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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:56:02 -0500
text/plain (33 lines)
On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 11:28:26 -0500, William <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I have used *therapeutic* magnets. Still do, for those bug bites that
>won't stop itching on their own, also for burns. They do what they are
>supposed to do.
>Never tried magnetic therapy for depression; paleofood seems to take care
>of that.

If it works for you, great, and more power to you William! I only said 
that Mercola's advocacy of magnetic therapies was "questionable" (ie. 
controversial), not that some people don't find them helpful. I was open 
minded enough to try magnets myself in a couple different ways and they 
did nothing for me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to argue with anyone 
who believes magnets help them. 

Also, as I stated before, I have found some of Mercola's articles to be 
quite informative and helpful and I think he gets more things right on 
nutrition than many doctors, despite finding some of his recommendations 
to be questionable/controversial. I am not saying that his criticisms of 
canola should be dismissed out of hand because he promotes something else 
that most people in the scientific and medical communities consider highly 
questionable. I am just indicating that one should check out the other 
arguments on canola, like those of Loren Cordain, Ken Stuart and Todd 
Moody, because neither Mercola or anyone else is the final authority on 
anything. In other words, use your own mind rather than rely on any 
single "authority."