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Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Frausto, Richard" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Apr 2007 16:34:43 -0400
Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (70 lines)
Okay,the hd is a standard disk drive(WDC WD8088-00Caa-1 capacity 74.5GB.I
should also add that about two weeks ago I started to recieve a ton of
pop-ups even the tool bar on my comcast internet changed,it had some
security,anti-spam disk doctor,etc.I finally installed Mcafee antivirus
program. But it does not help,I still get annoying pop ups.Could this be
what is causing low disc space?We use the computer mainly for web browsing,
MY SPACE, CD/DVD burning and file transfer for ipods,digicameras.Is my
computer Zombitized?I will do what you advise,hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
From: Personal Computer Hardware discussion List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of David Gillett
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 8:04 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [PCBUILD] Low Disc Space

On 4 Apr 2007 at 18:00, Frausto, Richard wrote:

> Hello,I have machine with winxp,penIII,697MHz,512MB and lately I have
> been getting a popup stating low disc space.I have tried to use disc
> cleanup and disc defragg but it seems to be unsuccessful.In disc
> defragg there are alot of defraggmented files that will not go away.I
> have even tried to remove programs that we rarely use but again,there
> is'nt enough free space to remove them. 

  You've told us several things about your machine, but nothing about how 
big the hard drive is!  (There are several ways to find this out, including 
right-clicking on the drive in Windows Explorer and selecting "Properties".)

  Defragmenting a drive doesn't get rid of any files (or, at least, it's not

supposed to!).  It just shuffles the pieces around on the disk to try and 
put all of each file together for faster access.  As you've found, this 
shuffling process needs some "elbow room" to function.

  The first thing to do is get rid of unnecessary temporary files.  In 
Internet Explorer, go to Tools|Internet Options|General|Browsing History and

tell it to delete old temporary files.  (You can also set a maximum for how 
much space these are allowed to take up in future.)
  Next, locate your "Temp" folder and see what's in it.  I've seen machines 
where this accounted for more than half of the drive!  This folder may be at

the root, or inside the WINDOWS folder -- it's possible to have one both 
places, but if so only one will have much in it.
  It's possible that a few files in the Temp folder are needed by things 
that are currently running.  So sort the display by date, and delete 
everything more than a month old.

  Hopefully this gets you to where cleanup and uninstalls can do their jobs.

David Gillett

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