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Butch Bussen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 18 Jul 2005 11:11:28 -0700
TEXT/PLAIN (34 lines)
I don't agree with the thought that getting rid of c w caused the increase
in all the rudeness and so forth we see on the air these days, nor do I
consider ham radio a glorified cb band.  I was a novice back in 1961,
never got on the air.  got my general in 1968 and have been an active ham
since and now have my extra, yep, had to wait until they dropped the cw
requirement down to 5 wpm.  I never liked cw, I could never make it to 20
wpm.  Sure, ham radio has changed, some for the good and some not so good,
as with all things in our society.  I use to operate 80 meters back when I
first got on and some of the most unfriendly rude and obnoxious people I
ran across were licensed extras who had passed their code test at 20 wpm.
I think it is ludicrous to claim the absence of a cw requirement has lead
ham radio to where it is today.  Many things have ben a factor.  As far as
rudeness and such go, I see a lack of that almost every where I go in
society these days, not just ham radio.  Try driving in a large city such
as Vegas and you'll see what I mean.

I don't want to turn this into a code versus no code debate, I think code
is great for those who love it, but why should those of you who love it
require those of us who don't to use it.  I love and enjoy theory, and
many of my friends will tell  you I'm a very good tech.  The theory part
of the exams were a piece of cake for me.  Now I could say, the theory is
too easy.  We should make it much harder.  Same logic applies I think.

Yes, the hobby has changed, I've seen packet come and go.  I ran a packet
bbs for 15 years, two nodes and maintained and owned two repeaters.  Here
in VEgas, I own my own repeater with i r l p on it, and serve on two
technical committees in ham clubs.  Why, because I like computers and

Enough of my rambling.
Butch Bussen