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Fri, 17 Feb 2006 17:16:19 -0800
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I just ran across this and thought I'd share it. 
This sounds like it was just a research project,
but it's kinda scary. The labelling laws don't
apply to alchohol products, for some reason, and
I've always assumed red wine is ok. 

This sounds like they *think* the process *can*
be ok (they can't find any traces of gluten in
the wine) but a lot of folks seem to react to
very tiny amounts of the stuff.


Gluten or hydrolyzed gluten could be a suitable alternative to animal proteins in the wine clarification process, but their residues could represent a risk for individuals suffering from coeliac disease or allergic to cereal proteins. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of gluten in wines treated with gluten or its hydrolysate in the clarification process and to assess its antigenicity in commercial products. The presence of residual immunoreactive gluten was evaluated by electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting. Data obtained in several red and white wine samples showed that no residue was detectable in any of the red wines. In white wines, gluten reduced the protein content less completely, but most samples showed no immunoreactivity after the wine had been treated with gluten or its derivatives, either alone or combined with bentonite, silica gel or tannins. The use of gluten derivatives coupled with bentonite was the most effective method of removi
ng immunoreactive protein in white wines. In conclusion, the use of gluten derivatives in wine clarification seems to exclude a risk for subjects susceptible to coeliac disease or gluten allergy. However, it is recommended that wine producers continuously monitor the clarification process in order to protect the most sensitive individuals.

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