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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Stacey Groppe <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Jun 2006 17:29:01 -0700
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Stacey Groppe <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I had many responses to my question and I really appreciate all the respones that I received.  Below is the summary, I hope this information is useful to everyone!
  Many responses I received said they would have an outbreak of mouth ulcers if they would have a gluten accident, even from cross contamination.
  One person stated that if they put toothpaste on the ulcer is made them go away quicker.
  Take a little baking soda dissolved in water once a day it helps reduce the acidity in your body and they go away.  Be sure that they have ruled out any other auto immune diseases, since many of them can cause mouth ulcers or soreness in your mouth. 
  Some suggested that I may have additional food sensitivities and that I should keep a food journal and examine what I have eaten in the last 24 to 48 hours when you get the ulcers.
  You might also want to consider vitamin or mineral deficiencies.  The third edition of Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Balch and Balch lists "deficiencies in iron, lysine, vitamin B12 and folic acid" (p. 266) as sometimes being associated with canker sores.  (They also distinguish between canker sores [aphthous ulcers] and cold sores, specifying that the latter is caused by the herpes virus.)

I have a friend who used to be constantly plagued by mouth ulcers.  He starting drinking aloe vera juice every day & the ulcers went away.  He buys the cheap stuff by the gallon from Walmart.  I would assume it's GF like any other 100% pure juice of vegetable food.

You need to buy 2 things... Gly-oxide and Kanka. (available atwalgreens) Rinse w/ the gly-oxide and then apply the Kanka. The kanka will BURNNNNNNNN, but you should only have to use it once. I promise you it will get rid of those pesky little suckers! 

My dermatologist told me to use Arm and Hammer toothpaste, and it has helped.  I don't get them too much, but I think it has something to do with gluten, even if it is just cross=contamination

Vitamin C.  If I take lots of C, I do not get them.  When I do not take Vitamin C, I have them all the time.  I take 3 grams of C twice daily (that's 6 500 mg caplets, twice daily).  That's a LOT of C, and you might not need that much, but I've found it's what my system needs
  I used to get them occasionally (but still too frequently) until I switched to a non-sodium lauryl sulfate toothpaste.  This is the ingredient that makes toothpaste foamy.  I use Biotene toothpaste, which is made for dry mouth, but it contains no sodium lauryl sulfate and I haven't had a canker sore in eons! 
  Someone in the group wrote me to take B12 for ulcers.
  My daughter, however, gets painful ones as part of an autoimmune thyroid flare.  Have you had your thyroid checked?  Even if you are borderline normal, you may need some thyroid help. Many doctors now think even people with "normal" thyroid tests are really hypothyroid.  You might want to research this if tests show your thyroid is "normal"
  Acid and citrus fruits can cause ulcers.
  Take L-Lysine 1000mg 30 min before eating 3 times a day during outbreaks. Then take one a day as a preventive and more when you are under stress. Usually it is oral herpes. This will clear it up much faster, and since it is just an amino acid, is usually quite safe.
  have interstitial cystitis (IC) along with celiac.  The IC can cause mouth ulcers as well.  Just a thought.  :).
  One more thing.  I have used tea tree oil on my grandson's mouth ulcers with great success.  He hates the taste, and it is nasty.  But it will numb and heal them rather quickly.  I put a liberal amount on a q-tip and apply directly to the ulcer.  I really think this works better than the OralBase, but my grandson is a very stubborn fellow and won't always let me use the tea tree oil.  It can be purchased at the health food store and sometimes at other pharmacy vitamin counters or Walmart.
  The dentist said they are an autoimmune disease in itself.  So they are not really connected to eating gluten, but the gluten damage probably brought on the autoimmunity.  The dentist gave us a product called OralBase.  You can get a prescription for the type he has which numbs and makes a patch over the ulcer.  The one from the drug store is much less effective, but still helps some.  I wish you the best.
  You may be lacking in amount of seeds that you eat. Try eating pumpkinseeds and sunflower seeds. This was very helpful for myself and my sister. We both have Celiac and nolonger have a problem with mouth sores. Also stay away from suger and acid foods, tomatoes, OJ, green apples,
   I occasionally get canker sores. The dentist I work for a laser that he uses on the canker sores (as well as other dental procedures). It stops the out break if he treats it just as I start to feel one coming on or it shortens the length of time of the outbreak if I wait to long to have 
  Can't be sure - but I know I get them from tomatoes, other acid foods, 
too much ketchup, tomato sauce/paste, too much chocolate, and 
certain spices. So it could be a food allergy/sensitivity problem, 
other than a gluten problem. I have lots of those. 



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