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Lyn Cooper <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 4 Feb 2006 19:27:27 -0500
text/plain (1657 bytes) , AuthorHouse - LC.txt (5 kB)
Maybe I didn't attach it.  I didn't see it either, but I can resend it I 
think anyway.  It's probably too big to put in the list.  Let me see.

For unto us a child is born.  Unto us a son is given.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "MV" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Production is on the way

> Lynn,
> I didn't see anything from your publisher here???
> Brad
> At 01:57 PM 2/2/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>>Content-Type: text/plain;
>>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>>Well, here goes folks.  This is what I got from my publisher.  I hope =
>>that you will all pray with me and for me as I am hopefully getting =
>>things moving in the right direction.  Praise God for each step taken.  =
>>Wow!  My little novel going into production.
>>For unto us a child is born.  Unto us a son is given.
>>Content-Type: text/html;
>>         charset="iso-8859-1"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
>>Well, here goes folks.  This is = what I got=20 from my publisher.  I hope
>>that you will all pray with me and for = me as I=20 am hopefully getting
>>things moving in the right direction.  Praise = God for=20 each step
>>taken.  Wow!  My little novel going into=20 production.
>>For unto us a child is born.  Unto = us a son is=20 given.
> Brad
>   God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts

From: "Dave Pruet" <[log in to unmask]> To: <[log in to unmask]> Subject: AuthorHouse - LC Date: Thursday, February 02, 2006 1:20 PM Hi Lyn, I just wanted to contact you and let you know that I have received your submitted Author Services Agreement and everything looks good. I have logged you into our Production Schedule with the following service selections coming to a total of $648.00: Standard Paperback Publishing = $498.00 Copyright Registration = $150.00 Electronic Distribution = FREE Below are the next steps to take place: 1) Within a few days now, you will receive a Submission Information Form (SIF) by email. (or by mail if you do not use email) If you need help filling out the Submission Information Form, you may contact our Author Assistant's at 1-888-728-8467, or by email at [log in to unmask] 2) Once you have completed the SIF, send it, along with your manuscript, either by email (to [log in to unmask]) or by mail (Attention: Initial Check In), and you will be contacted within 5-7 business days by our Initial Check In Coordinator to schedule a phone appointment to speak with your Design Team. PLEASE - Be sure that if you have images in your book, that you place them on a separate disk - so you will be sending in 2 disks - 1 with the text and placeholders of where the images go, and the other with the images appropriately named to match the placeholders. 3) During your appointment, your Design Team will discuss the SIF with you and get any additional information or details they need from you. 4)Once your design team has all of the information they need, production of your book will begin. We will format, paginate, and design the layout of your book using the information you provided on the SIF and during the appointment with the Design Team. We will NOT edit your book in any way (unless you have purchased our editing services). We will create a cover for your book, per your instructions, or utilize your submission. 5) Approximately four weeks later, a galley proof (a preview of your book), and a cover will be sent to you for approval. At this time, you can still make changes to your manuscript and cover, however, there will be an additional fee to you if you make changes. At this time, you will also receive the Author Royalty Agreement and decide the price of your book and the amount of royalty you'll be paid. 6) Once you approve your galley and cover, and return the Author Royalty Agreement ,your book will be sent to our printer. 7) Within 5-10 business days of our printer receiving your book files, your book will be printed, and the first copy will be mailed to you via UPS Ground Service. At this time, your book will become "live" and available to order on our website at Within 30-45 days, websites such as Barnes and,,, as well as over 25,000 retailers who use Ingram Book Company, Baker and Taylor, and Bowkers Books in Print will begin to list your book for sale as well! From this point forward, TODAY, if you have any questions regarding "production issues" you need to contact our Author Assistance line at extn. #5040 - they will be able to direct your call to the pertinent extension in conjunction with the stage that your book is in at that time. If you have any questions regarding Promotional Services, Volume Book Orders, or publishing another book, then I will still be your contact person at extn. #5418. In a nutshell, your contacts from here on out will be: Production = Author Assistance (extn: 5040) or you can              email them at [log in to unmask] Sales/Promotions = Dave Pruet (extn: 5418) I would like to thank you for your business and most of all, welcome you as a new member of the AuthorHouse family. Congratulations, you are on your way to realizing your dream and becoming a Published Author! (On a personal note: I would be honored to have an autographed copy of your book for my 'Author's Trophy Shelf' here at work - if you would like for me to show it off to visiting authors, I would be happy to as I use these often - thank you) ----------------------------------------------------------     If you don't publish your book, no one will hear your story! "Writers write, yes, but AUTHORS publish" - which one are you?      ...and remember: I understand - I too am an author! Take care and have a great day! David B. Pruet (Dave) Author Services Representative authorHOUSE 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 Toll Free 1-888-519-5121 / ext. 5418 Fax: 1-812-961-1023       [log in to unmask] Author of: "Standing In The Rain" (and other titles as well) Personal Publisher of these well-known Titles/Authors: "Letters To The Next President" (Richard Lugar - Author/U.S. Senator) "Metrano's Accidental Comedy" (Art Metrano - Author/Actor) "The Purple Hat Gang" (Judith Kristen - Author/Screenwriter) "Where Adventure Meets Discovery" (Mark Thomas - Author/Outdoorsman) "Van Halen 101" (Abel Sanchez - Author/Musician) "No Salt No Sugar" (E.L. Hughes - Author/Specialty Cook) * plus countless others that have published their books with me as well * PLEASE INCLUDE A COPY OF THIS EMAIL WHEN RESPONDING *