R., the doc there gave me an antibiotic and ordered me off my feet. 
Today I went back for a follow-up and they say it is healing, but they gave 
me a work excuse that will allow me to be off till Wednesday.  Rejoice!

Anyway, I then spent several minutes online looking for where to obtain my 
birth certificate and got so mixed up that I quit!  LOL!

Well, now that I have written a book without reading much of the previous 
e-mail, I'll go and read what others are saying and praying about.

In The Sonlight of God's Love,

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"God is still on the throne!"
April and Miss Flurrie